Oil and gas around for another 100 years: Hamm

  • : Crude oil, Natural gas
  • 23/09/25

Despite growing calls for the world to wean itself off fossil fuels, oil and gas will still be around in a century's time, said Continental Resources Chairman Harold Hamm, one of the principal architects of the shale boom.

"All the studies we've done show we're going to be on oil and gas for the next 100 years," the executive chairman of Continental Resources, the biggest producer in North Dakota, said Sunday at a kick-off dinner for the American Energy Security Summit sponsored by the Hamm Institute for American Energy in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

In recent weeks, the industry has been buoyed by oil prices racing toward the key $100/bl milestone on the back of extended production cuts by Saudi Arabia and Russia, as well as signs of robust demand.

"All of us in this room, we don't need $100 oil — high $80s, that's fine," Hamm told an assembled group of fellow oil energy executives, including Chevron chief executive Mike Wirth and Devon Energy's chief executive Rick Muncrief, and former secretary of state Mike Pompeo.

The shale billionaire and advisor to former president Donald Trump, also called for more consistency out of Washington, regardless of which party is in control, comparing current swings in policy to "riding a roller coaster."

"We need something that transcends politics with an energy policy that can last from one administration to the next," he said.

When federal leases were halted by the current administration, it took a whole year to modify drilling plans. "Everything you planned that you're going to do, if you can't get a permit, you have to basically go to plan B," Hamm said.

He also complained about the chronic underinvestment in new production by the industry in recent years, citing Europe's supply crisis last year as an example of the repercussions that can follow.

Others also cautioned against a speedy energy transition when the world is not quite ready to give up fossil fuels and with a global population that is set to expand rapidly.

"The focus we've had on ESG and clean energy is taking away investment from oil and gas in particular," warned Amrita Sen, Energy Aspects founder and director of research. "And it has been taking away investment for the last few years, even though oil demand continues to rise."

While fossil fuels made up 82pc of primary energy consumption back in the 1980s, that percentage is still the same today.

"Governments have to understand the need to give security of demand if they are to have security of supply," Sen said.

Among the speakers at the conference today are Wirth, Birnbaum, Pompeo, former US secretary of labor Elaine Chao, former US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, Occidental Petroleum chief executive Vicki Hollub, FedEx chairman Fred Smith, Goldman Sachs chairman David Solomon

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Venezuela's Maduro open to talks with the US

Venezuela's Maduro open to talks with the US

Caracas, 2 July (Argus) — Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro plans to talk with US envoys on Wednesday to discuss allowing the South American country to increase oil exports in exchange for free and fair elections, he said late on Monday. But Maduro's call for dialogue comes less than a month before the 28 July election in which polls show him up to 40 percentage points behind his main challenger. It is also after the US rescinded a six-month reprieve on sanctions in April, accusing Venezuela of violating a commitment to hold a fair vote. Maduro said that the US had sought dialogue with him "for two months in a row", and, "after thinking about it, I have accepted". The head of the pro-Maduro assembly elected in 2020, Jorge Rodriguez, will represent him in the talks, Maduro said. The US State Department declined to directly confirm Maduro's statement but said that the US welcomed "dialogue in good faith, and we support the Venezuelan people's desire for competitive and inclusive elections on July 28." The US ties sanctions relief to Maduro's observing the 2023 Barbados agreement with the Venezuelan opposition, which promised to hold a competitive presidential election. The US in April reimposed sanctions against Venezuela because the Maduro government did not allow the main opposition contender, Maria Corina Machado, to run for president. Former Venezuelan diplomat Edmundo Gonzalez is the sole presidential candidate representing the opposition Unitary Platform. "We are clear-eyed that democratic change will not be easy, and certainly requires a serious commitment," the US State Department said. "This is something that we will continue to focus on when we will engage in dialogue with with a broad range of Venezuelan actors." Venezuela in recent weeks has barred an additional 10 city mayors from running for office for 15 years after they expressed support for Gonzalez, according to the CNE electoral authority and the comptroller general's office. During the first six months of 2024 Maduro has arrested 39 people connected to Gonzalez's campaign, the last one as recently as 30 June, a campaign source told Argus, using figures from Venezuelan non-governmental organizations. Police over the weekend also detained Machado for several hours while leaving a rally for Gonzalez. Venezuela's oil output increased by around 4pc in May to 911,700 b/d from 878,000 b/d in April as drilling campaigns showed results after three months of flat production, according to the oil ministry. But US sanctions are expected to keep a cap on much additional growth. By Carlos Camacho Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

US judge halts 'pause' on LNG export licenses


US judge halts 'pause' on LNG export licenses

Washington, 1 July (Argus) — A federal judge in Louisiana has ordered President Joe Biden's administration to end its five-month-old "pause" on the approval process for new LNG export licenses until the resolution of a lawsuit by states that said the policy is unlawful. The US Department of Energy (DOE) and other administration officials are immediately "enjoined and restrained" from "halting and/or pausing the approval process" for LNG export applications requesting licenses to export to countries without a free trade agreement with the US, federal district court judge James Cain wrote today. DOE did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The court's ruling is a potential blow for the Biden administration, which had said it would need until the first quarter of 2025 — after the November elections — to finish a more thorough review of the economic and climate-related effects of fully licensing LNG terminals, beyond the 48 Bcf/d of US liquefaction capacity that is fully permitted today. DOE officials have cited concerns that licensing more LNG projects could end up increasing natural gas prices for consumers. "So much has changed, including the volumes of what we're exporting," US deputy energy secretary David Turk said last week at a congressional hearing. "So we said, 'Let's take a step back, let's update our economic analysis." Biden announced the LNG licensing pause in January, delighting climate groups that have argued that approving additional projects would amount to a "climate bomb." But the pause enraged gas industry officials that worried the pause could threaten investments in a set of projects that were nearing a final investment decision. The pause raised uncertainty on the status of LNG export projects that have yet to obtain licenses, including Venture Global's proposed 28mn t/yr CP2 project in Louisiana that last week cleared a key part of the federal permitting process. The court's ruling does not explicitly require DOE to issue new LNG export licenses, or set an explicit deadline for the agency to take final action on pending applications. But the judge said that under the Natural Gas Act, DOE is required to act "expeditiously" once it receives an export application. Before Biden formally announced the pause, some LNG export applications were already subject to reviews that industry officials said amounted to a de facto freeze. In the ruling, Cain said that Louisiana and other states that challenged the LNG licensing pause were likely to succeed on the merits in showing Biden's policy was arbitrary and capricious, in part because DOE failed to provide a "detailed explanation" for its halt of the approval process. Cain said that DOE had made a "complete reversal" from its position in July 2023, when it defended its licensing process in its rejection of a complaint from environmentalists. By Chris Knight Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Petroecuador expects more crude with fewer wells


Petroecuador expects more crude with fewer wells

Quito, 1 July (Argus) — State-owned oil company Petroecuador will drill fewer wells this year than first planned but still expects to produce 5,000 b/d more crude than initially forecast for 2024, according to the work plan of interim chief executive Diego Guerrero. Petroecuador plans to drill 90 wells this year, including 27 drilled through May and 63 planned for the rest of the year — well below the 156 wells initially forecast under former chief executive Marcela Reinoso , who resigned in May. But the company expects crude output to average 390,000 b/d by December, according to Guerrero's plans, higher than the 370,000 b/d estimate made before he took office, and up from 369,000 b/d reported for June. Ecuador is expected to lose about 50,000 b/d come 1 September when it shuts down the Ishpingo, Tambococha and Tiputini (ITT) fields in block 43 after Ecuadorians voted to end oil activities in the environmentally sensitive region. Guerrero's plan did not break out how much output it expects from ITT this year. Petroecuador did not respond to a request for comment. Reinoso told the national assembly in February that without ITT, Petroecuador's production would fall to 358,500 b/d in September before rising again to 373,300 b/d in December, leading to a 2024 average of about 385,000 b/d. But petroleum engineers' association vice-president Fernando Reyes said that both the new and old goals for December production are too optimistic without ITT. After a 50,000 b/d drop with the end of ITT production, Reyes believes under a best-case scenario new drilling could add 20,000–30,000 b/d of production, bringing December output to 360,000-370,000 b/d. But Guerrero's higher projections are feasible if Petroecuador keeps pumping crude from ITT, Reyes said. Ecuadorian president Daniel Noboa in January proposed a one-year delay on plans to end drilling in the ITT, but the plan has not advanced. Guerrero's work plan also includes new projects to recover associated gas from the Sacha Norte 2, Sacha Central, Drago and Shushufindi fields, and also workovers in four wells in the offshore Amistad natural gas field. Petroecuador produced 81pc of Ecuador's crude output of 484,499 b/d in May. By Alberto Araujo Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Shale to emerge leaner from M&A boom


Shale to emerge leaner from M&A boom

New York, 1 July (Argus) — The recent flurry of deals in the US shale patch is poised to deliver significant productivity gains, potentially offsetting a drilling slowdown and suggesting that it might well be a mistake to bet against the sector any time soon. Ownership of top shale basins, such as the Permian in west Texas and New Mexico, is increasingly falling into the hands of fewer but larger operators, with the necessary resources to chase technology breakthroughs and drive economies of scale that could support further output growth. The flood of deal-making comes as shale growth is likely to slow after defying all expectations last year. Even as acquirers look to fine-tune their combined portfolios and slow activity in favour of shareholder returns, they will still be targeting ever longer lateral wells that reduce the need for more rigs and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) crews. Fracking multiple wells at the same time and shifting to electric fleets will also help them become more efficient. All in all, shale could continue to be a thorn in Opec's side for years to come. Underestimate US shale at your peril was the title of a recent report from analysts at bank HSBC. "We expect the mergers and acquisitions to result in substantial capital efficiencies," they wrote. Concentrated operations have reduced inefficiencies in the supply chain, and the elimination of downtime has also helped producers become leaner, according to consultancy Wood Mackenzie. But costs remain 15-30pc higher than 2020-21 levels, suggesting scope for further improvements. And while efficiency gains will inevitably become exhausted at some point, opportunities to tackle unproductive processes might still crop up. "The will and the technology are there for some operators, who should be able to keep cutting capex while modestly growing and maintaining shareholder distributions for a while to come," Wood Mackenzie research director for the Lower 48 Maria Peacock says. ExxonMobil flagged $2bn in annual savings from its $64.5bn takeover of shale giant Pioneer, with two-thirds to come from improved resource recovery and the rest from efficiencies. Leading US independent ConocoPhillips says improved technology will help it extend its inventory of top-quality drilling locations in both the Eagle Ford and Bakken basins after its $22.5bn tie-up with Marathon Oil. Return to spender Productivity gains are hardly the preserve of firms that have been active participants in the $200bn of shale deals seen over the past year. For example, US independent EOG, which has sat out the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) boom so far, plans to deliver the same level of growth for this year as seen in 2023 with four fewer rigs and two fewer fracking fleets. "Technology has evolved so much that you can go and drill horizontal wells in these and exploit that technology and you can get just absolutely outstanding returns," chief operating officer Jeff Leitzell says. Still, almost half of oil and gas executives recently polled by the Dallas Federal Reserve think that US oil output will be "slightly lower" if consolidation continues over the next five years. But the answer differed by company size. All executives from E&P firms that produce 100,000 b/d or more envisaged "no impact". Service company executives are more concerned: "Consolidation by E&P firms has curtailed investment in exploration," one said. "Our hope is that it's a temporary situation that will work itself out as the integration is completed." And even though the prolific Permian basin is due to peak before the end of the decade, analysts forecast robust growth in the intervening years. Relatively high oil prices that remain above breakeven costs and efficiency gains — which will shift the mix of wells to newer and more productive ones — will be the main drivers, according to bank Goldman Sachs. By Stephen Cunningham US tight oil production Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Japan mulls seeking more gas-fired capacity in auction


Japan mulls seeking more gas-fired capacity in auction

Osaka, 1 July (Argus) — Japan is considering further adding to gas-fired power generation capacity through its long-term zero emissions power capacity auction, given forecasts of rising electricity demand with the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence. A working group under the trade and industry ministry Meti has proposed to look for an additional 4GW of gas-fired capacity over two fiscal years from April 2024-March 2026 via a clean power auction. This came after awarded gas-fired capacity reached 5.76GW in the first auction held in January , with the auction seeking about 6GW over three years. The second auction — which Tokyo plans to hold in January 2025 — could seek 2.24GW, including the remaining 0.24GW in the first auction, for 2024-25 and another 2GW for 2025-26 in a third auction, the working group suggested. It has also proposed to extend the period within which awarded gas-fired projects have to start operations to eight years from the previous six years, given current resource shortages at plant manufacturers. Japan has launched the auction system to spur investment in clean power sources by securing funding in advance to drive the country's decarbonisation towards 2050. This generally targets clean power sources — such as renewables, nuclear, storage battery, biomass, hydrogen and ammonia. But the scheme also applies to new power plants burning regasified LNG as an immediate measure to ensure stable power supplies, subject to a gradual switch from gas to cleaner energy sources. These measures will not necessarily lead to increased demand for LNG, as Japanese import demand for the fuel would further come under pressure from expanded use of renewables and nuclear power. But the power sector will have to secure enough capacity to meet peak demand, especially with power consumption by data centres and semiconductor producers expected to continue to increase. Japan's peak power demand in 2033-34 is forecast at 161GW, up from an estimated 159GW in 2024-25, as the country's digital push will more than offset the impact of falling population and further energy saving efforts, according to the nationwide transmission system operator Organisation for Cross-regional Co-ordination of Transmission Operator. By Motoko Hasegawa Send comments and request more information at feedback@argusmedia.com Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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