Iowa slow-release nitrogen facility online

  • : Fertilizers
  • 24/06/18

Iowa-based agriculture company Landus brought online this month its first fertilizer production facility that will produce slow-release nitrogen products, an effort meant to decrease its carbon footprint.

The nearly $15mn production facility in Boone, Iowa, will manufacture a foliar, slow-release nitrogen product that should lower in-ground nitrogen application rates and increase farm efficiency. A freestanding seed and chemical storage building will also be on the property, allowing Landus to distribute seed, crop nutrients and field services across the Midwest.

The Boone facility will also offer heated bulk storage, which would be an advantage during the fertilizer off-season, according to Landus.

The facility was backed by a $5mn grant from the US Department of Agriculture Fertilizer Production Expansion program.

Landus expects to bring online its first green ammonia production system in North America later this year, in partnership with green ammonia technology company Talus Renewables.

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