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Brazil probes possible sabotage to electric grid

  • : Electricity
  • 23/01/10

Power transmission infrastructure in Brazil's Parana and Rondonia states may have been vandalized on 8 and 9 January, according to Brazilian authorities.

Three power line towers were knocked down, three others were damaged and holding cables were cut, according to a joint statement from the grid operator ONS, electricity regulator Aneel and mines and energy ministry MME. No power outages took place but authorities reported "signs of vandalism".

There were no climate events that could have caused the damage, according to the three agencies. The agencies are investigating whether the damages could have been caused by sabotage or vandalism.
The incidents follow the storming of key government buildings by former president Jair Bolsonaro supporters in Brasilia on 8 January.

In response to the damaged towers and lines, ONS, MME and Aneel established a committee to oversee Brazil's power system, with the goal of "maintaining the interconnected power system's security." The agencies will adopt actions that are traditionally implemented during special events, such as election days or big sporting events, they said.

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