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EPA grants $125mn for US zero-emission projects

  • : Oil products
  • 24/10/18

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded funding to 14 projects that will cut diesel emissions at ports across the country.

The funding is part of a $125mn grant allocated to various projects in the US that aim to "incentivize and accelerate the upgrade or retirement of older diesel engines to cleaner and zero-emission solutions leading to significant emission reductions and air quality and public health benefits."

The money is awarded under the EPA's Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) National Grants Program. About 70 projects in total were awarded under this initiative this year.

Most of the money for ports was allocated to switching to zero-emission equipment at the facilities, including $4.5 mn to buy 22 zero-emission drayage trucks in California to replace the trucks that use diesel.

A total of $2.5mn has been awarded to Broward County, Florida, in part, to install shoreside power at Port Everglades for ships to plug into a power source while they are docked at the facility.

A Louisiana-based nonprofit, Louisiana Clean Fuels, will receive $1.8mn to retrofit zero-emission engines in eight tow boats.

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