Argus fob Vietnam wood pellet
The Argus fob Vietnam wood pellet spot index is a leading price reference for industrial wood pellets loading at specified key ports in Vietnam, with a 90-day window. Vietnam is the biggest southeast Asian producer of wood pellets, and its cargoes are mostly sent to South Korea and Japan.
Price assessment details
What are the advantages of the Argus (key price title) price assessment?
This comprehensive price assessment is based on a survey of many leading spot market participants, including producers, leading traders and utility buyers.
It is published weekly, ensuring that users are up to date on the latest price movements.
How is this assessment used?
The Argus fob Vietnam wood pellet spot index is a trusted market assessment, used by Vietnamese and other southeast Asian producers of wood pellets, a wide range of international traders and utilities in northeast Asia.
How to access this price?
The Argus fob Vietnam wood pellet spot index is published as part of our specialist subscription service, Argus Biomass Markets.
Subscribers can access this price on our interactive platform Argus Direct, have it fed directly into their systems via API and FTP datafeeds or our third party partners, or request for it to be emailed to them directly as part of the weekly market report.
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Key price assessments
Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.