Derailment halts Gladstone coal deliveries: Update

  • : Coal, Coking coal
  • 23/01/30

Adds the timeframe for reopening in first and second paragraphs.

A train derailment on the Blackwater line of the Central Queensland Coal Network (CQCN) has stopped most deliveries of coal to the 102mn t/yr Port of Gladstone and could take up to five days to clear.

A coal train operated by Australian haulage firm Aurizon collided with a freight train at 7:15pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (08:15 GMT) on 29 January bringing down overhead power lines. Safety authorities have begun an investigation, and the operator of the CQCN tracks, Aurizon, expects it will take up to five days to clear once it receives the site back from the regulator.

The Blackwater line connects coal mines in the lower Bowen basin to Gladstone. The incident occurred just north of Gladstone and will stop all coal from arriving via the Blackwater system. The smaller Moura rail line is still operating and delivering coal to Gladstone. Moura delivered 12.9mn t of coal to Gladstone in 2021, while Blackwater delivered 50.5mn t.

The incident follows floods that disrupted the Newlands and Goonyella rail lines on the CQCN earlier this month. stopping deliveries to the 85mn t/yr Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal (DBCT), 55mn t/yr Hay Point and 50mn t/yr Abbot Point terminals.

Ship queues are still above average at the flood-affected ports, with 51 vessels waiting off the adjacent ports of DBCT and Hay Point on 30 January and 14 off Abbot Point compared with averages of around 24 and three respectively. Gladstone has a more average queue at 22, although this may grow if deliveries of coal are disrupted by the derailment for more than a few days.

Argus last assessed high-grade 6,000 kcal/kg NAR thermal coal at $319.23/t fob Newcastle on 27 January, down from $410.17/t on 9 December 2022 and from a peak of $444.59/t fob on 9 September 2022. It assessed the premium hard low-volatile metallurgical coal price at $332/t fob Australia on 27 January, up from $253.30/t on 9 December last year and above the previous peak of $320.90/t on 7 November.

Australian coal price comparisons ($/t)

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Indonesia's coal exports edge higher in April

Indonesia's coal exports edge higher in April

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Fire shuts Anglo American’s Australian coking coal mine


Fire shuts Anglo American’s Australian coking coal mine

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US Supreme Court ends 'deference' to regulators


US Supreme Court ends 'deference' to regulators

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Accident disrupts coal deliveries to Australian port


Accident disrupts coal deliveries to Australian port

Shanghai, 28 June (Argus) — An accident on the Blackwater railway system has disrupted coal exports from Australia's 102mn t/yr Gladstone port in Queensland, which may take some time to resolve. The accident occurred on the main Blackwater rail line that connects coking and thermal coal mines in the lower and middle Bowen basin into Gladstone, including the Curragh, Jellinbah East, Blackwater and Kestrel coking coal mines, as well as the Rolleston and Minerva thermal coal mines. A truck collided with a car at Raglan — 50km north of Gladstone — at approximately 3am Australian Eastern Standard Time (5pm GMT) on 28 June, bringing down overhead power lines and coming to a stop across the railway track. "The accident is affecting coal services on the Blackwater system, together with freight and passenger trains which use this rail corridor," a spokesperson at Queensland Coal Network operator Aurizon told Argus . Recovery work is under way and the repair process is "expected to take a number of days" to restore the line, according to Aurizon. It is unclear how long repair works may take, although it is likely to be less than a week, an Australia-based source suggested. "It's still a bit early to say [what the impact will be]," another source said. "I'd guess they will try and get one line back up and running at a slower throughput rate while other lines/electrics are fixed." The Moura rail system — which also delivers coal into Gladstone — continues to operate, delivering coal from the lower grade coking coal and pulverised coal injection (PCI) grade mines of Dawson and Baralaba. The Gladstone RG Tanna coal terminal has a vessel queue of 12 as of 25 June, from 13 on 21 May and 23 on 23 April, although this may climb if the derailment disrupts coal deliveries for more than a few days. Hard coking coal typically accounts for around a third of Gladstone's total exports, with lower-grade coking coal and thermal coal each accounting for a third. Tighter supplies ahead The accident is expected to further tighten supplies, especially with upcoming rail closures and maintenance on some of Aurizon's coal-hauling networks in July-August. The closure will involve one planned 96-hour maintenance closure on the Blackwater system and a 84-hour planned closure of the Gregory branch of the rail system. The rail operator will also carry out bridge renewal work, with one track and a two-track bridge closed for two weeks, based on plans announced last year. "It is acknowledged that [this] will result in some capacity constraints during that period," an Aurizon spokesperson said on 7 June. Argus last assessed the premium hard coking coal price at $237/t fob Australia on 27 June, down from $249.50/t on 3 June. The fob Australia low-volatile PCI price was assessed at $186.85/t fob Australia on 27 June, up from $169.15/t on 3 June. The price spread between fob Australia premium low-volatile coking coal and low-volatile PCI has tightened gradually in the last six months, from $143.35/t on 2 January to $50.15/t on 27 June. Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Biden, Trump trade attacks in presidential debate


Biden, Trump trade attacks in presidential debate

Washington, 28 June (Argus) — The first presidential debate of the 2024 election drew out few new details on energy policy, as President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump hammered each other on issues such as inflation and the state of the US economy. The debate, held in Georgia on Thursday without a live audience, marked the first time Biden and Trump have shared a stage since their last debate in 2020. Biden, who is trailing Trump in many polls, at times struggled to clearly articulate his policy positions — or even to be heard — while Trump repeatedly sought to blame Biden for issues such as high inflation and the outbreak of military conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. "He has not done a good job," Trump said. "And inflation is killing our country. It is absolutely killing us." The substance of the debate was largely overshadowed by the candidates' inability to dispel voters' concerns about them. Needing to put to rest worries about his age, the 81-year-old Biden often appeared feeble and confused. Trump refused to acknowledge he lost the last election and continued to defend the mob that attacked the US Capitol on 6 January 2021. Biden throughout the debate defended his record on the economy, while focusing many of his attacks on Trump's personal conduct, including Trump's conviction on 34 counts in a case involving alleged hush money payments to an adult film star. Biden also criticized Trump's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, which Biden said ultimately contributed to high inflation. "He didn't do much at all," Biden said. "By the time he left, things were in chaos." The debate repeatedly focused on federal tax policy, particularly a range of tax cuts enacted during Trump's presidency that are set to expire in 2025. A key provision of that tax package cut the top corporate tax rate to 21pc from 35pc. Biden said he would make the tax system more fair by increasing taxes on the wealthy, while arguing that Trump's policies would result in higher inflation and additional costs for consumers. Trump has said he would extend the expiring tax cuts, which are expected to cost $4 trillion over a decade, in addition to seeking deeper tax cuts and a 10pc tariff on all imports. Trump said he rejected the findings of many independent economists that such a tariff would drive up prices for consumers and add to inflation. "It's just going to cause countries that have been ripping us off for years — like China and many others, in all fairness to China — it's going to just force them to pay us a lot of money." Biden argued Trump's policies would result in higher inflation and additional costs for consumers. "He now wants to tax you more by putting a 10pc tariff on everything that comes into the United States of America," Biden said. Trump pivoted to issues such as energy and regulations when he was asked about his actions during the attack on the Capitol. "On January 6, we were energy independent," Trump said. And when pressed on whether he would pursue policies to deal with climate change, Trump focused on having "clean air" and "clean water", while defending his decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord. "It was a rip off of the United States, and I ended it because I didn't want to waste that money," Trump said. Biden said Trump did not do a "damn thing" when in office to clean up the air and water and criticized his inaction on climate change. Biden defended his suite of climate rules and support for clean energy, but he failed to tout passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which provided support for electric vehicles, renewable energy and advanced manufacturing. On foreign policy, Trump insisted that a variety of global conflicts would have never occurred if he was in office. He contended that the war in Ukraine would abruptly be resolved if he were re-elected. "I'll have that war settled," Trump said. "I will get it settled, and I'll get it settled fast before I take office." Biden defended his record on foreign policy, saying he ushered through crucial support that has helped in the defense of Ukraine and Israel. Biden said that stood in contrast to Trump, who he said "encouraged" Russian president Vladimir Putin to invade other countries and has threatened to undermine Europe's defenses against military attacks. "This is a guy who wants to pull out of NATO," Biden said. The debate occurred just days before the US Supreme Court is expected to decide whether Trump, or any other president, should be immune from criminal prosecution for actions taken in office. Trump's attorneys have argued he should be immune from prosecution for any official acts while holding office, which could affect a criminal charge that he sought to undermine the 2020 election. By Chris Knight Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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