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Brazil falls short as Cop 27 nears

  • Spanish Market: Biofuels, Crude oil, Electricity, Emissions, Hydrogen, Natural gas, Oil products
  • 19/10/22

Brazil has struggled to meet its environmental goals and the country's total emissions may have risen last year

Brazil is heading to the UN Cop 27 climate talks in Egypt next month with little to celebrate, after the country failed to make good on its promise to reduce deforestation, while energy sector emissions have increased.

Brazil committed to cut deforestation by 15pc/yr to 2024, by 40pc in 2025 and 50pc in 2027 at last year's Cop 26 meeting in Glasgow. But the government has not announced a concrete plan to achieve the goal.

Brazil lost 13,235km² of Amazon rainforest between August 2020 and July 2021, up by nearly 22pc from 10,851km² during the previous period, data released in November by national space research institute Inpe show. Although the government has not yet released the official data for the August 2021-July 2022 period, preliminary figures produced by Brazilian environmental think-tank Imazon point to a 3pc increase.

Energy sector emissions rose last year, owing to the increased use of fossil fuels in power generation and declining ethanol output following a once-in-a-century drought that depleted hydroelectric reservoirs and trimmed the sugarcane crop. Emissions rose by 12.4pc to more than 445mn t, government-controlled energy research agency Epe estimates. The increase, combined with higher rates of deforestation, means that Brazil's total 2021 emissions are on track to rise when data are released later this year.

But Brazil has made some progress towards the creation of a voluntary carbon market. The government in May issued a decree that laid out the regulatory framework for a carbon and methane offset market, with the goal of becoming a major exporter of credits. The decree paves the way for the government to set targets for emissions reductions, and establishes a national registry that will certify the credits. Development bank Bndes has been working to set up the market, with plans to purchase up to 100mn reals ($19mn) of offsets. But there is a consensus that legislation needs to be approved for it to expand on a solid regulatory footing, and a draft version of the law remains stuck in committee.

Pledge of the world

Brazil is part of a global pledge to reduce methane emissions by 30pc by 2050 from 2020. The government has launched incentives to reduce methane emissions through increased investments in biomethane production and by extending tax benefits for new biomethane projects, on top of developing methane credits.

Environment minister Joaquim Leite has promised that the Brazilian delegation will not arrive in Cairo empty-handed. The government is installing 10 bases in the Amazon basin to combat illegal deforestation, and plans to replace old, inefficient heavy vehicles with electric or biofuel vehicles.

Brazil's future climate policy will hinge on the outcome of the 30 October presidential election. President Jair Bolsonaro would struggle to convince global leaders that he is serious about reducing deforestation, after environmental devastation reached 15-year highs during his government. His challenger and frontrunner, former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, has a better track record when it comes to the Amazon and has promised to push a more environmentally friendly growth agenda if he is elected for a third term.

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Dangote refinery buys first cargo of Eq Guinea crude

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Nigeria's port authority raises import tariffs


Nigeria's port authority raises import tariffs

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IEA says trade tensions clouding oil demand outlook


IEA says trade tensions clouding oil demand outlook

London, 13 March (Argus) — The IEA today downgraded its global oil demand growth forecast for 2025, noting a deterioration in macroeconomic conditions driven by rising trade tensions. It sees a larger supply surplus as a result, which could be greater still depending on Opec+ policy. The Paris-based agency, in its latest Oil Market Report (OMR), sees oil demand rising by 1.03mn b/d to 103.91mn b/d in 2025, down from a projected rise of 1.10mn b/d in its previous OMR. The IEA said recent oil demand data have underwhelmed, and it has cut its growth estimates for the final three months of 2024 and the first three months of this year. US President Donald Trump has imposed tariffs on various goods arriving in the US from China, Mexico and Canada, as well as on all imports of steel and aluminium. Some countries have retaliated with tariffs of their own on US imports, raising the prospect of a full-blown trade war. The IEA said US tariffs on Canada and Mexico "may impact flows and prices from the two countries that accounted for roughly 70pc of US crude oil imports last year." But it is still too early to assess the full effects of these trade policies on the wider oil market given the scope and scale of tariffs remain unclear and that negotiations are continuing, the IEA said. For now, the IEA's latest estimates see US demand growth this year slightly higher than its previous forecast. It sees US consumption increasing by 90,000 b/d to 20.40mn b/d, compared with a projected rise of 70,000 b/d in the prior OMR. The downgrades to its global oil demand forecast were mainly driven by India and South Korea. The agency also noted latest US sanctions on Russia and Iran had yet to "significantly disrupt loadings, even as some buyers have scaled back loadings." The IEA's latest balances show global supply exceeding demand by 600,000 b/d in 2025, compared with 450,000 b/d in its previous forecast. It said the surplus could rise to 1mn b/d if Opec+ members continue to raise production beyond April. Eight members of the Opec+ alliance earlier this month agreed to proceed with a plan to start unwinding 2.2mn b/d of voluntary production cuts over an 18 month period starting in April. The IEA said the actual output increase in April may only be 40,000 b/d, not the 138,000 b/d implied under the Opec+ plan, as most are already exceeding their production targets. The IEA sees global oil supply growing by 1.5mn b/d this year to 104.51mn b/d, compared with projected growth of 1.56mn b/d in its previous report. The agency does not incorporate any further supply increases from Opec+ beyond the planned April rise. The IEA said global observed stocks fell by 40.5mn bl in January, of which 26.1mn bl were products. Preliminary data for February show a rebound in global stocks, lifted by an increase in oil on water, the IEA said. By Aydin Calik Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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