
Argus Fertilizer Asia Conference

Bali, Indonesia
22-24 April 2025
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Sulphur & Sulphuric Acid Focus Day. April 22. Optional pre-conference add-on

This optional pre-conference add-on day will deliver content and networking opportunities valuable to those gathered for the Argus Fertilizer Asia Conference 2025 and Argus Nickel Indonesia Conference 2025.

Benefits of attendance

  • Join like-minded peers and sulphur end-users from across the nickel and fertilizer markets for networking and key insights on the sulphur market and related commodities
  • Buyers: source sulphur and sulphuric acid from a range of global sellers in attendance
  • Sellers: gain access to key decision makers and stakeholders from the global nickel and fertilizer sectors, within the surroundings of the critical Indonesian market
  • Gain valuable insights to grow your business and seize new opportunities at a dedicated speed-networking session
  • Led by Argus and industry experts


Key topics to be discussed include:

  • Keynote opening: Indonesia’s role in the global sulphur and sulphuric markets
  • A fertilizer and nickel production powerhouse - how is Indonesia positioning itself as a leader across sectors?
  • Sulphur producer keynote: Sulphur’s role as a critical raw material across sectors. What plans are there for refining expansions? How has Indonesia emerged as a key consumption hub across various sectors?
  • Trading places and new perspectives from market entrants: How are buyers looking at the sulphur markets?
  • Sulphur and sulphuric acid market interaction: A waiting game? How are swing buyers viewing the current market? What does this mean for the fertilizer sector?
  • Sulphuric acid masterclass: A question of economics.


Select the Sulphur & Sulphuric Acid Focus Day as an add on during your registration

Sulphur cross over

This year, Argus will host two events in Indonesia co-located in different parts of the same venue. The Argus Fertilizer Asia Conference will take place alongside the Argus Nickel Indonesia Conference.

The Sulphur & Sulphuric Acid Focus Day (22 April), will provide a platform at the intersection between the nickel and fertilizer markets, encouraging participants from both conferences to connect beyond their usual industries and gain valuable insights to grow their business and seize new opportunities at a dedicated pre-conference optional add on day.

Add the Sulphur & Sulphuric Acid Focus Day to your registration and join like-minded peers and sulphur end-users from across the nickel and fertilizer markets for networking and key insights on the sulphur market and related commodities, led by Argus and industry experts.