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Kenya's NCPB receives offers in fertilizer tender

  • : Fertilizers
  • 24/09/19

Kenya's NCPB has received offers against its 19 September buy tender for 245,000t of various fertilizers for the 2024-25 season under the country's fertilizer subsidy programme.

There were 19 offers of 25-5-5, all within a range of 3,750-5,500 Kenyan shillings/50kg bag, equivalent to $581-852/t. There were also 19 offers of 17-17-17, ranging from KSh3,800-5,800/50kg bag.

The NCPB received 23 offers of urea at KSh3,400-6,000/50kg bag, 12 offers of amsul ranging from KSh2,800-5,400/50kg bag, and 18 offers of CAN in a range of KSh2,875-4,250/50kg bag.

The offers were on the basis of deliveries to NCPB depots.

The tender requested the following products:

  • 25,000t urea (500,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 40,000t CAN 26 (800,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 5,000t amsul (100,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 15,000t 17-17-17 (300,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 15,000t 25-5-5 (300,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 35,000t 23-23-0 (700,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 10,000t crop-specific NPK fertilizer for top dressing with a minimum nitrogen nutrient content of 26pc plus other micronutrients (200,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 70,000t crop-specific NPK fertilizer for planting with a minimum nitrogen nutrient content of 17pc and above, a minimum phosphorus content of 29pc and above, plus other micronutrients (1,400,000 x 50kg bags)
  • 30,000t crop-specific NPK fertilizer for planting with a minimum nitrogen nutrient content of 9-16.99pc, a minimum phosphorus content of 22-28.99pc and above, plus other micronutrients (600,000 x 50kg bags)

The NCPB said agreed contracts are renewable each season for a period of two years under the subsidy programme.

The tender document also states that a supplier will not be awarded for the supply of more than two fertilizer types.

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