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Japan’s Mol starts operating LPG-fuelled VLGC

  • : Fertilizers, LPG
  • 24/04/26

Japanese shipping firm Mitsui OSK Line's (Mol) Singapore-based subsidiary Aramo Shipping started operating today a new LPG-fuelled LPG and ammonia carrier for domestic importer Gyxis.

The 87,119m³ very large gas carrier (VLGC) Aquamarine Progress 2 was built by Japanese shipbuilder Namura Shipbuilding at Namura's Imari shipyard in south Japan's Saga prefecture.

The vessel is equipped with a dual-fuel engine, which can burn LPG and conventional marine fuel. Mol expects use of LPG to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxide emissions by 20pc and sulphur oxide and particulate matter emissions by 90pc compared with a heavy oil-dedicated vessel. The VLGC is also designed to be able to carry ammonia, eyeing potential demand growth for decarbonisation.

Japanese shipping firms and shipbuilders have boosted construction of LPG carriers that can also ship ammonia, as demand for the cleaner fuel is expected to increase in future. Japan plans to co-fire ammonia at coal-fired power plants to reduce CO2 emissions, while aiming to use ammonia as a hydrogen carrier.

Shipbuilders Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries each delivered a VLGC, which can carry LPG and liquefied ammonia. Mol, in partnership with shipbuilders Tsuneishi Shipbuilding and Mitsui E&S Shipbuilding, completed risk assessments to design a mid-size ammonia-fuelled ammonia and LPG carrier, targeting to finish construction by 2026.

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