Argus AdBlue-DEF and TGU Analytics
The Argus AdBlue-DEF and TGU Analytics service connects you with industry-leading AdBlue, DEF, ARLA 32 and technical grade urea market intelligence. The service includes quarterly reports and data with 12-year forecasts of supply, demand, trade and 12-year price forecasts for automotive grade urea (AGU).
The service tackles market concerns through regional supply and demand balances, highlighting surpluses and deficits of material and opportunities for international trade, and accounting for cost and pricing from different TGU producers.
We empower market participants to make informed business decisions. Use the service to:
- Inform your business plans: Get robust, actionable and industry leading insight on medium to long-term market developments and outlook
- Mitigate risk to your business: Stay up to date with potential regulations, policy changes and market fundamentals challenges
- Access comprehensive market data: Explore extensive raw data to assist your research and planning – and integrate the data into your models
- Find your next big opportunity: Our proprietary datasets and expert insight help you identify and capitalise on future opportunities
Key features

Price forecasts: 12-years
Quarterly 12-year forecasts are provided for automotive grade urea, agricultural urea, with assessments of AGU premium, AGU premium pc (rhs), China fob, Baltic granular fob, Middle East Granular fob, China prilled fob, US Gulf granular fob. 2-year price forecast for German AdBlue fot is also included.

AGU Supply and demand forecasts: 12-years
Quarterly 12-year forecasts and in-depth analysis is provided for vehicle sales, SCR equipped vehicle sales, SCR equipped fleet sales - by key region/country. 12-year forecasts for AdBlue consumption by vehicle type for key countries and regions, and AGU demand by region are included, along with Medium-term AGU supply/demand balance.

AGU Trade analysis
Import and export analysis linking to production is included for key importing and exporting countries and regions.

AGU Policy, regulations and technology analysis
The service includes analysis of emissions standards, policies and technology developments in key regions and countries.

Marine grade urea: 12-year demand forecasts
Quarterly 12-year demand forecasts and analysis is provided for marine grade urea (AUS 40), by country and region

Amino resins and melamine: 12- year demand and production forecasts
Quarterly 12-year demand forecasts and analysis is provided for urea demand for melamine, along with 12-year production forecasts for melamine. 12-year forecasts for TGU supply for melamine and resins, and for global resin production are also included. Melamine exports and imports for the current year are also analysed.

Feed-grade urea analysis
The service includes analysis of feed-grade urea demand.

Proprietary datasets
Explore our comprehensive proprietary data to assist your research and planning – and integrate the data into your models.

Quarterly reports
Narrative and graphical analysis of what is driving the AdBlue-DEF and TGU Analytics markets and how they are likely to evolve, ensuring you will be more confident in making critical decisions. Includes key insight on supply, demand, costs and trade with 12-year forecasts for supply, demand and prices.
Customers that benefit
Producers and suppliers
Energy and utilities companies
Procurement teams
Industry analysts
Financial institutions including bankers and investors
Co-ops and retailers
Product specifications