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Repairs at W Australia's Wheatstone LNG may take weeks

  • : Natural gas
  • 24/06/13

The platform servicing Western Australia's 8.9mn t/yr Wheatstone LNG may take weeks to return on line, operator Chevron said, as it conducts repairs on the offshore platform's fuel gas system.

Operations at the platform were interrupted from 10 June, disrupting supply to Wheatstone's LNG production and domestic gas facilities located near the Pilbara region town of Onslow.

The firm has started repairs on the Wheatstone platform, which is expected to be completed in coming weeks, a Chevron spokesperson said. LNG and domestic gas production will resume, following the safe completion of the repair works.

The WA Gas Bulletin Board's medium-term capacity outlook operated by the Australian Energy Market Operator shows Wheatstone's domestic plant off line until 26 June, meaning supply could return on 27 June.

The initial four-day disruption was expected to reduce production by 3-4 cargoes. But it is unclear how many more cargoes will be lost should supply return on 27 June as planned.

The exact date of restart at the facility could be anytime from 19-23 June, an offtaker with knowledge of the situation said.

Spot prices have risen again owing to the disruption. The ANEA price — the Argus assessment for spot LNG deliveries to northeast Asia for first-half July — was last assessed at $12.40/mn Btu on 13 June, up by 11¢/mn Btu from a day earlier and higher by about 69¢/mn Btu from two weeks ago.

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