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Thailand’s base oil exports hit seven-year low in March

  • : Oil products
  • 24/05/13

Thailand recorded its lowest base oil exports since March 2017 in March, reversing a brief recovery in February, according to GTT data.

  • Exports fell to a new low because inventories remained tight owing to production issues at both Thai refineries from December 2023 to February 2024.
  • Thai producers prioritised the domestic market and term obligations, leaving little surplus for the spot market.
  • Thai suppliers typically export Group I heavy grades, which are valued for their higher solvency and viscosity properties for products such as marine lubricants and metalworking fluids.
  • The monthly average Argus-assessed Asia fob export price for Group I SN 500 rose to $905/t, the highest since January; while bright stock increased to $1,104/t, its highest level since August 2022.
  • Bright stock gained more upward support because it is typically the hardest to replace with other base oil grades.

Thailand's base oil exportskl
CountriesMar'24Feb'24Feb'23m-o-m ± %y-o-y ± %
Total includes all countries, not just those listed

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