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ANP reduz mescla de etanol e biodiesel no RS

  • : Biofuels, Freight, Oil products
  • 24/05/06

A Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis (ANP) diminuiu, temporariamente, a mistura obrigatória de etanol e biodiesel no Rio Grande do Sul por 30 dias, a partir de 3 de maio, em meio a enchentes catastróficas no estado.

O mix de etanol anidro na gasolina caiu dos atuais 27pc para 21pc, enquanto o do biodiesel no diesel S10 está agora em 2pc, queda em relação à porcentagem vigente de 14pc.

Também de forma temporária, a agência suspendeu a necessidade de mistura para o diesel S500.

A ANP informou que pode revisar os prazos da medida dependendo das condições de abastecimento no estado.

As chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul bloquearam rodovias e ferrovias que transportam os biocombustíveis para centros de distribuição, como Esteio e Canoas.

O fornecimento de combustíveis fósseis pela ligação dutoviária da refinaria Alberto Pasqualini (Refap) às outras bases de distribuição do entorno não foi comprometido, afirmou a ANP.

As enchentes no estado já deixaram pelo menos 83 mortos e 111 desaparecidos, de acordo com o governo local. Mais de 23.000 pessoas tiveram que deixar suas casas e cerca de 330 cidades estão em situação de calamidade pública.

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Nigeria's port authority raises import tariffs

Nigeria's port authority raises import tariffs

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Экспортная пошлина на нефть в Казахстане в марте выросла


Экспортная пошлина на нефть в Казахстане в марте выросла

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Northwest European renewable fuel ticket prices rise


Northwest European renewable fuel ticket prices rise

London, 12 March (Argus) — The price of renewable fuel tickets in the UK and the Netherlands has firmed in recent trading sessions, but tickets remain a more competitive option to comply with domestic renewable fuel mandates than physical biofuels blending. Tickets are tradeable credits primarily generated by the sale of biofuel-blended fuels and are used to help obligated parties meet mandates for the use of renewable energy in transport. In the Netherlands, "other" and advanced renewable fuel units (HBE-Os and HBE-Gs) hit a more than three-week high of €11.10/GJ on 6 March, while in the UK, non-crop renewable transport fuel certificates (RTFCs) reached 26.25 pence/RTFC on 5 March, the highest level since 29 January. Despite the increase, RTFCs are at a discount to the like-for-like blend value of used cooking oil methyl esther (Ucome) biodiesel and hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) Class II ( see graph ). And in the Netherlands, HBE-Gs remain well below the like-for-like blend value of palm oil mill effluent (Pome) oil-based HVO (Class IV). This typically discourages obligated parties to physically blend biofuels. Biodiesel and HVO prices increased on higher feedstock costs, market participants said. The premiums of HVO Class II and IV against the HVO-escalated 7-28 day Ice gasoil price reached $800/m³ and $785/m³, respectively, on 7 March, the highest since 12 February. Meanwhile, the Argus Ucome biodiesel fob ARA price rose to $1,453.24/t on 4 March, its highest since 3 December. And last week, the Argus UCO fob ARA assessment hit its highest level since October 2022, driven by low supply in the ARA region and a stronger euro against the US dollar. A closed arbitrage with China, Europe's biggest importer of UCO, is putting further pressure on supply in the region, market participants said. UCO trade flows shifted away from Europe last year as significant amounts of Chinese product moved to the US at the expense of flows elsewhere. But there may be some relief for European buyers in 2025 as US buyers wait for clarity on the Inflation Reduction Act's carbon intensity-based 45Z credit. President Donald Trump's doubling of pre-existing tariffs on Chinese imports to the US to 20pc is yet to have an impact on the European market, although participants said it could put a ceiling on further price gains. SAF blending pressures HBE-IXBs HBE-IXB tickets — generated by blending biofuels made from feedstocks listed in Annex IX part B of the EU's Renewable Energy Directive — have been moving in the opposite direction. The Argus Netherlands HBE-IXB price softened to its lowest since October last year on 13 February, at €9.50/GJ (see graph) . It has since risen slightly, reaching €9.75/GJ on 11 March. The tickets are under pressure from stronger supply as some are being offered by sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) blenders, market participants said. Biofuels in aviation benefit from a 1.2x multiplier, in addition to the double counting rule for waste feedstocks. An EU-wide SAF mandate — ReFuelEU — came into effect on 1 January, replacing national obligations. Under the mandate, fuel suppliers will need to include 2pc SAF in their jet fuel deliveries in 2025, rising to 6pc in 2030. UCO-based hydrotreated esters and fatty acids synthesised paraffinic kerosine (HEFA-SPK) is the most common type of SAF available today. In the Netherlands, blending HEFA-SPK SAF into jet fuel can generate HBE-IXBs. But the Dutch ministry of infrastructure is consulting on its second draft to transpose the recast RED III . If the current draft is implemented, the Netherlands will introduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction mandates from 2026 for land, inland shipping and maritime shipping. The first draft also included an aviation subcategory, but it was removed in February . GHG-quota by blending less lucrative in Germany The increase in biodiesel and HVO prices in the ARA region has not had an impact on German GHG certificates. Buying GHG certificates remains more cost effective than physical blending for fuel suppliers. But market participants anticipate prices rising from the end of March, which could reverse this trend. Overall blending in Germany is expected to increase this year to generate new GHG tickets, after carry-over was frozen, forcing producers to build their GHG balance from scratch in order to fulfil their 2025 quotas. Many market participants remain focused on their 2024 balance for now, and demand for advanced biofuels and HVO in Germany has been slow so far this year. By Evelina Lungu Ucome and HVO Class II versus RTFCs p/litre Advanced FAME 0 versus German €/t CO2e Ucome and HVO Class II versus HBE-IXB €/GJ HVO Class IV versus HBE-G €/GJ Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Chevron to produce Group III+ base oils in US


Chevron to produce Group III+ base oils in US

London, 12 March (Argus) — Chevron said it will begin Group III+ base oils production in the US, becoming the first domestic producer of these grades in North America. The Group III+, named NEXBASE 4 XP, will be produced at Chevron's 25,000 b/d base oils plant in Pascagoula, Mississippi, from the fourth quarter of 2026. Chevron will join Malaysian state-owned Petronas and South Korean Producer SK Enmove as the only global producers of Group III+, and could compete with these for market share in North America. "NEXBASE 4 XP will be globally available, starting with hubs across Europe, which will help customers optimise supply logistics and costs," said Chevron base oils general manager Alicia Logan. Use of Group III+ base oils in premium grade lubricants is rising as equipment manufacturers seek to meet the latest engine approvals. The new production will add to Chevron's portfolio of Group II, Group II+ and Group III base oils. Chevron in 2022 acquired Finish refiner Neste's Group III business , including 250,000 t/yr of Group III nameplate capacity from Finland's 197,000 b/d Porvoo refinery and 180,000 t/yr or 45pc of base oil nameplate capacity from Bahrain's 262,000 b/d Sitra refinery through a joint-venture agreement with Bapco. By Gabriella Twining Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Houthis to resume attacks on Israeli ships in Red Sea


Houthis to resume attacks on Israeli ships in Red Sea

New York, 11 March (Argus) — Yemeni rebel group the Houthis today said it will resume attacks on "Israeli ships" passing through the Red Sea, following the group's 7 March warning that it would restart if humanitarian aid was not let into Gaza. The group paused its attacks on ships after a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza went into effect on 19 January. But now it will resume its "ban on the passage of all Israeli ships in the designated operations zones in the Red and Arabian sea, as well as Bab-al-Mandab strait and the Gulf of Aden," according to posts it made on social media sites X and Telegram. "Any Israeli ships attempting to violate this ban shall be targeted in the declared zones of operations," the group said. "This ban shall continue until crossing to the Gaza Strip are reopened and aid, food and medicine are allowed in." The group in a 7 March video had said it would resume attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea if humanitarian aid was not allowed into Gaza . "If the enemy continues, after four days, to stop humanitarian aid from entering the Gaza Strip, including food, medicine, then we will return to continuing our sea operations against the enemy," it said in the video. By Charlotte Bawol Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2025. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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