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Argus Base Oils Latin America Conference

Miami, Florida, US
20-21 May 2025
View pricing
53Дней осталось


Main conference begins

08:00 - 09:00

Morning registration and networking breakfast

09:00 - 09:05

Producer's opening remarks


Emily Harris

Conference Producer

Chairperson's welcome remarks


Guo Harn Hong

Global Lead Base Oils

Keynote producer's panel and Argus market update

09:10 - 09:55

Keynote industry panel: How are base oils leaders adapting to a rapidly evolving Latin American trade environment?

  • What is the size of the opportunity in Latin America – considering growing economies, infrastructure, vehicle parks, industry and more – and how does this impact the demand for base oils and lubricants?
  • How has the industry landscape evolved in Latin America over recent years and what are the next steps to take to ensure a stable network of supply and transport across the region?
  • How are leaders using their expertise in supply chains and inventory strategies to support the wider development of the Latin American base oils and lubricants industry?
09:55 - 10:40

Argus views: Grp II and Grp III spreads, demand for semi- and fully synthetic lubricants, new export strategies for Grp II and more

  • How are Grp II and Grp III spreads affecting base oils production across the US? With domestic Grp III production on the rise, what can we tell about the future of production including any potential switches back to Grp II? 
  • How is policy affecting this region? Considering US tariffs, Mexican permitting, auto parts tariffs and more.
  • How is the demand for synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants for engines currently being built affecting the inventory and production strategies of base oil producers? 

Speakers Include:

John Dietrich

Deputy Editor - Base Oils

Julio Viana

Market Reporter - Base Oils

Morning break

10:40 - 11:20

Morning networking and coffee break

Approvals and re-refining oils

11:20 - 11:50

Base oils approvals and licensing: Why a fully-approved product is crucial to success in the international markets

  • What is the difference between an approved and unapproved lubricant?
  • Why are fully-approved lubricants more desirable in key international trade destinations such as the US and Europe?
  • How do industry licensing and oil approval programmes also help to promote sustainability in the base oil and lubricants industries? Considering life cycle assessments, carbon foot printing and more measuring tools.
11:50 - 12:20

Re-refined base oils: The next big opportunity in Latin America?

  • What is the current re-refining capacity in Latin America and is there any plans for expansion?
  • What are the current bottlenecks to expansion of re-refining and waste oils collection across the region?
  • How much do re-refined base oils contribute towards industry sustainability targets and why should the base oils and lubricants industry be paying attention to them?

Lunch break

12:20 - 14:00

Lunch break

Join us for a sit down lunch in the Riverfront South and network with your peers over a meal

Hybrid vehicles, ICE engines, and small engine motor oils

14:00 - 14:30

How is Latin America's shifting car park affecting the demand for engine oils?

  • What is the current size of Latin America's internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle car park and how much is the hybrid vehicle market growing across the continent?
  • What type of oils go into hybrid vehicles and how to these differ from those for ICE vehicles?
  • Could an increasingly hybrid car park drive Latin America to adopt more Grp II and Grp III base oils? Where would these be sourced from?
14:30 - 15:00

Life on two wheels: The unique role of small engine motor oils in keeping the region’s motorcycle commuters moving

  • What unique challenges are posed by motorcycles and small engines - including fuels, the need for a single lubricant to protect the clutch, gearbox and engine - and how do motorcycle lubricant formulations address this?
  • Why is it so important to use small engine specific oils for motorcycles instead of passenger car motor oils, and what opportunities does this present for the region's lubricant industry with rapidly increasing motorcycle ownership?
  • What are the key industry specifications and oil standards to be considered for motorcycle engine oils?

Afternoon break

15:00 - 15:30

Afternoon networking and coffee break

Heavy products and mining lubricants

15:30 - 16:15

Heavy products landscape: Looking to naphthenic and Grp I production across the region

  • What is the current production landscape and market drivers for naphthenic and Grp I base oils across Latin America and why are these heavy product oils so popular?
  • What are the unique properties of these oils that make them so desirable for end-uses such as metalworking fluids, greases, rubber procession and industrial lubricants?
  • How much growth is expected in this market considering a booming manufacturing and industrial economy across Latin America?
16:30 - 17:00

Industrial lubricants focus: Understanding the world of mining and steelworking lubricants

  • Mining and steel industries dominate the economies of the West coast of Latin America and in Central America – how large is the mining lubricant industry in terms of demand, growth, and country needs?
  • What formulation needs are there for mining and steel lubricants and what is the process for developing and approving additive packages in this industry?
  • Will these heavy industry lubricants be subjected to any incoming sustainability legislation?

Chairperson's closing remarks


Guo Harn Hong

Global Lead Base Oils

Networking drinks reception

17:00 - 19:00

Welcome to the Argus Base Oils Latin America Conference drinks reception

Open to all registered delegates. Join us for a themed drinks reception at the Hyatt Regency Miami. Full details to be released soon.

Main conference resumes

09:00 - 10:00

Networking breakfast

09:55 - 10:00

Chairperson's opening remarks


Guo Harn Hong

Global Lead Base Oils

Optional breakfast briefing

09:15 - 09:45

Breakfast briefing: Understand the role of greases in Latin American industry

  • Join this optional breakfast briefing for an interactive workshop on the grease industry. Understand the complexity of grease manufacturing and their importance in Latin America considering growing industrial mining, steelworking uses and the rise of hybrid and EV cars.


Siddharth Sachdeva

Managing Director
Trinity Lubes and Greases
10:00 - 10:45

Keynote panel: Assessing the blender landscape across Latin America

  • The Latin American lubricants market has been growing year on year with continued growth projections up to 2030 – how has the industry changed over recent years and how are blenders factoring key issues such as sustainability, evolving vehicle parks, base oil supply and more to ensure they meet this growth?
  • Considering automotive, industrial and marine lubricants – what are the key market drivers for each industry and how can blenders best position for success in each market?
  • What are the key market drivers that this industry should be aware of?
10:45 - 11:15

New opportunities: Diving into the world of synthetic and bio-based lubricants

  • What are the fundamental differences between traditional petroleum based lubricants and bio or synthetic lubricants? How do they compare in terms of sustainability, affordability, availability of supply and effectiveness?
  • Where are we seeing interest in bio and synthetic lubricants coming from? Who is investing in these over petroleum-based lubricants and why?
  • Can bio- and synthetic lubricants ensure the same quality as petroleum lubricants? How will quality be monitored and assured for end-users?

Morning break

11:15 - 11:45

Morning networking and coffee break

Argus global outlook, trade route views, freight and logistics

11:45 - 12:30

Argus global outlook and trade flows update: Increased international market presence, arbitrage open across Asia, and key market drivers beyond 2026

  • What is the big picture outlook for global base oils and lubricants trade across Latin America in the years ahead – what will be the key trends to watch in 2026 and beyond?  
  • What can the market expect in terms of supply, demand, and pricing in 2026 and beyond? 
  • How are global trade flows in and out of Europe developing and what does this mean for Latin America’s role in the global base oils economy?

Speakers Include:

Gabriella Twining

Global Editor - Base Oils

Guo Harn Hong

Global Lead Base Oils
12:30 - 13:15

The final piece of the puzzle – Understanding the freight and logistical networks connecting Latin America to the rest of the world

  • Freight pricing can make or break a deal’s profitability - at what point does the market become unsustainable owing to increased freight prices? What needs to be done to ease the weight of freight?
  • What challenges are presented by inland refineries and the need to transport product efficiently to ports and how are logistics teams adapting to and mitigating current crises? Considering replacing trucks with railcars, though they hold less product – how do companies balance this?
  • Understand global shipping routes and their logistical impacts – Panama canal issues, ships from Asia, flexi tanks versus iso and more.