
Argus Biofuels Europe Conference & Exhibition

London, UK
15-17 October 2024
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SAF Focus Day

08:00 - 09:00

Morning registration and coffee

09:00 - 09:05

SAF day welcome 

Speakers Include:

Devina Singh

Conference Producer
09:05 - 09:10

Chairperson's opening remarks

Giulia Squadrin

Associate Editor, Biofuels
09:10 - 09:20

Interactive voting and objectives setting

Human bingo poll: How many miles have you travelled, and can you guess your individual CO2 emissions?

09:20 - 09:40

Are the markets ready for ReFuelEU and UK mandates, and will it boost production?

- EU and UK emissions trading systems (ETS): How do they co-exist and are both markets ready?
- With the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative, how will the blending mandate affect the demand for aviation fuels in terms of price competition, price transparency, and fair allocation?
- Will the finalised legislations boost domestic production capacity and demand beyond 2030-50?

09:40 - 10.10

The role of science and SAF accounting under different frameworks

- Understanding the co-existing Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) and the ETS, and how to navigate it.
- How and to what extent can SAF achieve the international aviation goals set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation? Addressing double-counting and other barriers
- To what extent has research and development been accurate and supportive in developing robust mechanisms for accounting, transparency?


Inmaculada Gómez Jiménez

Sustainability expert

Mathilde Tannous

SAF & EU ETS for aviation program Manager
French Civil Aviation Authority
10:10 - 10:40

Coffee break

10:40 - 11:05

Argus Open markets (AOM): The first SAF price discovery platform

- Comprehensive coverage on the global price benchmarks and current pricings
- Comprehensive Argus Open Markets (AOM), first SAF pricing platform
- SAF market at a turning point: Is there liquidity to grow with capacity and mandates?

Giulia Squadrin

Associate Editor, Biofuels

Alfonso Berrocal

Business Development Manager Middle Distillates & SAF
11:05 - 11:30

Neste’s perspective on accelerating SAF production and supply to achieve goals set by the mandates in Europe

- What is needed to accelerate the ramp-up of SAF production and availability at airports across Europe?
- What will regulations such as ReFuelEU and the UK mandates mean for the aviation fuel supply chain?
- How does Neste plan to increase its SAF production and supply to support the aviation industry?

Alexander Kueper

Vice President, Renewable Aviation Business
11:30 - 12:10

Live Q/A:  Feedstock challenge: Demand, alternatives and third generation

- How can feedstocks suppliers optimise their operations in the current market?
- Alternatives: Will other technologies (i.e. Fischer-Tropsch, Alcohol-to-Jet) unlock new feedstocks (i.e. biomass) and how?
- Beyond HEFA: How far along are the third-generation feedstocks and how can we prepare for it?

André Paula Santos

Head of EU Policy

Emanuele Fratantuono

Business Development Manager
Adamant Group
12:10 - 13:30

Networking lunch

13.30 - 13.50

Airlines assemble: Global landscape for SAF targets and cost of travelling

- Is the production and demand gap actually bridging and what does it look like in the future?
- Who will bear the cost and risk mandates for SAF? What affect will it have on cost of flying?
- With the rising fuel costs, what are the incentives pushing airlines to decarbonize?

Speakers Include:

Margaux Thoyer-Rozat

Sustainable Aviation Fuel Procurement Manager
Air France

Raman Ojha

Shell Aviation
13.50 - 14.10

VistaJet on how to lead the market in sustainable aviation fuel?

- How can we scale up SAF demand and utilise it in our daily operations?
- How to stay ahead of the curve in the industry by facilitating government support and markets sectors?

Speakers Include:

Andrew Thomas

Director, Sustainability

Ashleigh McDougall

General Manager Aviation Europe & Africa
14:10 - 14:30

Wizz Air keynote on SAF policies and investment

- Overview of airline venture capitalism in SAF
- Offtake agreements: How to invest in SAF?
- Comparative perspective: What are the challenges for SAF policy in the UK, EU, US

Speakers Include:

Yvonne Moynihan

Corporate & ESG Officer
Wizz Air
14:30 - 14:50

European renewable ethanol industry: What are the hindrances in the ethanol pathway?

- What are the issues with regulations around crops designated for SAF and maritime?
- How can the production and cost challenges be optimised towards mandates compliance?
- Without final investment decisions, how can we ensure risk management?

14:50 - 15:15

NX SAF™ Bio technology: Regional model to move up on the market value chain

- How is small-scale technology enabling the utilization of locally collected feedstock?
- How to derisk the supply chain with HEFA production technologies in a regional model?
- Which feedstock collection will be unlocked in the medium term to cope with increasing demand?

Speakers Include:

Marco Bonvini

Fuels & Chemicals Licensing & Business Development Director, Nextchem Tech
15:15 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:00

SAF and Marine swap session: How will markets manage competition between sectors?

For this session, please make your way to the main conference hall for networking with SAF and marine sector experts.

- How will feedstock competition impact Fuel EU Aviation and Marine requirements?
- What are the similarities and differences under FuelEU maritime and how would the split of ticket markets and RED III lead to multiple sectors converging on the same fuels?
- Cross-sector collaboration: what can be done to minimise competition? Should one sector be prioritised over the other?
- Long-term demand trends: will falling demand in the road transport sector liberate supply for aviation and marine?

17:00 - 17:10

Closing remarks

17:10 - 19:00

Drinks reception

Marine Focus Day

08:00 - 09:00

Morning registration and coffee

08:45 - 08:50

Marine day welcome 

Speakers Include:

Catherine Caulfield

Business Development Manager— Oil Markets
Oil Markets, Argus Media
08:50 - 09:00

Interactive voting and objectives setting

Human bingo poll: Send your most pressing questions and they will be addressed throughout the day by experts

09:00 - 09:45

How is regulation driving biofuel demand from the marine sector?

- Regulation today: what impact is EU ETS having on competitiveness of marine biodiesel and other biofuels and how Is IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) driving demand?
- Upcoming regulation: how will FuelEU maritime impact biofuel demand from 2025 and what are companies doing today to prepare for GHG reduction requirements?
- Is EU and global (IMO) regulation enough to close the price gap between conventional and marine biofuels in the long term?

09:45 - 10.10

Argus market update: Global marine biodiesel price competitiveness

- Global marine biodiesel market update and key trends to watch
- Europe vs. Asia price competitiveness and impact of EU ETS costs
- How regulation will drive demand fundamentals and pricing in the next 2-years


Hussein Al-Khalisy

Alternative Marine Fuels Reporter

Elena Domashenko

Senior Analyst, Argus Marine Fuels Outlook
10:10 - 10.:50

Coffee break

10:50 - 11:20

Buyers' perspective: How has biofuel demand from the marine sector developed in recent years including marine biodiesel, biomethanol and bio-LNG

- Learn about the supply availability today and will the shipping industry look to novel feedstocks to mitigate supply and competition concerns?
- How are shipowners using biofuels to meet EU ETS, CII and FuelEU maritime compliance?
- How to break down the communication barrier between traditional biofuel and marine market participants?

Catherine Caulfield

Business Development Manager— Oil Markets
Oil Markets, Argus Media
11:20 - 11:45

Commercial giants using marine lines for global transport

- What’s the strategy for decarbonization in the current scenario of shipping goods?
- Which feedstocks are being used to replace fossil fuels and how are they procuring them?
- How are they planning to leverage mechanisms like book and claim for enhanced transparency in the value chain?

Speakers Include:

Catherine Caulfield

Business Development Manager— Oil Markets
Oil Markets, Argus Media
11:45 - 12:10

Biofuel tickets and mandates: What the marine sector needs to know?

- How can companies manage EU ETS exposure and maximise trading?
- Impact of the Dutch HBE-G ticket on marine biofuel demand and preparing for future changes to the system
- Developments in trading Fuel EU Maritime over-compliance and how a voluntary market may develop in Europe
- Lessons learned from the Norwegian marine blending mandate and EU road blending mandates

12:10 - 13:20

Networking lunch

13:20 - 13:50

Maersk about managing risks in maritime shipping

- Maritime shippers account for 2-3pc of global greenhouse gas emissions. How will they reduce 50pc of emissions by 2050?
- What is Maersk doing as the lead in testing biofuels blends?
- From Maersk’s perspective, what are the gaps in the regulatory standards?

13:50 - 14:20

Port of Rotterdam on decarbonizing the marine sector

- What is the biggest challenge in terms of existing relationships in the value chain of alternative fuels?
- How far advanced are storage suppliers in their preparation for changeover procedure, maintenance regime and capacity?

Speakers Include:

Jan van Hengel

Sr. Business Development Manager
Port of Rotterdam
14:20 - 14:50

Hydrogen versus ammonia: The potential of future fuels

- At what stage are both currently at and what does the market need to know about them?
- How far in the future are these fuels? What are the major roadblocks and when will the market adopt them?
- Are market participants ready to invest in them in the long term when we have biofuels right now? How is this transition fuelling cross-sector collaboration?

14:50 - 15:25

Book and claim: Assessing the risk in the marine sector and how this enables early action

- What are the incentives for the shipping sector? How can they benefit from it?
- What is the book and claim system and how is logistical efficiency reducing emissions and costs?
- How can it be made more aligned to other existing regulations so that stakeholders can avoid risk?

Speakers Include:

William Boatwright

Senior Manager-Logistics and Climate Solutions

Tom Strang

Naval Architect
Carnival Corporation & plc

Catherine Caulfield

Business Development Manager— Oil Markets
Oil Markets, Argus Media
15:25 - 16:00

Coffee break

16:00 - 17:00

SAF and Marine SWAP session: How will markets manage competition between different sectors?

For this session, please make your way to the main conference hall for networking with SAF and marine

- How will feedstock competition impact Fuel EU Aviation and Marine requirements?
- What are the similarities and differences under FuelEU maritime and how would the split of ticket markets and RED III lead to multiple sectors converging on the same fuels?
- Cross-sector collaboration: what can be done to minimise competition? Should one sector be prioritised over the other?
- Long-term demand trends: will falling demand in the road transport sector liberate supply for aviation and marine?

17:00 - 17:10

Closing remarks

17:10 - 19:00

Drinks reception

Main conference day one

08:15 - 09:00

Breakfast and networking

Dedicated networking space and canapes in the event exhibition area

09:00 - 09:10

Chairperson’s opening remarks    

09:10 - 10:00

Keynote on from the top view on long-term outlook for biofuels industry

- How do the key targets of the biofuels industry align with mandate compliance?
- What methods can we adopt to ensure sustainable value chains from producers to end-users?
- What are the growth opportunities for different sectors at present?

10:00 - 10:40

Spotlight on RED II and RED III: Keep up to date about policies affecting your business

- How will the latest amendments accelerate the regulatory framework to make crucial investments needed to further decarbonise transport?
- Latest revisions on Annex 9 A and B: What is on the lists and what are the opportunities for the industry
- How will the biofuels and biofeedstocks balance evolve in the next 10 years across sectors?

Xavier Noyon

Secretary General
European Biodiesel Board (EBB)
10:40 - 11:00

UK Trade Remedies Authority outlook on unfair industry practices caused by dumping and subsidies and case studies:

- Why establishing a level-playing field for competition is crucial for the industry?
- Evidence-based recommendations on whether trade remedies, typically tariffs, are needed to prevent injury to UK producers, caused by dumping or subsidies.

Speakers Include:

James Iddiols

Lead Investigator
UK Trade Remedies Authority

Dickon Posnett

Director of Corporate Affairs
Argent Energy
11:05 - 11:55

Coffee break

11:55 - 12:20

Bio refineries exploration: What do the majors have to say about the change in market dynamics?

- How are the oil majors preparing for this transition?
- How are they targeting emissions reduction through biofuels?
- Are they hopeful for material change in the market dynamics, given there is limited supply for feedstocks and challenges to commercial technology?

Ahmad Adly Alias

Vice President, Refining, Marketing and Trading, Downstream Business
12:20 - 13:00

Assess your feedstocks options: Supply, quality and strategies in near future

- What is the effect of different feedstocks and how can we make sure there is adequate supply without affecting food security?
- Addressing the question of quality and mapping the origin of biodiesel for UCO collectors
- With uncertain demand in the future, how will feedstock producers plan production and use of land?

André Paula Santos

Head of EU Policy
13:00 - 13:30

Understanding the scale of opportunities through insetting

- How is insetting used as a tool to bridge the gap and overcome financial hurdles in sustainable fuels?
- Which industries have already started doing it and what are the results?
- How can businesses with Scope 3 exposures secure strategically valuable biofuel & bio-LNG supplies that are limited?

13:30 - 15:00

☆ Women in biofuels network and networking lunch

Hear from leading women in business regarding their personal experiences of growth within the market and in business

15:00 - 15:30

Where are we on the electrification vs liquid biofuels challenge?

- How can we optimise global supply chains to solve the problem of efficient allocation of resources?
- With the revamping of laws and mandates, is the problem becoming easier to address?
- How do you strike a balance between conflicting demands of different industries?

Barbara Smailaguc

Fuels Policy Officer
Transport and Environment (T&E)
15:30 - 16:00

Leveraging synergies in HVO for decarbonization: Integrated approach to pretreatment, hydrotreating and hydrogen

- How are the main components of an HVO/SAF plant (hydrotreating, hydrogen production and pretreatment) optimized?
- What are the challenges in the integration of heat and material streams or other synergies that are investigated?
- What are the strategies to identify synergies and maximize cross-unit efficiency?

Armin Brandner

Green Chemicals and Fuels Product Director
Air Liquide Engineering & Construction
16:00 - 16:25

Expanding Feedstock Sources: Advanced Treatments for Feedstock

- How can you adapt blending strategy according to mandates efficiently by accessing more residual feedstock?
- Optimising design of biomass-to-biofuel supply by using dechlorination as a process to use low-quality raw materials
- Recovery of oil and bleaching earth without the use of solvents

16:25 - 17:00

Biomass industry: Looking at the resources of decarbonization strategies

- Which feedstocks are dominating the current market for biofuels?
- How can we ensure bioenergy is in fact low-carbon resource and can help in measuring emissions reduction from biofuels?

Lisa Schmidt

General Secretary
International Biomass Torrefaction and Carbonisation Council

Henrik Brodin

Head of Energy Transition
17:00 - 17:05

Close of conference day one

17:00 - 19:00

Drinks and networking reception

Build new relationships and connect with old friends in this relaxed setting

Main conference day two

09:00 - 10:00

Morning coffee

10:00 - 10:05

Chairperson's welcome

Fabricio Cardoso

Principal, Consulting
10:05 - 10:35

Certifications: Addressing the issues of transparency of raw materials

- Certification basics: Sustainability, traceability and GHG emissions savings of renewable fuels
- Understanding certification process as an enabler for the global deployment of renewable fuels
- From fuel feedstock to corporate end-customers – ensuring credible and transparent claims in voluntary markets


Adam Kirby

Sustainability Manager – Sustainable Fuels
ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification)
10:35 - 11:40

Engaging stakeholders to track new market developments

- What are the policy drivers impacting the SAF premium market?
- What effect does the development of low carbon fuels and new technology have on the industry at large? How can one ensure liquidity in the market to keep them sustainable?
- How do we overcome financial challenges of supply side feedstock and prices?
- How to manage increased feedstock exposure as you switch to biorefineries?

11:40 - 12:40

Coffee break

12:40 - 13:10

Industrialising algae-based technology and its scalability

- How to solve the problem of crop protection – pesticides, herbicides and natural disaster resistance
- What do airline operators need to know about algae-base technology and the changes in infrastructure it may demand?
- How scalable is the bioengineering of micro-algae and what is the carbon footprint?

Usman Ahmed

Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Gamalux Sdn. Bhd.
13:00 - 13:40

Environmental social governance effect: Buyer’s perspective on how to:

- Capture value for customers
- Form strategic alliances
- Leverage digital technology

13:40 - 15:00

Lunch and Exhibition: State of technology review

13:40 - 13:45

Chairperson's closing remarks

15:00 - 15:30

Spotlight on the US renewable fuels market

15:30 - 16:15

European renewable ethanol industry: What are the hindrances in the ethanol pathway?

- How can the production and cost challenges be optimised towards mandates compliance?
- Without final investment decisions, how can we ensure risk management?

16:15 - 16:30

Closing remarks and end of conference