
Argus Road Transportation Fuels Europe Conference

Berlin, Deutschland
23. bis 25. September 2024
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85Дней осталось

Bisherige unterstützende Partner


European Waste-based & Advanced Biofuels Association - EWABA

EWABA is a Brussels-based association representing the interests of the European waste-based and advanced biofuels industry before EU institutions, national governments, industry, civil society and the media. We promote the inclusion of waste-based and advanced biofuels in the EU fuel mix as a sustainable means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in EU transport. Our +35 members active in most EU Member States collect and use waste and advanced feedstocks listed in parts A and B of Annex IX of the Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) to produce sustainable biodiesel with the highest GHG savings (up to +90%) when compared with fossil fuels, thus enabling “near-term decarbonization” of the EU road and maritime transport sectors.

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ePURE represents the interests of European renewable ethanol producers to the EU institutions, industry stakeholders, the media, academia and the general public. Based in Brussels, ePURE speaks for 43 member companies and associations, with around 50 plants across the EU and UK, accounting for about 85% of EU renewable ethanol production. The organisation, established in 2010, promotes the beneficial uses of ethanol throughout Europe.

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Mittelstandsverband abfallbasierter Kraftstoffe e.V. (MVaK)

The Mittelstandsverband abfallbasierter Kraftstoffe e.V. (MVaK) represents 29 members from Germany, Austria and The Netherlands which collect and prepare suitable vegetable waste oils and residues, mainly used cooking oil and waste fatty acids, process them into waste-based and advanced biodiesel or trade feedstocks and finished products.

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Port of Hamburg

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