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Viewpoint: Asia base oil fundamentals to stay tight

  • Spanish Market: Oil products
  • 22/12/20

Asia-Pacific base oil prices are set to hold firm at least for the first few months of 2021 because of unexpectedly tight supply and strong demand.

Asia-Pacific base oil prices already rebounded by the end of 2020 to their highest levels since 2018. Prices slumped in the first half of the year when Covid-19-related lockdown measures slashed demand in the second quarter. Prices then surged in the second half of the year, when supply-demand fundamentals flipped to increasing tightness.

Prices began 2020 at firm levels. Producers ended 2019 and began the new year with supplies that were more balanced than usual. The lack of any need to clear surplus supplies in late 2019 had helped to support firm prices at that time. This price support extended into the beginning of 2020.

Supply starts 2020 more balanced

Producers' availability was more balanced at the start of the year following extended run cuts in response to persistent oversupply in 2019. The oversupply had left margins unusually weak. The diversion of feedstock and base oil supplies to other fuel markets such as the marine fuel pool added to the relative balance. A narrow price spread between base oils and the other fuels made the diversion feasible. The more balanced supplies then gave producers more leverage with the sale of their remaining volumes.

Producers used that leverage of more limited supply to maintain steady prices even as crude oil values fell throughout the first two months of 2020. Base oil demand also held firm during that period even as the lockdown in China slashed economic activity in the country in February especially. But steep run cuts by Chinese base oil producers cushioned the impact of that decline in activity.

The firmer supply-demand fundamentals helped to support prices well into March, even after crude prices slumped at the start of that month. The combination of steady base oil prices and lower crude and diesel prices triggered a sharp rebound in base oil margins.

Widespread lockdowns slash demand

But lockdowns were then implemented in a growing number of countries throughout the region to curb the Covid-19 outbreak. The moves triggered a sudden and widespread slump in base oil demand. The lockdown in India especially forced regional base oil producers to target other outlets in place of one of the region's largest importers.

A pick-up in Chinese demand in March also began to falter as buyers held back to cut their exposure to the risk of lower prices.

The slowdown in demand put more pressure on Group II producers especially because of the large volumes of supplies that usually move to base oil import giants India and China. Group I producers faced less pressure from oversupply because of run cuts in southeast Asia and Japan, and still-steady demand in China.

Producers slash prices

Group II producers responded to the lack of buying interest by slashing their prices. These fell by early April to an unusual discount to Group I base oils. This discount widened to more than $50/t by early May for Group II light grades.

But the lower prices made more arbitrage opportunities to markets like the Mideast Gulf and east Mediterranean feasible in April, and then to southeast Asia in May.

Group II heavy-grade prices also fell below Group I base oils. But they faced less pressure than Group II light-grade prices amid a steady rise in Chinese demand for heavy-grade base oils.

China soaks up surplus

The lower prices also coincided with steadier domestic prices in China. The widening spread between falling fob Asia cargo prices and steady Chinese prices made the arbitrage increasingly attractive, providing an ideal outlet for South Korean producers to clear their surplus cargoes. With their supplies more balanced, producers were then able to target firmer prices.

The stronger heavy-grade fundamentals also supported a steady rise in the heavy-grade premium to fob Asia Group II light-grade prices. The heavy-light premium rose to more than $80/t by the end of June, up from $20/t in March.

Group II prices began their steep downward correction from the first half of March. Group I base oil prices followed several weeks later, led initially by a slump in bright stock prices.

Prices for Group I light and heavy neutrals then fell as southeast Asian producers offered sizeable volumes at increasingly lower prices to clear a large overhang. Surplus supply had risen because of steady output levels in markets like Thailand in March and April, while the country's lube demand slumped. The surplus volumes attracted buyers from a range of markets, from China and southeast Asia to the Mideast Gulf.

Fundamentals balance out

The region's Group I and Group II producers had cleared most of their surplus supplies by the second half of May. Crude prices were also continuing their strong rebound at that time after bottoming out in the second half of April. Economic activity was reviving in a growing number of countries as lockdown measures were gradually relaxed during the final weeks of the second quarter.

The base oil market then switched from a state of surplus to increasing supply tightness as demand revived strongly in key markets throughout the region.

Supply tightens, demand rebounds

Extended run cuts throughout the region added to the supply tightness. The planned shutdown of several Group II plants in Asia-Pacific in the third quarter curbed those producers' supplies as they built stocks ahead of the maintenance work.

The firmer fundamentals, rising feedstock prices and squeezed margins prompted Group I and Group II producers to target increasingly higher prices, especially for heavy grades.

Heavy-grade premium rebounds

The supply of heavy grades became tighter because of a drop in shipments from several Mideast Gulf producers, the closure of some production capacity in South Korea in the fourth quarter of the year, and China's structural shortage of those base oils. Persistent refinery run cuts also trimmed feedstock supply. This curbed some producers' room to raise base oil production in response to the surge in margins.

The trend triggered a rebound in the heavy-grade premium to light grades throughout the second half of the year.

Buyers in other regions such as India, Europe and Latin America also faced tight supplies in their own markets. They responded by targeting the limited spot volumes that were available in Asia-Pacific. The pick-up in competition for the supplies triggered a further rise in prices for all base oil grades throughout the fourth quarter of the year.

The sustained competition for those tight supplies left fob Asia Group I bright stock prices more than $150/t higher than at the start of the year. They were also up by more than $350/t after bottoming out at close to $500/t in early May.

Fob Asia Group II heavy-grade prices ended the year more than $140/t higher than at the start of the year. They were also up by more than $350/t from their lowest level in late May.

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Industry wary of Trump tariffs on Canada, Mexico

Industry wary of Trump tariffs on Canada, Mexico

Washington, 3 December (Argus) — US president-elect Donald Trump's plan to impose 25pc tariffs on all imports from Canada and Mexico could have a profound impact on the US oil and gas industry and the US' diplomatic efforts, energy industry representatives said at an industry conference on Tuesday. Cenovus Energy, the second-largest oil and gas producer in Canada, is paying close attention to Trump's rhetoric on trade, and trying to "educate" policymakers in the incoming Trump administration on how tariffs on Canada could impact North America's deeply integrated energy system, Cenovus director of US government affairs Steve Higley said at the North American Gas Forum in Washington, DC. The US in 2023 imported 3.9mn b/d of crude oil from Canada and 730,000 b/d from Mexico, accounting for 60pc and 11pc of US crude imports, respectively, according to US Energy Information Administration (EIA) data. Refineries in the US Midwest's PADD 2 region also process about 2.5mn b/d of Canadian crude, Higley said. The US also exports a significant amount of natural gas to Mexico — 6.2 Bcf/d (176mn m³/d) in 2023, according to the EIA — which is another "reminder of how integrated the North American energy system is," said Dustin Meyer, senior vice president of policy at the influential trade group American Petroleum Institute (API). Retaliatory tariffs by Mexico, threatened by Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum last week in response to Trump's initial threat of tariffs, would likely impact that gas trade. Sheinbaum and Trump have since taken on a more conciliatory tone toward the subject after the two had what Trump called a "wonderful" conversation. API repeatedly called on Trump in his first administration to de-escalate his trade dispute with China, which it said threatened investment in US LNG. A section of API's website on trade titled "The Truth about Tariffs" reads: "Tariffs are taxes on imported goods that increase costs for consumers." Aside from the threat of tariffs causing "alarm" in Canada, it is not clear how US consumers would benefit from a tariff on all Canadian products, including oil and gas, said Robert Johnston, senior director of research at Columbia University's think tank Center on Global Energy Policy. On the diplomatic front, there is a "tension" between the incoming Trump administration's argument that US oil and gas production must be increased to support American allies, when it is also threatening tariffs to support American industry over that of its trade partners, Johnston said. The initiation of new trade disputes could also erode the US' ability to compete with China, said Jason Grumet, chief executive of trade group American Clean Power Association. "Are we trying to take China on alone, or are we trying to build a global economy of the democratic nations who have been our allies for 50 years?" Grumet asked. Whether the incoming Trump administration will actually go ahead with tariffs on Canada and Mexico is far from certain. From its rhetoric, the administration appears to care deeply about narrowing the US' trade deficit, leveraging its massive energy production on the global stage, and keeping energy prices low for US consumers, Meyer said. But "if that's the vision, what is the form that specific policies take?" he asked. By Julian Hast Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

EU finalisiert Zölle auf chinesische Biokraftstoffe


EU finalisiert Zölle auf chinesische Biokraftstoffe

Hamburg, 3 December (Argus) — Die europäische Kommission wird ab Februar 2025 Zölle auf importierte chinesische Biokraftstoffe erheben. Dies geschieht in Reaktion auf ungewöhnlich große und teilweise falsch deklarierte Biokraftstoff-Importmengen aus China seit dem Frühjahr 2023. Die Zölle werden am 14. Februar 2025 in Kraft treten und fallen je nach betroffenem chinesischem Unternehmen unterschiedlich hoch aus. Je nachdem, wie kooperativ sich das jeweilige Unternehmen gegenüber der Europäischen Kommission bei den Ermittlungen zu etwaigen Betrugsfällen mit fortschrittlichen Biokraftstoffen gezeigt hat, liegt der Zollsatz zwischen 11,1 % und 36,6 %. Dies geht aus einem Dokument der Generaldirektion für Handel der Kommission hervor, das Argus vorliegt. Die vorläufig erlassenen Zölle wurden ursprünglich in einer Spanne von 12,8 % bis 36,4% festgelegt. Endgültig eingeführte Zölle gelten für gewöhnlich für eine Zeitspanne von fünf Jahren, allerdings kann eine Revision bereits nach dem ersten Jahr angefragt werden. Die Kommission bestätigt in dem Dokument außerdem, dass Nachhaltiger Flugzeugkraftstoff (SAF) von den Antidumping-Zöllen ausgeschlossen ist, da der Kraftstoff weder mit Biodiesel oder HVO austauschbar sei, noch mit diesen konkurriere. Verschiedene europäische Unternehmen und Verbände, darunter der finnische Produzent Neste und das European Biofuels Board (EBB) hatten zuvor gewarnt, dass durch den Ausschluss von SAF von den Zöllen der Flugzeugkraftstoff von verpflichteten Unternehmen zur Erfüllung von Dekarbonisierungsmandaten im Straßenverkehr genutzt werden könnte. Durch sogenannte Opt-Ins können Unternehmen in manchen EU-Staaten, zum Beispiel in den Niederlanden, nicht straßengebundene Kraftstoffe wie SAF auf die Erfüllung ihrer Mandate im Straßensektor anrechnen lassen. Als HVO jedoch Anfang November im Handelszentrum Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerpen (ARA) teurer gehandelt wurde als SAF, gab es keine Anzeichen, dass der Flugzeugkraftstoff tatsächlich verstärkt im Straßenkraftstoffmarkt Einzug hielt. Seit Anfang 2023 erreichten große Mengen von meist als fortschrittlich deklariertem Biokraftstoff aus China den europäischen Markt. Das daraus resultierende Überangebot setzte europäische Produzenten unter Druck und senkte in Deutschland die Kosten zur Erfüllung der Treibhausgasminderungsquote . Von Simone Burgin & Max Steinhau Senden Sie Kommentare und fordern Sie weitere Informationen an Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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КМГ планирует производить SAF в Казахстане

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Mexico central bank flags 2025 growth uncertainty


Mexico central bank flags 2025 growth uncertainty

Mexico City, 2 December (Argus) — Mexico's central bank (Banxico) maintained its base-case 2025 GDP growth estimate at 1.2pc, with a range of 0.4pc to 2pc, citing heightened global uncertainty fueled by geopolitical conflicts and potential shifts in international economic policies. Central bank governor Victoria Rodriguez last week addressed US president-elect Donald Trump's proposed 25pc tariffs on Mexican goods, urging caution until the trade situation clarifies. Mexican president Claudia Shienbaum initially responded with a firm stance, saying Mexico could apply counter-tariffs. Later, Sheinbaum and Trump had a "friendly" phone call to discuss issues surrounding the proposed 25pc tariff on Mexican and Canadian imports, Sheinbaum said. Banxico raised its 2024 GDP growth forecast to 1.8pc from 1.5pc in its previous quarterly report in August, driven by stronger-than-expected third-quarter performance. Still, Banxico noted that the additional growth is driven by increased spending on imported goods rather than domestic production, particularly in investment and private consumption. Inflation dynamics remain mixed. While headline inflation rose to an annualized 4.76pc in October, core inflation eased to 3.58pc, its lowest level since mid-2020. Rodriguez emphasized progress on inflation despite external uncertainties, signaling room for further monetary easing. Banxico cut its target interest rate by 25 basis points to 10.25pc on 14 November and is widely expected to lower it again to 10pc at its 19 December meeting. Projections from Mexican finance executives institution (IMEF) suggest the rate could drop to 8.25pc by the end of 2025. Banxico also revised its 2024 inflation forecast to 4.7pc from 4.4pc in the August report but expects inflation to return to its 2–4pc target range by early 2025, with a 3pc rate projected by the fourth quarter. Other adjustments include a downgraded forecast for formal job creation in 2024 and 2025, with the range estimate for full-year job creation in 2024 dropping to 250,000–350,000 from 410,000-550,000 in August. The 2025 estimate came down to 340,000–540,000 from 430,000–630,000.The 2025 trade deficit outlook was also tightened to $14.9bn–$22.1bn, compared to a previous range of $13.7bn–$23.7bn. By James Young Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Lower prices support German fuel demand


Lower prices support German fuel demand

Hamburg, 2 December (Argus) — German demand for heating oil, diesel and E5 gasoline increased in the week to 29 November, supported by a fall in domestic prices. The switch to winter grades and low stocks further boosted fuel demand. Middle distillates traded at lower prices nationwide last week, with heating oil and diesel prices falling by around €0.60/100 litres compared with the previous week. The drop was in line with a decline in the value of Ice gasoil futures, which came under pressure from the prospect of US tariffs against Canada, China and Mexico indicated by president-elect Donald Trump. Oversupply from refineries in the south and west of Germany put further downward pressure on domestic prices last week. Suppliers offered heating oil, diesel and gasoline from Bayernoil's 215,000 b/d Neustadt-Vohburg complex, Miro's 310,000 b/d Karlsruhe refinery and Shell's 334,000 b/d Rhineland complex at lower prices than surrounding loading locations in order to fulfil their contractual offtake volumes by the end of the month. The switch to winter grades supported German fuel demand last week. Consumers ordered smaller quantities of diesel in recent weeks as they waited for the switch to winter specification grades before replenishing their stocks. Since the switch, traded diesel spot volumes reported to Argus have steadily risen. An anticipated €10/t rise in Germany's CO2 tax next year will likely lead to increased stockpiling of product from mid-December, according to traders. End-consumer tank levels for diesel were at just 52pc at the end of last week. The extent to which the increase in the CO2 tax will put pressure on diesel imports depends on whether German refineries can maintain current high throughput levels. For the time being, imports into Germany via the country's northern ports or along the Rhine are not feasible because of the comparatively low domestic prices. By Johannes Guhlke Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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