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CPC to import Taiwan's first SAF for 2025 trial

  • : Biofuels, Emissions
  • 24.06.24

Taiwan will supply its airlines with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for the first time in first-half 2025, as part of a pilot project to hasten carbon emissions reductions in aviation and meet its net zero goals.

There are plans for state-owned refiner CPC to import and supply SAF to national airlines at Taoyuan International Airport and Taipei Songshan Airport during January-June 2025. The volumes and airlines have not been confirmed, said a company source.

Taiwan's Civil Aviation Administration (CAA) also encourages Taiwanese airlines to target 5pc SAF use by 2030, given the International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO) aim of achieving a 5pc cut in carbon dioxide emissions in international aviation by 2030 compared with a business as usual scenario.

The CAA said it has been working with the relevant ministries, oil companies, airlines and airports to understand their needs regarding domestic supplies of SAF. It is also in the process of ensuring facility certification and implementing supporting measures in airlines and aircraft.

The SAF used in trials next year must have been certified by an ICAO-authorised agency, including details such as oil pipelines, its import sources, oil storage tanks, vessels and tanker trucks transporting the oil. CPC is now settling certification work for each step of the import process. The SAF will also be certified by the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (Corsia), a global scheme to reduce international aviation emissions, which airlines can directly use it to reduce their carbon emissions.

The CAA has strategies to decarbonise Taiwan's aviation sector. These are reducing fuel consumption through measures like optimising flight routes and encouraging airlines to replace old aircraft with new models. It also aims to step up energy conservation and carbon emissions reductions in airport operations and management, encourage airlines to use SAF and promote compliance with Corsia's emissions requirements.

The CAA updated Taiwan's civil and general aviation regulations last year to include laws on carbon emissions reporting in compliance with Corsia. Taiwan's airlines this year reported their carbon emissions for the first time for the year 2023, which the administration is also currently reviewing.

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