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New Zealand creates climate fund

  • Spanish Market: Coal, Emissions, Hydrogen
  • 17/05/22

The New Zealand government has created a NZ$4.5bn ($2.86bn) fund to spend on measures to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions such as funding programmes to accelerate the take-up of electric vehicles (EVs), end the use of coal and financing studies on developing the country's hydrogen strategy and its offshore wind power generation sector.

The Climate Emergency Response Fund (CERF) will be funded from revenue generated from its Emissions Trading Scheme, New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern said.

Around NZ$1.2bn will be spent on the transport sector, to support the take-up of EVs, promote greater use of public transport and cycling and decarbonise New Zealand's freight system, New Zealand climate change minister James Shaw said.

New Zealand plans to introduce zero emissions buses from 2025 and have the national public transport fleet decarbonised by 2035, Shaw said. It plans to reduce emissions from freight transport by 35pc by 2035.

New Zealand also intends to end its reliance on coal with a ban on new low to medium temperature coal boilers and a phase out of existing ones by 2037.

The country's latest audited annual GHG emissions were 78.78mn t of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) in 2020, 20.8pc up from 65.19mn t of CO2e in 1990 but down 3.5pc or by 2.84mn t from 2019 levels.

New Zealand's energy sector accounted for around 40pc of the country's emissions and around 50pc is derived from the agricultural sector.

The announcement of the CERF funding was part of the New Zealand government's budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year to 30 June and came after last week's launch of the government's GHG emissions targets for three periods up until 2035.

The first New Zealand GHG emissions budget for 2022-25 sets average emissions at 72.4mn t/yr of CO2e or 8pc below 2020 levels.

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South Korea to require use of SAF for flights from 2027

South Korea to require use of SAF for flights from 2027

Singapore, 30 August (Argus) — South Korea said it plans to require all international flights departing from its airports to use a mix of 1pc sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from 2027. This comes as more countries are adopting SAF mandates in accordance with the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). Singapore earlier this year announced a 1pc SAF blending mandate from 2026 , with plans to increase to 3-5pc by 2030, subject to global developments and wider SAF availability and adoption. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced the 'SAF Expansion Strategy' on 30 August, which includes a target for South Korea to capture 30pc of the global blended SAF export market. While not explicitly stated in the statement, some South Korean refineries expect co-processed SAF to be allowed to meet the country's mandate, sources said. This is important as the country already produces small quantities of SAF via co-processing at existing refining facilities, with three of South Korea's four domestic refineries planning to produce SAF through co-processing by the end of this year . Key strategies The ministries outlined three key strategies to achieve the SAF consumption target — gradual expansion of domestic SAF demand, ensuring a stable domestic supply capacity, and establishing a SAF-friendly legal and institutional environment. Airlines can already refuel with SAF at Korean airports, making South Korea the 20th country to do so as part of their plan to increase domestic SAF demand. The country had tested six flights using 2-4pc imported blended SAF between South Korea and Los Angeles since August 2023. An incentive system is being developed to encourage public and private adoption of SAF, with benefits such as preferential allocation of transport rights, reduced airport facility usage fees and the introduction of airline carbon mileage system for passengers and other benefits. A mid- to long-term roadmap for the gradual expansion of domestic SAF demand will be prepared in early 2025, the ministries said. The country's strategy to secure stable domestic supply capabilities includes considering investment support for domestic SAF production such as tax credits. South Korea's four domestic refineries already plan to invest 4 trillion won ($3bn) in renewable fuels, including SAF by 2030, the ministries said. The government estimates a Hydrotreated Esters and Fatty Acids (HEFA) SAF plant with a production capacity of up to 250,000 t/yr will require an investment of approximately W1 trillion. The supply-side strategy also aims to ease regulations on waste recycling to increase the availability of domestic feedstocks for SAF production. Another strategy is to diversify feedstock and SAF production technology options, with pre-testing expected later this year. The government plans to explore alternative feedstock like microalgae and production pathways such as e-SAF, with a view to developing supply chains. South Korea plans to establish a national standard, certification and testing method for SAF with preparation planned for December 2024. By Deborah Sun Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Brazil's Bndes backs reforestation firm


Brazil's Bndes backs reforestation firm

Sao Paulo, 29 August (Argus) — Brazil's Bndes development bank approved R160mn ($28.7mn) in financing for reforestation company Mombak, which will use the funding for projects in Para state that will generate carbon offsets to be sold in the international market. The company has planted over 3mn native tree species in Para as part of its broader efforts to recover degraded areas in the Amazon basin where deforestation levels are highest. Mombak will receive R80mn from the Bndes' Climate fund and another R80mn from the banks' Finem line of credit. This is not Mobak's first project to sell carbon offsets. The company has a deal with Microsoft for 1.5mn offsets and with automobile racing firm McLaren. The funding is part of a partnership between Bndes and the environment ministry to reduce deforestation in an area known as the "deforestation arch" in the Amazon, with the goal of recovering 6mn hectares (ha) of degraded area in this region by 2030 and 18mn ha by 2050. This environmentally vulnerable region has received R1bn in financing since it was officially targeted at the Cop 28 UN climate talks. Mombak was founded in 2021 by former executives from Brazilian tech companies 99 and Nubank. The company has raised roughly R1bn in capital to invest in reforestation projects. It also received backing from the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Bain Capital, French insurance company AXA and the Rockefeller Foundation. Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

UK eyes new environmental guidance for oil, gas: Update


UK eyes new environmental guidance for oil, gas: Update

Adds comment from Shell London, 29 August (Argus) — The UK government will develop new environmental guidance for oil and gas firms, in the light of a recent Supreme Court decision that ruled consent for an oil development was unlawful, as the scope 3 emissions — those from burning the oil produced — were not considered. The ruling means that "end use emissions from the burning of extracted hydrocarbons need to be assessed", the government said today. The government will consult on the new guidance and aims to conclude the process "by spring 2025", it said today. It will in the meantime halt and defer the assessment of any environmental statements related to oil and gas extraction and storage activities until the new guidance is in place, including statements that are already being assessed. The Supreme Court in June ruled that Surrey County Council's decision to permit an oil development was "unlawful because the end use atmospheric emissions from burning the extracted oil were not assessed as part of the environmental impact assessment". The government also confirmed that it will not challenge judicial reviews brought against the development consent granted to the Jackdaw and Rosebank oil and gas fields in the North Sea. A judicial review in the UK is a challenge to the way in which a decision has been made by a public body, focusing on the procedures followed rather than the conclusion reached. Environmental campaign groups Greenpeace and Uplift launched legal challenges in December seeking a judicial review of the government's decision to permit Rosebank. Norway's state-owned Equinor and London-listed Ithaca hold 80pc and 20pc of Rosebank, respectively. Greenpeace in July 2022 separately filed a legal challenge against the permitting of Shell's Jackdaw field. "This litigation does not mean the licences for Jackdaw and Rosebank have been withdrawn", the government said. The Labour government, voted into office in July , pledged not to issue any new oil, gas or coal licences, but also promised not to revoke existing ones. Equinor is "currently assessing the implications of today's announcement and will maintain close collaboration with all relevant stakeholders to advance the project. Rosebank is a vital project for the UK and is bringing benefits in terms of investment, job creation and energy security", the company told Argus today. Shell is "carefully considering the implications of today's announcement... we believe the Jackdaw field remains an important development for the UK, providing fuel to heat 1.4mn homes and supporting energy security, as other older gas fields reach the end of production", the company told Argus . North Sea oil and gas production "will be a key component of the UK energy landscape for decades to come", the government said today. The UK government introduced a climate compatibility checkpoint in September 2022, designed to ensure that oil and gas licensing fits UK climate goals. The UK has a legally-binding target of net zero emissions by 2050. The checkpoint, though, does not take into account scope 3 emissions. These typically make up between 80pc and 95pc of total oil and gas company emissions. By Georgia Gratton Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

UK plans new environmental guidance for oil and gas


UK plans new environmental guidance for oil and gas

London, 29 August (Argus) — The UK government will develop new environmental guidance for oil and gas firms, in the light of a recent Supreme Court decision that ruled consent for an oil development was unlawful, as the scope 3 emissions — those from burning the oil produced — were not considered. The ruling means that "end use emissions from the burning of extracted hydrocarbons need to be assessed", the government said today. The government will consult on the new guidance and aims to conclude the process "by spring 2025", it said today. It will in the meantime halt and defer the assessment of any environmental statements related to oil and gas extraction and storage activities until the new guidance is in place, including statements that are already being assessed. The Supreme Court in June ruled that Surrey County Council's decision to permit an oil development was "unlawful because the end use atmospheric emissions from burning the extracted oil were not assessed as part of the environmental impact assessment". The government also confirmed that it will not challenge judicial reviews brought against the development consent granted to the Jackdaw and Rosebank oil and gas fields in the North Sea. A judicial review in the UK is a challenge to the way in which a decision has been made by a public body, focusing on the procedures followed rather than the conclusion reached. Environmental campaign groups Greenpeace and Uplift launched legal challenges in December seeking a judicial review of the government's decision to permit Rosebank. Norway's state-owned Equinor and London-listed Ithaca hold 80pc and 20pc of Rosebank, respectively. Greenpeace in July 2022 separately filed a legal challenge against the permitting of Shell's Jackdaw field. "This litigation does not mean the licences for Jackdaw and Rosebank have been withdrawn", the government said. The Labour government, voted into office in July , pledged not to issue any new oil, gas or coal licences, but also promised not to revoke existing ones. Equinor is "currently assessing the implications of today's announcement and will maintain close collaboration with all relevant stakeholders to advance the project. Rosebank is a vital project for the UK and is bringing benefits in terms of investment, job creation and energy security", the company told Argus today. North Sea oil and gas production "will be a key component of the UK energy landscape for decades to come", the government said today. Argus has also contacted Shell for comment. The UK government introduced a climate compatibility checkpoint in September 2022, designed to ensure that oil and gas licensing fits UK climate goals. The UK has a legally-binding target of net zero emissions by 2050. The checkpoint, though, does not take into account scope 3 emissions. These typically make up between 80pc and 95pc of total oil and gas company emissions. By Georgia Gratton Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

US, Italy, Germany miss goal to cut fossil fuel finance


US, Italy, Germany miss goal to cut fossil fuel finance

Edinburgh, 28 August (Argus) — Countries including the US, Italy and Germany continued to finance international fossil fuel projects last year despite committing to stop doing so by the end of 2022, according to a report by think-tank the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and civil society organisation Oil Change International. A total of 39 countries and development banks, including the US, Canada, Germany, the UK, France and Italy, promised to end international public finance for unabated fossil fuels by the end of 2022. The Glasgow pledge — the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) — signed on the sidelines of the UN Cop 26 climate talks has exemptions for "limited and clearly defined circumstances consistent with a 1.5°C warming limit and the goals of the Paris Agreement". The report found that the US invested $3.2bn in 10 overseas projects last year and its export-import bank approved $500mn for 300 oil and gas well in Bahrain. The US is "currently considering at least five fossil fuel megaprojects that are all steeped in controversy, including gas projects in Guyana, Papua New Guinea and Mozambique", the report said. The organisations said Switzerland approved five fossil fuel projects abroad last year for a total of $1.4bn, Italy and Germany approved $1bn each and Italy's export credit agency SACE provided $4.3bn for petrochemical projects. Italy's policy contains "numerous wide-ranging loopholes" that essentially allow SACE "to continue its fossil finance virtually unhindered", the organisations said. The report also pointed out that the Netherlands committed $321mn to an oil and gas project in Brazil's Santos basin. Environmental organisations had warned last year that energy security concerns would mean some countries including the US, Germany and Italy would miss the pledge made in Glasgow . But fossil fuel finance is decreasing even among signatories with policies that do not match the ambition of the CETP, according to the report. "A year after the deadline, most CETP signatories — including Canada, the UK, France and the European Investment Bank — have met their promise," IISD and Oil Change said. And the commitments have shifted billions away from fossil fuel investments towards clean energy. The report found that signatories have collectively reduced their international public finance for fossil fuel projects by around $10bn-15bn from a 2019-21 average to around $5.2bn in 2023. International investment in clean energy rose by 16pc in the same period to $21.3bn. "Signatories particularly need to adopt ambitious and quantitative targets for rapidly scaling up finance for clean energy, commit to a high standard for the quality of this financing, as well as prioritise financing for key enabling energy sub-sectors and for the countries that need it most," the organisations said. The report found that the largest recipients of the pledge signatories' finance were upper and upper-middle income countries rather than low-income nations. The top three recipients of the signatories' international public finance for clean energy last year were Spain, Germany and Poland, they said. By Caroline Varin Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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