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Hungary-Slovakia gas capacity to rise by 33pc

  • : Natural gas
  • 24/10/01

Gas transmission capacity from Hungary towards Slovakia at the Velke Zlievce/Balassagyarmat border point will increase by one-third from tomorrow until the end of March 2025.

Capacity towards Slovakia will rise to 101.8 GWh/d from 76.3 GWh/d at present, but only on a "pilot basis" until the end of March 2025, Hungarian grid operator FGSZ and its Slovak counterpart Eustream announced this morning.

The additional capacity will be offered in daily auctions today for tomorrow's gas day, and will be offered in all further capacity auctions according to the auction calendar.

Hungarian exit flows towards Slovakia averaged 71 GWh/d in September, utilising 93pc of the full technical capacity at Velke Zlievce/Balassagyarmat.

Price incentives have driven those brisk outflows, with the Hungarian prompt holding below corresponding prices in all nearby markets above it for all of last month, except for 16 September (see graph).

FGSZ also recently prolonged higher exit capacity towards Ukraine on a pilot basis until the end of this year.

HU day-ahead vs regional hubs €/MWh

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