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Indonesian Pusri-IIIB urea plant receives funding

  • : Fertilizers
  • 23/10/23

Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, a subsidiary of state-owned Pupuk Indonesia (Persero), has signed the funding credit and engineering procurement construction (EPC) agreement to build the Pusri-IIIB ammonia and urea plant in Palembang.

The Pusri-IIIB plant is likely to have a production capacity of 1,350 t/day or 445,000 t/yr for ammonia, and 2,750 t/d or 907,500 t/yr for urea.

The agreement was signed with Wuhuan Engineering and Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbh for the implementation of construction works, while funding will be carried out through a syndication mechanism consisting of eight state-owned and private-sector companies.

The president director of Pupuk Indonesia, Rahmad Pribadi, said that the revitalisation of Pusri-IIIB will utilise latest production technology to increase the reliability of fertilizer production. Old Pusri-III and IV factories will be replaced with the Pusri-IIIB factory's new technology to boost operational excellence. The Pusri-IIIB plant is more efficient, with an energy ratio for producing urea at 21.97 mnBtu/t, and 32.89 mnBtu/t for ammonia.

Pusri-IIIB will be built at the Pusri complex with low-energy technology intended to reduce natural gas consumption, Pusri's main director, Tri Wahyudi Saleh, said.

The company has not yet provided a date for the start of commercial operations at the Pusri-IIIB plant.

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