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Hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) is also known as renewable diesel and is the one of the fastest-growing fuel markets in Europe and the US. Capacity is forecast to double by 2028 with demand likely to outstrip supply.

In line with this rapid growth, a proper physical spot market is emerging. Argus captures the value of HVO using bids, offers and trades made by market participants to underpin Argus HVO price assessments.

This means you're accessing truly representative daily pricing for HVO, that captures relevant information on supply, demand, feedstocks and more.

Argus offers comprehensive coverage of all hydrotreated renewable fuels markets

HVO and its feedstocks

Argus publishes four different HVO price assessments, defined by the type of renewable feedstock used to produce the class of HVO. This captures the different value of each HVO category, in line with the EU RED renewable feedstock categorisation.

Our independent prices for feedstocks, HVO and other fuels and associated environmental credits are all published separately, providing the market with maximum visibility into the entire bioenergy value chain.

Argus Open Markets for HVO

Argus Open Markets® (AOM®) is a web-based electronic platform enabling registered market participants to post bids, offers and initiate commodity deals in real time on the spot market. The platform provides transparent market and price information for the spot value of the traded commodity. Market participants are able to see market developments unfold in real time.

HVO spot trades initiated on the platform have doubled since 2022, reflecting a growing and maturing HVO market. With bids and offers being posted every week, this increased activity on the platform helps the market clear more efficiently and reflects a robust value for HVO.

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Whether you need reliable spot price assessments for HVO or detailed outlooks for supply and demand trends, Argus is the leading provider of market intelligence for this growing market.