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Argus Clean Ammonia North America Conference

Houston, Texas, US
April 28-30, 2025
View pricing
45Дней осталось

Registration rates

Group discounts available - Book in a group of 3 to save 15% and a group of 5 to save 20%

*A conference pass includes:

  • All conference sessions on April 28-30, 2025
  • Conference networking coffee breaks and lunches on April 28-30, 2025
  • Access to the networking drinks receptions on April 29 and 30, 2025
  • Advance access to the conference app to view the delegate list and schedule meeting with registered attendees
  • All available post event presentation slides and video content for up to three months after the conference has ended


Terms and conditions

View the conference booking terms and conditions.


Antitrust compliance reminder

Argus takes compliance with antitrust law seriously. The purpose of the Argus Clean Ammonia North America Conference is to help market participants understand the major issues shaping the market. The conference sessions will follow the agenda as circulated.

Argus reminds all participants of the need to be mindful of the requirement to comply with antitrust and competition laws. There should be no discussion of any matters relating to competition among participants, including discussion of individual prices, rates or market strategies and no exchange of information concerning any other competitive aspect of an individual company’s operation. Should any participant to this conference attempt to initiate a discussion with other participants on any of these matters, we recommend that other participants end the conversation immediately and at all times act in accordance with their own antitrust compliance policies and all applicable laws.



The organizers will not accept liability for non-approval of visas, individual transport delays and transport disruption. In such circumstances, our normal cancellation rules and penalties apply. Where matters beyond the reasonable control of the organizers impair or prevent the organizers from being able to perform any activities relating to this event, each delegate releases the organizers from any liability, relating to such events.