Argus delivers trusted price data and market intelligence to help you understand the drivers behind primary and secondary metal markets. Our service differentiates with in-depth market commentary, analysis and news on ferrous and non-ferrous metals at the heart of commercial trade and industrial manufacturing.
The global metals supply chain uses Argus metals commodity data as a reference in physical supply and derivative contracts, for mark-to-market purposes, as a value indicator for tax assessments, for risk management, and in strategic analysis and planning.
Argus delivers four core products within its metals portfolio: Argus Ferrous Markets, Argus Non-Ferrous Markets, Argus Scrap Markets and Argus Battery Materials. Each offering includes access to Argus Metals – your definitive metals platform.
Metals market coverage
Argus is a leading independent provider of market intelligence to the global energy and commodity markets. Our price assessments and market intelligence are available for all major metals markets across the globe. Explore the coverage most relevant to your business:
Latest metals news
Browse the latest market moving news on the global metals industry.
Spotlight content
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Explore our metals products
Limit your price risk exposure with daily metals market intelligence, empower your business with data-rich industry tools and inform your long-term strategy with outlooks backed by over 50 years of commodity reporting.
Key price assessments
Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.