Argus India DAP cfr
The Argus India DAP cfr price assessment is a leading spot price for the global phosphates market. India typically accounts for 30-50pc of global DAP trade every year. The price is pivotal to setting cfr levels in neighbouring Pakistan, as well as DAP fob levels out of China. Liquidity throughout the year is almost permanent, and activity peaks in 2Q and 3Q as the kharif and rabi seasons ramp up. The price sets the tone for DAP prices east of Suez.
Price assessment details
What are the advantages of the Argus India DAP cfr price assessment?
The price is widely used as a barometer for phosphates prices in India, the world’s largest DAP import market, and for key destination markets Pakistan and Bangladesh. Pakistan importers see India as the barometer of their own cfr price, which typically trades at a $5-7/t premium due to freight logistics.
How is this assessment used?
The price assessment is widely used by Indian distributors and suppliers from major origin markets in China, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Morocco, the US and Australia. Asia-focused trading firms are particularly active, shipping DAP cargoes from China and Jordan to Indian buyers, particularly.
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Key price assessments
Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.