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France's Macron confirms coal phase-out and EV boost

  • : Electricity
  • 23/09/25

French president Emmanuel Macron has presented the conclusions of the environmental planning council, confirming a coal phase-out and a boost to electric vehicle (EV) production.

Presenting the country's environment plan, which was approved this evening after 14 months of consultation, the French president reiterated the priority of completely phasing out coal-fired plants by 1 January 2027, echoing his words on Sunday, when he pledged to convert the remaining coal-fired plants to biomass by the same deadline. He also reaffirmed the key role of nuclear energy in the energy transition.

In addition, the next multi-year energy plan will be put on a consultation from next month, Macron said. And a public debate on offshore wind projects will be launched in the coming months, with a goal of issuing offshore wind tenders by the end of 2024.

On the transportation side, France will manufacture at least 1mn EVs by 2027, Macron said, and aims to become an exporter of batteries by that deadline. And the "leasing scheme", allowing lower-income consumers to purchase EVs, will be unveiled in November.

Macron also confirmed that gas boilers will not be forbidden, but an incentive policy to switch heating systems will be adopted. Heat pump production will have to be tripled by 2027, with 1mn produced by then.

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