• 1. Februar 2024
  • Market: Fertilizers, Ammonia

This paper covers:

  • Analysis of US ammonia export growth
  • Rerouting of US ammonia supply to Europe
  • Historical view of US ammonia imports and exports
  • Henry Hub vs TTF production costs
  • The low-carbon threat
  • Shifting trade dynamics
  • Trinidad exports by destination
  • Parallel pricing requirement: The launch of the Argus US Gulf fob price and Argus Caribbean fob price
FER-Chart - US Ammonia Gulf - LP

Argus services covering the clean and conventional ammonia markets

Argus Ammonia

The Argus Ammonia price reporting service provides accurate and reliable daily and weekly price assessments, alongside news and market commentary direct from our expert global editorial team. Includes the underlying data in Excel.

Clean ammonia coverage includes: Modelled weekly price for green ammonia, fuel equivalent pricing, carbon-adjusted price of ammonia, market developments, downloadable projects datasets, MoU’s, offtake and vessel tracker.

Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook

The Argus Monthly Ammonia Outlook service delivers focused short-term outlook market intelligence, including 12-month forecasts for prices and trade balances. Includes clean ammonia news and insights, and the underlying data in Excel.

Argus Ammonia Analytics

The Argus Ammonia Analytics quarterly service connects you with industry-leading clean and conventional ammonia market intelligence - offering essential medium to long-term analysis.

Includes quarterly reports and data with 15-year forecasts, and one longer-term annual report with forecasts to 2050 (based on Long Run Marginal Cost analysis).

About Argus Media

As a leading authority on energy and commodity markets across the globe, Argus is uniquely positioned to provide in-depth analysis and expert thought leadership. Our white papers are carefully written by Argus specialists from across our company. Each white paper focuses on a topical theme, exploring areas such supply and demand dynamics, price trends, trading activity and changing regulations. We always aim to provide a balanced view, underpinned by data and insight gathered first hand from the market.


Questions, requesting a call

If you have any questions on this video, our coverage of the ammonia market or would like a call, simply email us directly at: ammonia-m@argusmedia.com