Argus Middle East sulphur fob
The Argus Middle East sulphur fob price assessment is a significant market reference point and Argus publishes the price on a weekly basis. The price is inclusive of bulk granular sulphur loading in key producing countries, excluding Iran and also considers netbacks from price movements in key cfr export markets.
Price assessment details
What are the advantages of the Argus Middle East sulphur fob price assessment?
The Middle East is the number one producing and exporting region in the world delivering product to global key-end users.
How is this assessment used?
The assessment is widely referenced and indexed by producers, traders and consumers of sulphur as Middle East suppliers have direct delivery and access and therefore price influence from global market price influences.
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Key price assessments
Argus prices are recognised by the market as trusted and reliable indicators of the real market value. Explore some of our most widely used and relevant price assessments.