Argus Нефтегазовый рынок Казахстана и Центральной Азии 2025
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Запрос информацииCO-HOST Sponsor
SOCAR Trading
Headquartered in Geneva, SOCAR Trading was incorporated in December 2007 as the marketing arm of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) with a mandate to market Azeri barrels produced from the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field and other surrounding fields in Azerbaijan. SOCAR Trading is unique: it enjoys the advantages of being a wholly-owned state entity combined with the independence and global presence of a major commodities trading company based in Switzerland. While the company continues to market the bulk of SOCAR crude oil export volumes from Ceyhan port in Turkey, it has also been able to develop significant third party volumes through both leveraging its system barrels, as well as its experienced traders developing new business. SOCAR Trading has relationships with SWIFT and more than 40 banks in Europe, Asia and US.
Platinum Sponsor
Petrochina International
PetroChina International Co., Ltd., является специализированным международным торговым предприятием, принадлежащей Китайской национальной нефтегазовой компании CNPC. Предприятие имеет 59 филиалов в 28 странах и регионах мира, c тремя основными центрами торговли нефтью и газом: в Азии, Европе и Америке. В Центральной-Азии предприятие представлено своей дочерней компанией PetroChina International Kazakhstan (ТОО «ПЕТРОЧАЙНА Интернэшнл Казахстан»), основанной в г. Алматы в 2002 году. Компания осуществляет координацию и поддержку взаимодействия с клиентами в Центрально-Азиатском регионе, с имеющимися представительствами в Узбекистане и Туркменистане. Основные виды деятельности компании это: нефтепереработка и последующая реализация нефтепродуктов на рынке Казахстана, реализация нефтехимического сырья из Китая в странах Центральной Азии, и транзит казахстанской сырой нефти по Казахстанско-Китайскому трубопроводу.
Gold Sponsors
TEXOL Group — maintenance, infrastructure, transportation
The company works in three main areas:
• chemical cleaning of technological systems, vessels and pipelines;
• management of its own specialized infrastructure for the maintenance and repairs of railcars and tanks;
• railway transportation using its own fleet of railcars and tanks.
The main focus of the transportation services is offering complex contractual logistics for LPG transportation, including working under service agreements with major customers.
The company’s main priorities in all working areas are security, innovation and digitalization.Alkagesta
Alkagesta is an avant-garde multi-billion commodity trading house operating globally. Alkagesta is specialized in the trading of the full range of Petroleum products, Petrochemicals, Fertilizers, and Agricultural commodities. Our expertise in physical and paper markets accompanied by well-managed logistics enables Alkagesta to meet the world’s growing demand for commodities safely and responsively and serve our counterparties around the globe.
REDBRIDGE Energy DMCC is the energy trading company. Main Activities in trading of refined oil products and crude oil, plastic and nylon materials trading, chemical fertilizers trading and petrochemicals trading. Based in Dubai, UAE. Obtained licenses from the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC).
Bronze Sponsors
CIM Banque
In 34 years of experience, CIM Bank has developed a strong team of dedicated Private Bankers speaking more than 12
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different languages, providing each of its private and institutional clients with a personalised relationship and individual
financial solutions.
Innovative communication systems and newest technology have always been in the center of CIM Bank’s development,
together with a strong commitment to Swiss values and regulations.
With 3 offices in Switzerland (Geneva, Lugano and Wollerau) CIM Bank provides its international clientele a wide range of
• Current accounts, commercial accounts, savings accounts and trading accounts
• E-banking access 24/7
• Multicurrency accounts
• International SWIFT Payments
• Trade Finance Services
• Credit cards and debit cards
• Private Banking & Asset Management
• Online trading (Stocks, Bonds, Funds, derivatives)
• Personal or corporate clients
• Free account opening
• Non-Swiss residents accepted
• Online account opening
• E-identification and E-signature
• No minimum deposit
CIM Bank works under the authorisation of FINMA, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, and is a member of
the Swiss Exchange and of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA).