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Yara raises CAN, AN offers to NW Europe for February

  • Spanish Market: Fertilizers
  • 07/01/25

Norwegian major producer Yara has announced its latest nitrate offers for northwest Europe for delivery next month, raising offers for CAN in German and Benelux markets, and AN in France.

Yara is offering CAN 27 at €335/t cif Germany and Benelux for February delivery. This latest offer marks an increase from €317/t cif for January delivery to those markets, as announced in the first half of December.

The producer has raised its AN 33.5 offer in France to €425/t cpt. Initial offers outlined in October had been €387/t cpt for December delivery.

The higher offers reflect the overall strengthening of prices across the nitrogen complex since the start of December, with Egyptian urea irecenty hitting the highest level since October 2023.

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Strike at Port of Brisbane disrupts urea shipment

Strike at Port of Brisbane disrupts urea shipment

Sydney, 8 January (Argus) — Port operator Qube workers at Australia's Port of Brisbane have started a week-long strike today, which has likely already held up a urea shipment. The work stoppage will affect break-bulk operations, slowing the flow of commodities like fertilizers, steel and vehicles. This comes as a months-long dispute with the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) drags on across several key ports. The 42,493 deadweight tonne (dwt) Es Dignity , loaded with 32,559t of urea from Qatar, arrived near Brisbane on 7 January, according to trade analytics firm Kpler. This means the ship is unlikely to discharge on 8 January and will be delayed, according to market participants. The vessel previously discharged 8,397t of urea into Townsville on 2 January. Urea is a key fertilizer imported into Australia, and vessels carrying urea typically make multi-port discharges when making deliveries into Australia. The 37,657dwt Tientsin delivered 10,000t of urea into Brisbane on 22 December 2024, after making two 10,000t deliveries into Portland and Newcastle earlier that month. A urea supplier last offered granular urea at around A$760/t ($474/t) fca Brisbane this week. Urea prices in Australia have climbed rapidly in recent weeks, on the back of higher international fob levels in the Middle East and as a weaker Australian dollar made imports more expensive. Argus last assessed granular urea prices fca Geelong in Victoria at A$740-750/t (see graph) , but market participants indicated prices are now higher. But Australian demand for urea is currently low, so the delayed vessel is currently unlikely to impact local supply-demand dynamics significantly. A trader that regularly supplies Brisbane with urea cargoes expects the strikes to persist until at least March, when demand will have picked up and delays will have a larger impact. Port Kembla Qube and MUA have been negotiating an employment agreement since the middle of last year, prompting months of industrial action across the company's Australian ports. The Brisbane work stoppages come alongside an ongoing two-week work stoppage at Qube's facilities at Port Kembla, in New South Wales, which also affected break-bulk operations. "The [MUA's] industrial action has effectively stopped Qube's port operations at Port Kembla and forced our customers to make alternative stevedoring arrangements," a company representative told Argus at the start of the Port Kembla strike. The strikes at Port Kembla have had no impact on fertilizer deliveries so far, with GTT data showing no urea or phosphate deliveries made into the port in January or February in recent years. By Avinash Govind and Tom Woodlock Granular urea prices fca Geelong (A$/t) Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

India’s Fact issues tender to buy phosacid


India’s Fact issues tender to buy phosacid

London, 6 January (Argus) — Indian fertilizer importer and producer Fact has issued a tender to buy up to 12,000t of phosphoric acid solution, closing on 13 January. Fact wants offers for phosphoric acid containing 46-53pc P2O5 for arrival at Kochi port on India's southwest coast between 25 February and 6 March. Offers are to be quoted as a premium or discount to $1,060/t P2O5 cfr — the contract price of phosphoric acid shipments to India in the fourth quarter of last year — including 30 day's credit. Bangladeshi state-owned importer BCIC closed a tender to buy 20,000t of 52-54pc P2O5 phosphoric acid solution on 1 January. It received one offer from trading firm Sun International at $617.76/t cfr, equivalent to $1,144-1,188/t P2O5 cfr and down from offers in November. Sun International gave the only offer in BCIC's 20 November tender for 20,000t of the same grade of acid, equivalent to $1,150-1,194/t P2O5 cfr. In its 18 November tender to buy 10,000t of merchant-grade acid, BCIC received offers ranging from $1,163-1,213/t P2O5 cfr equivalent. By Tom Hampson Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Abu Dhabi's Adnoc raises January sulphur price by $9/t


Abu Dhabi's Adnoc raises January sulphur price by $9/t

London, 3 January (Argus) — Abu Dhabi's state-owned Adnoc set its January official sulphur selling price (OSP) for the Indian subcontinent at $174/t fob Ruwais, up by $9/t from its December OSP of $165/t fob. Adnoc's January OSP implies a delivered price of $191-193/t cfr India, with the freight cost for a 40,000-45,000t shipment to the east coast of India having last been assessed at $17-19/t on 19 December. The announced OSP fob price has risen by $97/t in the space of a year, from $77/t fob Ruwais in January last year. By Maria Mosquera Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Brasil busca leilão de hidrovias e terminais portuários


Brasil busca leilão de hidrovias e terminais portuários

Sao Paulo, 3 January (Argus) — O governo federal planeja uma série de leilões de terminais portuários e hidrovias para 2025, totalizando R$8,5 bilhões. O Ministério de Portos e Aeroportos e a Agência Nacional de Transportes Aquaviários (Antaq) serão responsáveis pelos leilões, buscando parcerias público-privadas (PPPs) que aumentarão a eficiência e expandirão as opções de transporte do país. O Brasil espera realizar 21 leilões e uma concessão em 2025. Muitas áreas do país carecem de infraestrutura adequada para o transporte de grãos e fertilizantes e são altamente dependentes do transporte rodoviário para o fluxo de carga. Portos PAR14: O terminal do porto de Paranaguá, no Paraná, movimenta e armazena granéis vegetais sólidos, como soja, farelo de soja, açúcar, trigo e milho. O leilão está programado para o primeiro trimestre de 2025, com um investimento estimado de R$529,2 milhões e uma concessão de 35 anos. O terminal terá capacidade para movimentar 6,8 milhões de toneladas (t)/ano. PAR15: Esse outro terminal de Paranaguá se concentra na movimentação e armazenamento de granéis vegetais. O projeto prevê investimentos de R$293,2 milhões e terá capacidade para movimentar 4 milhões de t/ano. O período de concessão será de 35 anos e o leilão está programado para 21 de fevereiro. PAR25: Outro terminal em Paranaguá voltado para a movimentação e armazenamento de granéis vegetais. Com capacidade para movimentar 4,3 milhões de t/ano, espera-se que os investimentos cheguem a R$564,1 milhões. O terminal será concedido por 35 anos e o leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre. MCP01: Localizado no porto de Santana, no Amapá, movimenta granéis sólidos vegetais, especialmente madeira. O terminal foi objeto de um leilão realizado em 2018, mas nenhuma proposta foi apresentada e o projeto foi reavaliado. Um novo leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre, com investimentos esperados de R$84,6 milhões e um período de concessão de 25 anos. VDC29: Um terminal no porto de Vila do Conde, no Pará, com um investimento estimado de R$716 milhões. Terá capacidade para movimentar 7 milhões de t/ano, com foco na movimentação e armazenamento de granéis vegetais sólidos, especialmente soja e milho. O leilão está programado para o terceiro trimestre, com um prazo de concessão de 25 anos. POA26: No porto de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul, será usado para movimentar e armazenar granéis sólidos vegetais e minerais. O período de concessão será de dez anos, com investimentos estimados em R$21,1 milhões. O leilão está programado para o terceiro trimestre. SSB01: O leilão desse terminal no porto de São Sebastião, em São Paulo, está programado para o quarto trimestre. O prazo da concessão será de 35 anos, com um investimento de R$544,8 milhões. Seu foco será a movimentação e o armazenamento de granéis sólidos vegetais e minerais, com uma capacidade estimada de 4,3 milhões de t/ano. IQI16: O terminal está localizado no porto do Itaqui, no Maranhão, com um leilão programado para o quarto trimestre. A área será dedicada ao armazenamento e movimentação de granéis minerais sólidos, especialmente fertilizantes. O período de concessão será de 25 anos, com um investimento estimado em R$63,9 milhões. Canal de acesso aos portos de Paranaguá e Antonina: O projeto de concessão da infraestrutura de acesso aquaviário aos portos do estado do Paraná é inédito no Brasil. O Capex é estimado em R$1,1 bilhão, com um prazo de concessão de 25 anos. O leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre. A concessão abrangerá as funções de administração portuária relacionadas à gestão da infraestrutura, expansão, manutenção e operação do canal de acesso aos portos do Paraná. Hidrovias Hidrovia do Rio Madeira: Importante para o transporte de grãos e combustíveis, tem uma extensão navegável de 1.075 km, ligando a cidade de Porto Velho, em Rondônia, a Itacoatiara, no Amazonas. A Hidrovia do Madeira movimentou mais de 10 milhões de t em 2023, mas pode movimentar mais de 25 milhões de t/ano, de acordo com a Antaq. Os termos do projeto de concessão ainda estão sendo desenvolvidos e o leilão está programado para o segundo trimestre, com um prazo de 10 a 20 anos. Hidrovia do Paraguai: A hidrovia é importante para o transporte de minério de ferro e soja. Tem 1.323 km de extensão e vai da cidade de Ponta Porã, em Mato Grosso do Sul, até a cidade de Cáceres, em Mato Grosso. A via movimentou mais de 7 milhões de t em 2023, com potencial para atingir mais de 25 milhões de t/ano, de acordo com a Antaq. A hidrovia também conecta o Brasil à Argentina, Uruguai e Paraguai. O modelo de leilão também está sendo desenvolvido e está programado para o quarto trimestre. O período de concessão seria de 10 a 20 anos. Por João Petrini Envie comentários e solicite mais informações em Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . Todos os direitos reservados.

EU sulphur shortage persists, limiting sul acid output


EU sulphur shortage persists, limiting sul acid output

London, 2 January (Argus) — Liquid sulphur in Northwest Europe is expected to remain short in 2025, with production limited by lower output from refineries, and demand outstripping supply. Sulphur supply curbed In the past two years sulphur output from European refineries has dropped as a result of poor refining margins and competition from imports from new mega-refineries out of region. Additionally, sanctions on Russian crude oil imports to European refineries have turned the crude slate in the region sweeter. In 2024 refinery maintenance and unexpected outages resulted in lower production of molten sulphur. These were overdue following healthy refining margins in 2023 leading refineries to run at high rates and postponing maintenance, as well as earlier pandemic restrictions also limiting maintenance. Further European refining capacity is at risk in 2025, as Petroineos' Grangemouth refinery in Scotland is expected to be converted to an import terminal, while in Germany, Shell will cease crude processing at its 80,000 t/yr Wesseling refinery. Additionally, BP has indicated plans to permanently shut down a crude unit and a middle distillate desulphurisation unit at its 210,000 t/yr Gelsenkirchen plant. Refineries could still delay some of these closures, provided that refining margins were supportive of this. Sulphur consumption is higher though risks remain Sulphur consumers were running at low rates in Europe over 2023 due to low demand and poor economics as well as high energy prices. By 2024 sulphur demand lifted, and many consumers were unable to source the larger quantity of sulphur. The shortfall of molten sulphur bolstered quarterly contract prices during 2024; in the first quarter prices stood at $103.5-119.5/t cfr, rising 49pc on a mid-point basis to reach $158.5-174.5/t cfr in the fourth quarter. Contract negotiations for the first quarter of 2025 started against a backdrop of a short market and firmer global prices weighed against competitiveness of the region's chemical industry, with consumers seeking a rollover or a smaller increase of $10-15/t cfr against suppliers pushing for a larger $25-30/t rise. In 2025 liquid sulphur is expected to continue to be short in the region, with regular liquid imports. Discussions for an additional sulphur tanker are also expected to lead to more imported product entering the region by the second half of 2025. Yara's sulphur remelter in Finland is expected to start in April 2025, but will have limited impact on the industrial cluster in the Benelux and German regions. Additionally, at least one new commercial sulphur burner is expected in Germany for a 2027 start to operations, with the Mitsui subsidiary Aglobis announcing preliminary agreements with port and logistics operators in Germany's Duisburg area. Sulphuric acid implications The shortage in liquid sulphur has resulted in a new reality sulphuric acid in Northwest Europe, resulting in a wider differential between sulphur-burnt and smelter-based acid, of up to €80/t, on the quarterly contracts. The acid contracts for the first quarter of 2025 are not fully settled, the sulphur burnt contract was heard at a further increase of €15 added to the sulphur Benelux settlement, while an increase of around €10/t was heard for smelter-based acid. Some sulphur-burners have been forced to shut down in the Benelux region, mainly due lack of liquid sulphur. Additionally, there is the risk that some end used may be pushed out of the market due to the increased cost of sourcing sulphur burnt acid. And while some demand may continue to shift to smelter-based acid, not all sulphur burners or downstream industries can easily replace liquid sulphur as a feedstock due to purity or economic implications. By Jasmine Antunes, Maria Mosquera and Lili Minton Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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