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German diesel prices drop with demand low

  • : Oil products
  • 24/07/22

German middle distillate prices fell in the week to 19 July, as declining Ice gasoil futures coupled with low domestic demand. The extent of the price drop varied significantly across regions.

Traders in areas with the lowest prices made only minor downward adjustments, while prices fell most sharply in those regions that were relatively expensive. This is because of varying supply and demand situations.

At the Miro consortium's 310,000 b/d Karlsruhe refinery, oversupply of diesel has been decreasing steadily in recent weeks. The build up has led to a significant price drop at the end of June, but suppliers no longer seem compelled to significantly lower their prices to attract buyers.

In southern Germany at Shell's 334,000 b/d Rhineland refinery, spot supply of diesel is being rationed. Scheduled maintenance work at the Bayernoil consortium's 215,000 b/d Neustadt-Vohburg refinery and a resulting shortage of spot offers are cushioning the price drop. Around the Rhineland refinery the price decrease was relatively small, as a previously defective plant for diesel production in the 147,000 b/d Wesseling part of the plant was only ramped up at the beginning of the past week. Spot offers will be limited until stocks are refilled, traders said.

The largest price drop was in northern Germany, again primarily a result of diesel oversupply. Imports of diesel into northern Germany in July are at their lowest since February, as domestic supply is sufficient to meet regional demand. An importer said demand is so low that contract volumes imported by cargo are barely being sold. Another importer has reduced its barge term volumes in view of weak diesel demand. Importers are worried that the situation will not change fundamentally until at least autumn, when maintenance work begins at TotalEnergies' 236,000 b/d Leuna refinery and at the 187,000 b/d Godorf section of the Rhineland complex.

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