
Find the latest spot price assessments, market-moving news and comprehensive analysis in the Argus LNG Daily service.

We are experts in providing a global perspective on the international LNG markets. Our market commentary and industry news is unrivalled.

The service includes the Argus Northeast Asia des® (ANEA®) price assessment, a daily benchmark for LNG cargoes delivered to ports in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China. It also features price snapshots for US and European natural gas markets, along with global crude indexes.

Argus LNG Daily includes Europe’s first small-scale LNG price assessment with related coverage of LNG use in off-grid, bunkering and transport sectors. In addition, the service offers curated fundamentals data sets containing harder-to-reach information and the Bulletin Board provides a live feed of spot transactions and tenders.

Key features


Daily update on market fundamentals

Daily commentaries and forward-looking analysis of market fundamentals.


Coverage of cargoes

Spot cargo supply and demand.



Key shipping movements.


Forward prices

Cargo and freight pricing.


Crude valuations

Crude price snapshots.


Gas v/s Oil prices

Gas-oil comparisons.


Analysis of consumer and producers

LNG netbacks correlated by producer and consuming market.


Demand factors

Latest estimated LNG distribution by destination.

Live news feed

Bulletin Board providing a live feed of spot transactions and tenders.


Data provided in various compatible formats

Downloadable fundamentals data facilitating research into global supply demand balances and infrastructure.

Customers that benefit

The Argus LNG Daily service is an essential source of information for those seeking the latest in global LNG news and analysis. Below are examples of how some clients use this service:
  • Traders

    Use our LNG services to stay informed of the latest supply and demand trends and to respond quickly to changes. We offer snapshot overviews of global prices, as well as detailed charts covering all major aspects of the LNG market including supply, shipping and freight.

  • Analysts

    Needing to stay on top of all key developments in the LNG market find our report an invaluable source of information.
  • Researchers

    News and commentary offer the insight our clients need.

Key price assessments

Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.