
Argus Nickel Indonesia Conference

Bali, Indonesia
23-24 April 2025
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Supporting partners

Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)

The Ministry of National Development Planning Indonesia, or National Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/BAPPENAS), formulates and determines the Government of Indonesia’s development policies and builds synergy between planning, budgeting, regulations, and institutions at central and regional level. It is the leading institution in the formulation of the medium-term national development plan document, translating every elected President’s visions and missions into development priority programs and targets.

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Ministry of Industry Republic of Indonesia

The Ministry of Industry has the task of organizing affairs in the industrial sectors and its functions includes the formulation, determination, and implementation of policies as well as the provision of technical guidance. The vision is for Indonesia to have a resilient and competitive industrial sector along with a green industry based on innovation and technology.

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Media partners


The Indonesia Nickel Miners Association (APNI) is a non-profit organization established in 2017 that represents the interests of nickel mining companies in Indonesia. APNI's members include some of the largest nickel mining companies in Indonesia, such as PT Aneka Tambang Tbk, and many nickel mining companies in Indonesia including nickel mining contractors and nickel trading companies and several nickel mining vendors.

APNI aims to promote and support the sustainable development of the nickel mining industry in Indonesia, as well as to advocate for the interests of its members. It works closely with government agencies and other stakeholders to create policies and regulations that promote responsible mining practices, and to ensure that the industry's contribution to the Indonesian economy is maximized.

In addition to its advocacy work, APNI also provides various services and programs to its members, such as training and capacity building, networking opportunities, and research and analysis on market trends and industry developments. Overall, APNI plays an important role in representing the interests of Indonesia's nickel mining industry and promoting its sustainable development.

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PT Media Nikel Indonesia

PT Media Nikel Indonesia is a media company focused on the nickel mining industry in Indonesia and globally. With extensive knowledge and experience in the industry, we have become a trusted source of information for industry players, investors, governments, and the general public. Our mission is to provide accurate and reliable information, information media, and facilities for the promotion of nickel mining products and services.

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