José Javier García Pardenilla
Managing Director, Ditecpesa Asphalt Products, FerrovialGraduate in chemistry and MBA, having worked with MIT on asphalt products. Javier is part of Ferrovial, being Managing Director of Ditecpesa Asphalt Products, which is one of the most important bitumen sellers and manufacturers of polymer modified bitumen and bitumen emulsions in Spain, In addition, carried out projects in Portugal, the United Kingdom, Bratislava and are currently manufacturing modified bitumen for the new runway at the Luis Muñoz International Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the United States. Focused on Asia Ferrovial is an important part of the IRB Infrastructure Developers company in India, and has presence in Australia. He began his career in Ditecpesa’s technical department in 1997, and subsequently worked in the company’s industrial, financial and commercial departments before taking on his current role. Javier has also helped manage the purchase of asphalt products for Ditecpesa’s parent company Ferrovial for projects throughout the world, focusing on the technological development of pavements and associated environmental concerns. Javier has outstanding knowledge of the construction and operation facilities of asphalt products including bitumen terminals, polymer modified bitumen and emulsion plants. He is also a specialist in climate change, content strategy, industrial health and safety and green solutions.