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Bangladesh’s BCIC issues phosrock buy-tender

  • : Fertilizers
  • 24/11/14

Bangladeshi fertilizer producer and importer BCIC has issued a tender to buy 30,000t of phosphate rock of at least 70 BPL (32pc P2O5), closing on 31 December.

BCIC wants the cargo to be shipped to Chattogram within 30 days from issuing the letter of credit.

Bangladeshi demand has added support to phosphates in the east and helped to tighten availability.

BCIC will also close tenders to buy phosphoric acid on 18 and 20 November, and 1 January.

And Bangladesh's ministry of agriculture has reportedly awarded cargoes under its 10 November private-sector tender after getting offers for 94,000t of DAP ranging $692-697/t cfr and 30,000t of TSP at $573/t cfr. The awarded prices, volumes and origins have not yet emerged.

The ministry will close another private-sector tender seeking 200,000t of DAP and TSP on 18 November.

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