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EU mulls tougher stance on foreign investments

  • : Crude oil, Electricity, Metals, Natural gas
  • 20/06/17

The European Parliament's largest political group today called for a "temporary ban" on Chinese takeovers of European companies. The centre-right European People's Party (EPP) group made the call as the European Commission unveiled plans to regulate acquisitions of EU companies by third-country firms if the latter have received subsidies.

The commission wants to ensure that foreign subsidies do not confer an "unfair" benefit on firms from third-country countries when acquiring EU companies, whether by directly linking a subsidy to a given acquisition or by indirectly increasing the financial strength of the acquirer.

It is seeking powers as a competent supervisory authority over foreign direct investment (FDI) so that it could propose legally binding commitments to a foreign acquirer to remedy competition distortion or prohibit a takeover. Transactions could not be finalised when under a commission review.

"As a last resort, if we could not agree on suitable commitments, we'd have the power to block a harmful merger altogether," EU competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager said. She indicated that the measures should not look at subsidies for previous acquisitions, but at current third-country support for EU-based firms.

The commission did not today present legislative proposals, but indicated that it could do so in 2021. The proposals would require approval from EU member states and the European Parliament, following public consultation until 23 September 2020.

The commission's paper does not specifically mention China. But the EPP, criticising the commission's white paper on foreign takeovers as "not enough", today called for the EU to impose a "temporary ban" on Chinese takeovers of European companies made vulnerable by the Covid-19 pandemic.

"China will not be impressed by a discussion paper," EPP chair Manfred Weber said. "What we urgently need is legislative proposals to prevent outsiders from buying our strategic companies and know-how at a bargain price."

Other countries have recently moved to impose restrictions on foreign investment, with [Japan tightening control of its oil sector]( while Australia plans to tighten its foreign investment laws amid increased tensions with China. And the US is working on greater scrutiny of more than 150 Chinese publicly traded companies on US stock exchanges, including state-controlled Sinopec and PetroChina. The UK is also considering increased scrutiny of foreign investment.

The EU adopted a regulation in March 2019 establishing the first EU-level mechanism to co-ordinate existing foreign investment screening by member states, although it does not mandate that all EU countries have screening schemes.

Supply of critical inputs, such as energy or raw materials, is one of the criteria that the commission and member states will consider when determining whether an investment might affect security or public order.

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Reformist Pezeshkian to be Iran’s next president

Reformist Pezeshkian to be Iran’s next president

Dubai, 6 July (Argus) — Masoud Pezeshkian, the sole reformist candidate approved to run in this year's presidential election, was confirmed as the Iran's next head of state after coming out on top in Friday's second-round run-off. A health minister under former president Mohammad Khatami, Pezeshkian secured nearly 16.4mn votes, or around 54pc of the total 30.5mn votes cast, according to results issued by the interior ministry early on Saturday. His rival, the ultraconservative former nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, got 13.5mn votes. Pezeshkian and Jalili faced off after none of the four candidates contesting the election managed to secure the 50pc of the vote needed to win outright one week prior. Pezeshkian came out on top in that first round with 42pc of the vote, while Jalili came in a close second with 39pc. Iran's current parliamentary speaker, conservative Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, who was contesting his fourth presidential election, came in at a distant third with 14pc of the vote, while former cabinet minister, Mostafa Pourmohammadi, also a conservative, secured less than 1pc. Coming at a time of growing apathy among Iranians, evidenced by the historically low participation in recent presidential and parliamentary elections, turnout became a major focus ahead of the election. Turnout in the previous presidential election in 2021 was just under 49pc, down from 73pc in 2017, while turnout in parliamentary elections in March was just 42pc. The 49pc turnout in 2021 was the lowest for a presidential election since the inception of the Islamic Republic. And yet, despite the surprise inclusion of a reformist to contest this year's election, turnout in the first round plummeted further to reach a new low of 39.8pc, in the clearest sign yet that large swaths of the Iranian electorate have lost faith in the Islamic Republic and feel there is little value to voting. This was despite a call from the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, just days prior, for people to come out in force to participate in the election. A different way Ahead of the run-off, many put Pezeshkian's chances of victory down to his ability to galvanize and encourage at least some of those that initially chose not to participate, to turn out to vote. And to an extent, the numbers suggest that his efforts did not go unrewarded, with the turnout in the second round rising to 49.8pc, which, although still low, and only marginally above the 2021 turnout, represented a significant increase over the first round. In Pezeshkian, Iran is now poised to have its first reformist president for almost two decades. And with the country facing myriad external and internal challenges — from regional security to an economy ravaged by years of harsh economic sanctions reimposed by the US in 2018 — he will have his work cut out for him. And although in Iran the supreme leader, not the president, dictates policy and has the final say, Pezeshkian will still have an important role to play in determining how that policy is ultimately implemented. In his many interviews and debates on the campaign trail, Pezeshkian underlined the need for a change of tack on a range of domestic and external issues, from the role of the morality police, the unity of Iran's law enforcement tasked with enforcing mandatory rules on the dress code, to Iran's engagement with the west to lift the sanctions that have devastated Iran's economy. Pezeshkian, crucially, has signalled he will revive efforts to return to the 2015 nuclear deal that was brokered between Iran and world powers, including the US, with a view to lifting sanctions. His opponent, Jalili, appeared diametrically opposed to reviving talks, arguing that Iran's strengthened relations with its allies to the east, China and Russia, were serving Iran's interests more than the nuclear deal ever did. Iran has not yet set a concrete date for Pezeshkian's inauguration, but Alireza Salimi, a member of parliament, told state media today that it would be held before the end of the first half of the next Iranian month, Mordad, which would correspond with 5 August. By Nader Itayim Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Beryl enters GOM, heading towards Texas: Update


Beryl enters GOM, heading towards Texas: Update

Updates hurricane watch and status of Texas ports and lightering zones. New York, 5 July (Argus) — Hurricane Beryl weakened to a tropical storm as it crossed the Yucatan Peninsula and entered the Gulf of Mexico on Friday afternoon, with a likely second landfall in Texas on Monday. Maximum sustained winds have dropped to near 65mph, the National Hurricane Center said in a 5pm ET advisory, but the tropical storm is forecast to strengthen to a hurricane again as it moves over the Gulf of Mexico, with forecasts pointing to a landfall late Sunday or early Monday from far northeastern Mexico to the eastern Texas coast. The National Hurricane Center issued a hurricane watch from the mouth of the Rio Grande River to Sargent, Texas, about 80 miles southwest of Houston. Heavy rainfall of 4-8 inches is expected by Sunday into next week. The US Coast Guard changed the status of the port of Corpus Christi, Texas — a key US oil export hub — to "X-ray" at 3pm ET Friday, meaning gale force winds are expected to arrive at the port within 48 hours. All commercial traffic and transfer operations can continue during X-ray, but the Coast Guard said ocean-going commercial vessels greater than 500 gross tons should make plans to depart the port. Corpus Christi is also home to three refineries totaling 800,000 b/d of capacity. Citgo said it is implementing its hurricane preparedness plan at its 165,000 b/d refinery there. The ports of Houston, Texas City, Galveston and Freeport were set to port condition Whiskey at 5:05pm ET Friday, meaning gale force winds are expected to arrive within 72 hours. The ports remain open to all commercial traffic. Ship-to-ship transfers off the Texas coast proceeded as normal on Friday but will be postponed off Corpus Christi beginning Sunday. The US National Weather Service (NWS) forecast winds up to 90mph and waves up to 32 ft at the Corpus Christi lightering area on Sunday and Monday before calmer conditions return Tuesday. Ship-to-ship transfers are expected to be postponed at the Galveston Offshore Lightering Area early next week due to the same conditions. Most of Mexico's Gulf coast ports were closed today and many offshore oil production operations. The impact to US Gulf oil and gas operations so far appears to be limited, with BP determining forecasts "indicate Hurricane Beryl no longer poses a significant threat" to its offshore platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. Shell had taken the precaution of shutting in production and evacuating all staff from its Perdido platform and its Whale development, which is scheduled to begin operations later this year. "We have safely paused some of our drilling operations, but there are currently no other impacts on our production across the Gulf of Mexico," the company said late on Thursday. Earlier this week, Beryl was a Category 5 storm, which made it the strongest on record for the month of July, as it left a trail of destruction in the Caribbean. By Stephen Cunningham, Tray Swanson and Nathan Risser Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Caribbean power faces long recovery from Beryl


Caribbean power faces long recovery from Beryl

Kingston, 5 July (Argus) — Power utilities in several eastern and central Caribbean countries have started repairing networks that were brought down this week by Hurricane Beryl. Beryl — the Atlantic's first hurricane this season — hit several islands with winds of up to 225 km (140 miles)/h, and also damaged roads, bridges and ports and telecommunications infrastructure. Many parts of Jamaica, Grenada and St Lucia remain without power, with one utility company forecasting "a long and difficult period of continuing darkness" in these countries. Jamaican power utility JPS said yesterday 60pc of its clients — just under a half a million households — were without electricity. "Our teams are doing damage assessment, and will complete the necessary repairs to restore power as quickly and as safely as possible," the company said. Beryl entered the Caribbean earlier in the week, leaving extensive damage in St Vincent and the Grenadines and in Dominica. St Vincent and the Grenadines will be without power for the next fortnight, chief executive of its power utility Vinlec Vaughn Lewis said. "We have significant damage … and we will be working to get power to facilities such as gas stations and supermarkets." Granada's ward island Cariacou is in an "Armageddon-like condition," prime minister Dickon Mitchell said. "The electricity and communication systems are wiped out." Winds from Beryl hit the southern coast of the Dominican Republic on 3 July, causing blackouts from a deficit of 900MW, according to distributor Edesur. Winds affected major natural gas-fired power plant AES Andres, reducing its regasification capacity for LNG and its fuel supplies to other natural gas plants, the government said. Beryl left several thousand people without power in the Cayman Islands yesterday as it left Jamaica and headed for Mexico. The Caribbean is likely to be hit by more strong hurricanes by the end of the season in November, a spokesman for Jamaica's weather office told Argus . "We have been promised a very active season with many and strong storms." The US federal weather agency NOAA forecast that there is an 85pc chance that this year's Atlantic hurricane season will be "above normal." The Atlantic season's first hurricane "sets an alarming precedent for what is expected to be a very active hurricane season," the World Meteorological Organization said. By Canute James Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

US adds 206,000 jobs in June, jobless rate ticks up


US adds 206,000 jobs in June, jobless rate ticks up

Houston, 5 July (Argus) — The US added a solid 206,000 jobs in June while job gains in the prior two months were revised downward and wage gains cooled. The job gains, which beat analyst estimates, followed downwardly revised 218,000 job gains in May and 108,000 gains in April, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) said today, for a combined downward revision of 111,000 for the prior two months. The US generated a monthly average of 220,000 jobs in the 12 months through May. Economists expected gains of about 190,000 in June, according to a survey by Trading Economics. The jobless rate ticked up to 4.1pc, the highest in more than two years, from 4pc. Still, the unemployment rate remains near five-decade lows. Construction added 27,000 jobs, while manufacturing lost 8,000 jobs. Gains also occurred in government, health care and social assistance. Average hourly earnings rose by 3.9pc from a year earlier, down from a 4.1pc annual gain in the prior month and the lowest in three years. Futures markets after the jobs report indicated a 71.8pc chance the Fed will cut its target rate by a quarter point from a 23-year high in September, up from 68.4pc odds on Wednesday. The Federal Reserve, after its last policy meeting in mid-June, had penciled in one likely quarter point rate cut was likely this year, paring that from a likely three cuts shown in March. Still, it also said it needs to see evidence that inflation is "sustainably" slowing towards its 2pc target before beginning to cut rates from 23-year highs. By Bob Willis Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Hurricane Beryl threat to US offshore oil lower


Hurricane Beryl threat to US offshore oil lower

Calgary, 5 July (Argus) — A northward shift in forecasts for Hurricane Beryl could bring the storm to the mid-Texas coast early next week, but its threat to US Gulf of Mexico oil and gas production appears limited. US Gulf oil and gas operators evacuated non-essential workers from some offshore facilities earlier in the week as a precaution. But on Thursday those concerns appeared to lessen, with BP saying the storm "... no longer poses a significant threat to our Gulf of Mexico assets". Beryl had weakened to a Category 2 hurricane, according to a 5pm ET advisory from the National Hurricane Center (NHC), with maximum sustained winds of 110 mph. The storm is expected to reach the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico by early Friday, bringing heavy rain, hurricane-force winds and storm surge. Beryl will likely weaken to tropical storm status as it passes over the Yucatan but regain hurricane status when it enters the Gulf of Mexico late Friday-early Saturday. Current forecasts have it turning northwest to make landfall again somewhere between the northeastern coast of Mexico and the mid-Texas coast on Sunday. The US Coast Guard changed the status of the port of Corpus Christi, Texas, -- a key US oil export hub -- to "whiskey" on Thursday, meaning gale force winds are expected to arrive at the port within 72 hours. The port remains open to all commercial traffic. Earlier in the week Beryl was a Category 5 storm, which made it the strongest on record for the month of July. It was a Category 4 storm on Wednesday with maximum sustained winds of 140 mph as it brushed past the southern coast of Jamaica. By Brett Holmes Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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