Conferência Latino-americana da Argus sobre Biocombustíveis e Matérias-primas
Patrocine ou seja um expositor nas conferências da Argus sobre biocombustíveis
Nos eventos da Argus sobre biocombustíveis, os patrocinadores geram oportunidades valiosas que se convertem em negócios
Você fornece produtos, serviços ou soluções para o setor de biocombustíveis e matérias-primas?
Você gostaria de fazer contato com decisores que tenham sido encarregados de obter mais informações sobre os produtos/serviços que você oferece?
Não perca a oportunidade de mostrar sua empresa a um público altamente engajado.
Há diversas opções de patrocínio e exposição disponíveis para vários orçamentos, que comprovadamente proporcionam um alto retorno sobre o investimento.
Pacotes de patrocínio podem incluir:
- Reconhecimento do setor com seu logotipo e link no site da conferência, em materiais de marketing, placas e telas de projeção
- Espaço para exposição em áreas de grande circulação, onde os participantes se inscrevem, fazem networking e tomam bebidas
- Várias credenciais de participação e descontos de patrocinadores para seus clientes
- Patrocínio da marca em eventos de networking como almoços, recepções e intervalos
- Sala de reunião particular para agendar reuniões com participantes do evento
Para obter mais informações sobre patrocínios e exposições, entre em contato conosco utilizando os dados abaixo:
Tessa Hunt
Email: Tessa.hunt@argusmedia.com
Linha direta: +1 (713) 429-6352 ext. 2452
Kian Al-Ibrahim
E-mail: Kian.Al-Ibrahim@argusmedia.com
Linha direta: +44 (0) 207 199 0529
Celular: +44 (0) 7923 245 514
Thank you to our 2024 sponsors:
Platinum sponsor
Our commitment is the energy that makes us go further.
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We are a publicly traded corporation operating in an integrated and specialized manner in the oil, natural gas, and energy industry. We have expertise in exploration and production as a result of decades of development in the Brazilian basins, especially in deep and ultra-deep waters. This has made us a world leader in the segment.
Our business goes beyond field reach and oil and gas withdrawal. This entails a long process by which we transport oil and gas to our refineries and natural gas treatment units. Therefore, those units must be equipped and constantly evolving to provide the best products. We have as priority to operate at low costs and with a low carbon footprint, which contributes to our commitment to a sustainable development for a society in transition.
Silver sponsor
CME Group
As the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, CME Group enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural products and metals. The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the CME Globex® platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform. In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing. With a range of pre- and post-trade products and services underpinning the entire lifecycle of a trade, CME Group also offers optimization and reconciliation services through TriOptima, and trade processing services through Traiana.
View websiteTopsoe
Topsoe is a global leader in supply of catalysts, licensed process technology, and services to the chemical and refining industries. Topsoe is today the undisputed global leader within carbon emission reduction technologies. Topsoe-designed methanol production utilizes our industry-leading SynCOR™ ATR technology and syngas-to-methanol technology with a full range of catalysts to the methanol plant, including our high-activity methanol synthesis catalysts and comprehensive services. Our technology offering includes blue (low carbon) methanol and green methanol based on hydrogen and a pure CO2 stream. Our technologies and catalysts maximize yields at the lowest CAPEX.
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EcoEngineers has been in the carbon business since 2009. They support their clients with understanding and monetizing their carbon reduction goals and opportunities. They provide the essential building blocks of a clean energy economy through training, Regulatory Engagement, carbon Life-Cycle Analysis, Asset Development Consulting, Compliance Management, and Audit services.
View websiteNEXTCHEM
NEXTCHEM is the MAIRE’s company dedicated to Sustainable Technology Solutions. Our technology solutions are designed to make the energy transition happen by slashing the environmental impact of traditional industries, leveraging our consolidated know-how in Sustainable Fertilizers & Nitrogen-Based Fuels, Low-Carbon Energy Vectors, and Sustainable Materials & Circular Solutions.
View websitePhillips 66
Phillips 66 is a leading integrated downstream energy provider that manufactures, transports and markets products that drive the global economy. The company’s portfolio includes Midstream, Chemicals, Refining, Marketing & Specialties, and Renewable Fuels businesses. Headquartered in Houston, Phillips 66 has employees around the globe who are committed to safely and reliably providing energy and improving lives while pursuing a lower-carbon future.

Material sobre Patrocínio Global da Argus
Aumente a visibilidade de sua marca e seu alcance nos mercados de commodities globais nas conferências da Argus. Escolha um de nossos diversos pacotes de patrocínio e exposição e criaremos uma oportunidade que satisfaça os objetivos de sua empresa. Faça o download do material para obter mais informações e ver a lista completa de conferências. O material sobre patrocínios está apenas em inglês.
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