
The Argus Coal Daily service is your single, reliable source of daily coal market intelligence for the Americas.

This service provides transparent coal market intelligence, pricing and analysis for the Americas coal markets. We offer the unique distinction of assessing prices for physical and over-the-counter (OTC) coal in traditional spot markets.

The two assessments reflect the distinctions in the underlying coal market — generic OTC prices can be a poor choice for physical indexation needs. We allow industry participants to gain an accurate view of specific trading and delivery requirements in the dry bulk fuels markets, with daily assessments of standardised trading products and weekly assessments of less-liquid spot physical transactions.

Key features


OTC markets

Deals done table to track activity in OTC markets.


News and analysis

Up-to-the-minute news and analysis on events shaping the industry.


OTC assessments

Forward OTC assessments of the Central Appalachia, Powder River basin and Illinois basin markets.


Freight rates

Freight rates and spark spread tables.


Weekly price bulletin report

Complimentary weekly price bulletin report outlining Argus’ physical direct-market coverage, as well as top coal news updates.



Independent, transparent and trusted methodology.

Customers that benefit

Anyone exposed to the US physical coal and OTC markets will find the Argus Coal Daily service essential. Below are examples of how some clients use this service:
  • Coal producers and utilities

    Use Argus indexes for contract settlements and requests for proposal. In addition, regulated utilities and government agencies use Argus pricing in rate and fuel proceedings.

  • Risk managers

    Use Argus indexes for contract settlements and requests for proposal. In addition, regulated utilities at times reference Argus in rate and fuel testimony to state regulators.

  • Investors

    Use Argus analysis, news and indexes to make sound investment decisions.