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Argus European UCO price assessments provide an independent and trusted reference for the value of used cooking oil in the region. 

Prices are published for domestically collected and imported UCO in northwest Europe. 

UCO fob ARA range
UCO ex-works ARA range
UCO cif ARA"

Price assessment details

What is UCO?

Used cooking oil (UCO) is fats and oils originating from commercial or industrial food processing operations, including restaurants, that have been used for cooking or frying. Feedstocks characterised as UCO contain only fats, oils, or greases that were previously used for cooking or frying operations and are used to produce biofuels. 
UCO falls under Annex XI Part B of the EU’s recast Renewable Energy Directive that sets national renewable energy targets to 2030. Biofuels produced from raw materials listed in Annex IX Part B can be double counted towards targets for final consumption of energy in the transport sector.

What are the advantages of Argus European UCO price assessments?

UCO is an essential feedstock for the biofuels industry, used to produce “waste-based” fuels including biodiesel, renewable diesel, sustainable aviation fuel and other biofuels. Global demand for UCO has risen as mandates for fuels that are not made from food and feed crops are increasingly promoted by governments in Europe and around the world. 
Argus’ independent price assessments for UCO provide critical visibility into a disparate and opaque, but fast-growing market. 

Helping drive further transparency into the UCO market, Argus Open Markets (AOM) for European Biofuels includes Argus UCO fob ARA range. This daily platform allows companies to place bids and offers and to initiate trades, allowing you to see the market as it develops in real time and providing a robust and transparent input for price assessments.

How are these prices used? 

The Argus UCO price assessments are trusted references used in contract settlement for supply agreements. Users include renewable diesel and sustainable aviation producers, biodiesel producers, UCO collectors, traders and brokers, among many others.

How to access Argus UCO price assessments

Argus publishes daily independent assessments for a range of UCO prices in Argus Biofuels. This service delivers trusted price assessments for finished fuels, feedstocks and environmental tickets alongside insightful commentary, news and analysis for the global biofuels markets.

Learn more about Argus assessments for Asian UCO prices and US UCO prices.



Key price assessments

Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.