
The Argus fob South Korea price assessment is a marker for the bitumen exports in north Asia. The fob South Korea assessment is a widely used benchmark that accurately reflects prices for cargoes moving into north Asia and southeast Asia, reflecting weekly prices for pen 60/70 and 80/100.

Price assessment details

What are the advantages of the Argus fob South Korea bitumen price assessment?

The Argus fob South Korea assessment is used in contracts for cargoes heading to north Asia and southeast Asia. Assessment are published weekly and based on transactions, bids, offers and other indications of a repeatable prices. Our team is committed to ensuring the highest quality in price assessments giving priority to spot transactions.

How is this assessment used?

Users of the fob South Korea assessments include traders, refiners, risk managers, planners, analysts, producers, contractor end users, construction companies, as well as supply and purchasing managers.