
This Argus German diesel price assessment captures the value of imported diesel cargoes.

The assessment applies to German specification 30kt diesel cargoes with a maximum sulphur content of 10ppm that are priced in US dollars/tonne on a cif Hamburg basis for imports into northern Germany.

Price assessment details

What are the advantages of the Argus German diesel 10ppm cif Hamburg price assessment?

The Argus German diesel price assessments have been developed in consultation with market participants to meet the specific requirements of the German market, to provide a truly market reflective price. The price is assessed each day by our team in Germany.

The price reflects German specification diesel, capturing the value of new trade flows of diesel imports into northern German ports. As with all Argus diesel prices, the assessment is informed by a wide range of inputs, benefiting from an all-day assessment approach and is not based on a narrow window of trades.

How is this assessment used?

The Argus diesel cif Hamburg cargo price assessment is widely used in contract settlement for supply agreements, as well as a basis to calculate German import parities into the market. Users include refiners, suppliers, logistics providers and terminal operators among many others.