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AdvanSix raises amsul values for 4Q

  • : Fertilizers
  • 09/10/24

Major chemicals producers AdvanSix raised its ammonium sulfate (amsul) prices for the fourth quarter on tight amsul supply across the US.

The company increased its prices, effective today, by $10-15/st from previous levels.

Granular amsul from AdvanSix's Hopewell, Virginia, plant increased by $10/st to $330/st fob.

Amsul along upper Mississippi River warehouses rose to $360/st fob while Ohio River and the Granite City, Illinois, warehouse price increased to $355/st fob.

Inland warehouses and rail quotes will maintain traditional premiums over river locations, the company said.

This price announcement comes on the heels of Interoceanic's price increase, made official on 3 October.

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