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Tidewater seeks Canadian import duties on US RD

  • : Biofuels
  • 25/01/08

Canadian biofuels producer Tidewater Renewables is asking the federal government to impose countervailing and anti-dumping duties on renewable diesel (RD) imported from the US.

Tidewater's complaint to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) alleges the nation's renewable diesel market is being pressured by US producers who export volumes to Canada at artificially low prices because of US tax incentives — the now-retired blender's tax credit and pending Clean Fuel Production Credit. The complaint is also intended to alleviate pressure on emissions credits issued by British Columbia's low-carbon fuel standard (LCFS) and Canada's Clean Fuel Regulation, Tidewater said Monday in a statement.

Tidewater said duties of C$0.50-0.80/liter (35-56¢/liter) could be imposed at the border on US renewable diesel if the complain it upheld, reflecting an estimated subsidy and dumping benefit to US producers of 40-60pc.

CBSA is charged with investigating and verifying the complaints, while the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) is responsible for determining if those activities have harmed the Canadian industry. For a CBSA investigation to proceed, the complaint must have support from producers representing at least 25pc of Canadian output. Evidence of injury could then include lower prices and lost sales, reduced market share or decreased profits, among other factors.

An affirmative finding by the CITT would grant the CBSA authority to impose import duties, in this case intended to offset the alleged unfair price advantage held by US exporters. Preliminary duties could be imposed as early as May, following a preliminary injury finding by the CITT. Final duties — dependent on the ruling by the CITT — could be imposed by September, Tidewater said.

The company in December cited challenging economic conditions in its decision to re-evaluate its renewable diesel production from March-onward at its 3,000 b/d renewable diesel plant in British Columbia. Tidewater's profitability is dependent on sales of British Columbia LCFS credits, and its credit purchase and sales agreement with parent company Tidewater Midstream is due to end in March.

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