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Malaysia's 2025 budget promotes palm waste SAF

  • Spanish Market: Agriculture, Biofuels, Chemicals
  • 21/10/24

Malaysia's state-owned Petronas will work with palm oil producers to develop palm oil waste-based sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), according to prime minister Anwar Ibrahim when he presented the 2025 budget.

The palm oil producers include Malaysia-based agribusiness FGV and Malaysia-headquartered SD Guthrie, previously Sime Darby.

Anwar also announced additional higher tax brackets for crude palm oil (CPO) exports will be introduced from 1 November and proposed to increase Malaysia's windfall profit levy threshold for the palm sector. These changes are meant to ensure domestic CPO supply and encourage domestic production of value-added products including SAF and biodiesel, according to the Budget documents.

Progressive export duties will be introduced from 8.5pc when CPO prices rise above 3,600 ringgit/t ($837/t), up to a maximum 10pc for CPO prices above 4,050 ringgit/t. Previous duty rates capped out at 8pc for CPO prices above 3,450 ringgit/t.

This revised export structure is likely to weigh on palm oil prices, as exporters may reduce bids in the domestic market to keep prices below the threshold that will trigger higher export duties.

The CPO price threshold for triggering Malaysia's windfall profit levy will be increased to 3,150 ringgit/t for Peninsular Malaysia and 3,650 ringgit/t for Sabah and Sarawak from 1 January 2025, a rise of 150 ringgit/t from the previous threshold for both areas. The windfall profit levy applies to producers of palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB).

The revised export taxes and windfall profit levy threshold are expected to increase costs for the palm plantation sector, but would help the downstream palm refining industry become more competitive compared with Indonesia, according to industry consultancy Glenauk Economics.

Replanting funds

Malaysia will also allocate another 100mn ringgit to incentivise smallholders to continue replanting unproductive, ageing oil palm trees under its 2025 budget, the same amount from the previous year. The funding will be 50pc in grants and 50pc in soft loans, as in Budget 2024.

No land area target for replanting was specified this year. But this year's allocated funding of 100mn ringgit mirrored last year's allocation that targeted 5,900 hectares (ha) of land area. But this amount will likely not be enough to support adequate replanting, according to market participants.

Malaysia replanted an estimated 1.7pc of mature oil palm plantation areas during January-September and 2.6pc of mature areas in 2023, according to data from Glenauk Economics. This indicates more funding is likely needed to meet the 4pc industry standard for replanting mature areas yearly as recommended to maintain palm oil output volumes.

The low replanting rate has likely partly been because of high palm oil prices in recent years compared to the historical average. High prices discourage voluntary replanting as plantation owners prefer to continue harvesting FFB from older trees over replanting. Third-month crude palm oil (CPO) futures on Bursa Malaysia averaged 3,890 ringgit/t over the past two years up to 21 October. The average price recorded over the past 10 years was just 3,124 ringgit/t.

The US department of agriculture (USDA) estimated a quarter of planted oil palm areas in Malaysia were older than 25 years old as of early January, resulting in lower yields.

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Seca no Brasil: Níveis dos rios voltam a subir

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B24 bunker demand in Asia, Middle East to rise in 2025


B24 bunker demand in Asia, Middle East to rise in 2025

Singapore, 25 October (Argus) — B24 bunker demand in the key ports of Singapore, Zhoushan and Fujairah will likely rise in 2025, because of increased demand ahead of the implementation of the EU's FuelEU maritime regulation. Regional demand for B24 — which consists of 24pc used cooking oil methy ester (Ucome) and 76pc very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) — is expected to rise as shipowners prepare to meet more stringent mandates set by the EU and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) from next year, said market participants. FuelEU Maritime aims to raise the share of renewable and low-carbon fuels in the fuel mix of maritime transport within the EU, and will set requirements for greenhouse gas emission reductions against a 2020 baseline level, starting with 2pc in 2025. The use of B24 is a relatively low-cost way to help meet the new mandate and is available at key ports globally. Competition for B24 is rising in Asia and the Middle East as port authorities revisit local rules and permits. The Zhoushan Port Authority will obtain the domestic blend permit by the end of the year, it said recently at a local conference,which will pave the way for key local refiners to blend and sell B24 to local and international shipowners. The quota is likely to be divided among Chinese majors like PetroChina (CNPC), Sinopec, and CNOOC. The port authorities further mentioned that CNPC and Sinopec are expected to each receive a blending quota of 200,000t of B24, while CNOOC will receive a blend quota of 100,000t in 2025. There were no further details available or any other formal announcement. But regional traders and shipowners, which have been waiting for the lifting of restrictions by the Chinese government, expect the move will allow shipowners more options to bunker B24 in this region. European market participants expect this B24 blending permit, if allocated, may pull some marine biodiesel demand towards Zhoushan and away from shipowners operating on east-west routes between Singapore and Europe.B24 blends in Zhoushan could end up pricing very competitively against VLSFO when EU emission trading system (ETS) costs are accounted for, given easing prices for Chinese-origin biodiesel, participants added. And FuelEU Maritime's pooling mechanism, which allows shipowners to pool different vessels together to achieve overall compliance across the pool, will enable shipowners that operate east-west routes to pool those vessels with other vessels that operate only within the EU — opening the door for marine biodiesel bunkered in Zhoushan to help meet FuelEU compliance. Singapore B24 consumption has been on the rise in Singapore, the world's largest bunkering hub, through 2024 because of demand from regional and international shipowners for refuelling of this blended marine fuels. B24 consumption touched 470,300t between January to September, according to data from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). Demand for B24 is expected to near 800,000t by the end of 2024, up from 518,000t in 2023. Zhoushan remains competitively priced versus Singapore for VLSFO, with Singapore's delivered on board (dob) prices for the past year showing a $3/t premium versus Zhoushan on average, based on Argus data. But Singapore-based traders remain confident that the city-state will continue to lead the region in terms of B24 bunkering demand into 2025. "I think both ports will co-exist and there will be price competition…also it doesn't replace Singapore as the main port, do note," said a key global trader and refiner. Singapore is also the cheapest in terms of B24 pricing, compared with other key ports like Rotterdam and Fujairah. The spread between Singapore versus Rotterdam since 24 April shows a $94/t discount for bunkering in the former port, while the discount for Singapore with Fujairah stood at an average of $39.4/t, based on Argus data. Middle East Bunkering B24 has been picking up in the Middle East since the end of 2023, with sporadic demand trickling in this year. "We receive enquiries for B24 once or twice a month, sometimes even less than that for small volumes of 150-200t," one Fujairah-based trader said. But this could change following the implementation of the EU's FuelEU Maritime regulation from January 2025 . The EU is an important market and a regular destination for much of the maritime traffic passing through Fujairah, so the new regulations are likely to be a trigger for change, market participants said. "Many vessels refuel in Fujairah before calling at EU ports," one trader says. "They already have to comply with the EU ETS, [Carbon Intensity Index], and will need to also comply with FuelEU." By Mahua Chakravarty, Hussein Al-Khalisy and Elshan Aliyev Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

India’s IOC plans 1pc SAF blending by Jul-Sep 2025


India’s IOC plans 1pc SAF blending by Jul-Sep 2025

Singapore, 24 October (Argus) — Indian state-controlled refiner IOC plans to achieve at least 1pc sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in jet fuel by July-September 2025, ahead of the government's aim of 2027. IOC also plans to set up dedicated plants for SAF, IOC's director of research and development Alok Sharma said at the India Refining Summit on 23 October. India aims to have 1pc SAF in jet fuel for international flights by 2027, which will double to 2pc in 2028. Delhi initially targeted to have 1pc SAF blending in jet fuel by 2025, saying it would need 140mn litres/yr of SAF to achieve this as part of the country's efforts to achieve net zero by 2070. Refinery expansions will focus on expanding production of jet fuel on expectations of higher demand, Sharma said. He added that demand for other products will plateau, but that of jet fuel will increase. The IEA sees global oil demand — excluding biofuels — falling to 93.1mn b/d in 2050 . This compared with 97.4mn b/d in last year's World Energy Outlook , mainly because of lower-than-previously expected oil use in transportation, particularly in shipping. Ethanol is likely to gain importance given that there are talks of blending 5pc ethanol in diesel, Sharma said, adding that India is likely to achieve its target of blending 20pc ethanol in gasoline by 2025. India has a set a goal to increase ethanol blending in gasoline to 20pc by 2025, as part of efforts to reduce its dependence on crude imports. Ethanol blending in gasoline was 13.8pc during November 2023-September 2024 and 15.9pc during September 2024, oil ministry data show. Most of the ethanol comes from first-generation plants, while second-generation plants are facing issues with feed handling which they hope to sort out soon, Sharma said. Second-generation bioethanol refers to ethanol made from non-edible resources such as biomass, while first-generation bioethanol is made from food resources such as sugarcane and corn. By Roshni Devi Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Pausa no PMQC elevará monitoramento privado


Pausa no PMQC elevará monitoramento privado

Sao Paulo, 23 October (Argus) — A suspensão do Programa de Monitoramento de Qualidade de Combustíveis (PMQC) da Agência Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) pelos próximos dois meses deve aumentar a ocorrência de irregularidades, levando distribuidoras a intensificar esforços de monitoramento próprio. A suspensão temporária no programa foi precipitada por restrições orçamentárias, informou a ANP. Em janeiro de 2025, o PMQC será retomado, mas o receio é que uma nova redução orçamentária continue comprometendo a qualidade do programa. "A principal consequência da interrupção é o aumento imediato da irregularidade nos combustíveis", diz à Argus a diretora executiva de downstream do Instituto Brasileiro de Petróleo (IBP), Ana Mandelli. Criado há 25 anos, o PMQC monitora quase 20.000 revendas de combustível em 3.400 municípios brasileiros. Em junho deste ano, com base em dados do programa, associações do setor apresentaram à ANP e ao Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) informações que mostravam que cerca de 3 milhões de m³ de diesel B, ou 5pc de todo o diesel rodoviário, estavam fora das especificações. Meses depois, após atuação da ANP, houve melhora expressiva na qualidade das amostras. O caso foi lembrado em ofício enviado na semana passada por 10 associações ao MME, em texto que frisa a importância do PMQC e pede que o programa não seja interrompido. Como explica o diretor do Instituto Combustível Legal (ICL), Carlo Faccio, o programa funciona como uma espécie de "mapa de calor" das adulterações e irregularidades que ocorrem no setor. Com os dados em mãos, a ANP consegue direcionar a sua fiscalização de forma mais efetiva. "Diante da suspensão do programa, prevemos mais ações para levar informações para a agência, não somente por parte do ICL, mas também do próprio mercado, das empresas", afirma Faccio. "A tendência é de reforço dessa segunda camada de qualidade." Mudança de comando A expectativa do setor para que o problema seja resolvido repousa na mudança no comando da ANP a partir de 2025. Na semana passada, o ministro de Minas e Energia, Alexandre Silveira, indicou o secretário de Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, Pietro Mendes, para ser o novo diretor-geral da agência reguladora. O fato de Mendes, que é servidor de carreira, ter atuado na estruturação e implementação da Política Nacional de Biocombustíveis (Renovabio) é visto com bons olhos pelo setor, que acredita que o novo diretor, fortalecido pela proximidade com Silveira, terá mais condições de garantir um orçamento maior para a agência e para o programa. O atual diretor-geral da ANP, Rodolfo Saboia, já apontou algumas vezes que a agência conta neste ano com um Orçamento que representa apenas 18pc dos recursos totais de que dispunha em 2013, corrigida a inflação do período. "É lamentável que a ANP tenha chegado a esse ponto: cortes no Orçamento que não permitem que exerça sua atividade básica", comenta Sergio Araújo, presidente executivo da Associação Brasileira dos Importadores de Combustíveis (Abicom). "E quando se toma conhecimento que a casa não é vigiada, o risco de ser assaltada é muito maior", diz Araújo. Em julho, o governo bloqueou R$110 milhões adicionais em recursos de agências reguladoras – no caso da ANP, foram congelados R$11,4 milhões. Para o diretor institucional da Federação Nacional das Distribuidoras de Combustíveis, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (Brasilcom), Sergio Massillon, uma opção para resolver o problema seria a revisão do marco regulatório do setor de combustíveis, assegurando maior proteção orçamentária para atividades consideradas essenciais pela ANP, como o PMQC. "A demanda de amostras para análise de combustíveis no país é bastante elevada, devido ao tamanho do mercado e à quantidade de postos espalhados em diferentes regiões", afirma Massillon. Mandelli, do IBP, defende que o tamanho da responsabilidade da ANP deve ser levado em conta pelo governo na hora da definição orçamentária. "O orçamento das agências reguladoras precisa ser feito de acordo com a responsabilidade desta. No caso da ANP, a proteção do consumidor quanto a qualidade e preço dos combustíveis é feita pela agência", diz Mandelli. Por Maeli Prado Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

Brazil's drought: River levels rise after declines


Brazil's drought: River levels rise after declines

Sao Paulo, 23 October (Argus) — Brazilian grain and fertilizer shipments remain at risk from low river levels along key waterways, as the worst drought in Brazil's history continues to hamper inland navigation. But rivers have recovered this week, because of increased rainfall in the country, with their levels rising again after almost a month of extended declines. Madeira waterway The Madeira waterway links Rondonia state's capital Porto Velho to Itacoatiara port in Amazonas state, and is the second largest in the northern region. Itacoatiara is expected to receive around 70,634 metric tonnes (t) of fertilizers in October, according to line-up data from shipping agency Unimar. The Madeira river's depth at Porto Velho increased to 91cm on 23 October, from 46cm on 18 October, according to monitoring data from Brazil's geological survey SGB. But navigation remains suspended at the port after the state's ports and waterways authority SOPH halted operations on 23 September in response to the Madeira registering its lowest level since monitoring began in 1967. Amazon waterway The Amazon River is the main waterway in northern Brazil, handling around 65pc of the region's cargo, according to national transportation and infrastructure department DNIT. It links Amazonas state capital Manaus to Para state capital Belem. The Negro river's depth was at 12.56m at the SGB monitoring point in Manaus on 23 October, up from 12.46m on 18 October. This still exceeds the previous historic low of 12.7m over the past 121 years of monitoring. Tapajos waterway Tapajos is an important waterway for moving product from the northern part of Mato Grosso state to Santarem port in Para state. Santarem is expected to receive 130,234t of fertilizers in October, according to line-up data from Unimar. The Tapajos-Teles Pires waterway is also facing a dire situation. National water and sanitation agency ANA declared a water shortage on the Tapajos river on 23 September. Drier than usual weather has reduced river levels — especially between Itaituba and Santarem cities, in Para state — to below the historic minimum. The depth of the Tapajos at the Itaituba monitoring point, where the transfer point for the Miritituba waterway is located, was 1.03m on 23 October, up from 92cm on 18 October but still below the previous record low of 1.32m, according to SGB data. At the Santarem monitoring point, the Tapajos was at 27cm, a level considered to be dry. The level was 28cm on 18 October. The historic minimum at the location is -55cm below the port's reference point. A level below zero does not mean the river is dry, but indicates extremely low levels. Tocantins-Araguaia waterway The Tocantins-Araguaia waterway encompasses the Araguaia and Tocantins rivers. It runs from Barra do Garcas city, in Mato Grosso, into the Araguaia river, or from Peixes city, in Tocantins state, into the Tocantins river to the port of Vila do Conde, in Para state. Soybeans, corn, fertilizers, fuels, mineral oils and derivative products are transported along the northern waterways. Vila do Conde is expected to receive 245,500t of fertilizers in October, according to Unimar. The SGB has two monitoring points on the Araguaia river. In Nova Crixas city, in Goias state, the river was at 3.11m on 23 October, up from 2.85m on 18 October, surpassing the previous historic minimum of 3.10m. In Sao Felix do Araguaia city, in Mato Grosso state, the Araguaia was at 2.71m, up from 2.56m on 18 October, recovering from extreme drought-like levels and moving away from the historic low of 2.51m. By João Petrini Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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