US judge halts 'pause' on LNG export licenses

  • : Emissions, Natural gas
  • 24/07/01

A federal judge in Louisiana has ordered President Joe Biden's administration to end its five-month-old "pause" on the approval process for new LNG export licenses until the resolution of a lawsuit by states that said the policy is unlawful.

The US Department of Energy (DOE) and other administration officials are immediately "enjoined and restrained" from "halting and/or pausing the approval process" for LNG export applications requesting licenses to export to countries without a free trade agreement with the US, federal district court judge James Cain wrote today.

DOE did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The court's ruling is a potential blow for the Biden administration, which had said it would need until the first quarter of 2025 — after the November elections — to finish a more thorough review of the economic and climate-related effects of fully licensing LNG terminals, beyond the 48 Bcf/d of US liquefaction capacity that is fully permitted today. DOE officials have cited concerns that licensing more LNG projects could end up increasing natural gas prices for consumers.

"So much has changed, including the volumes of what we're exporting," US deputy energy secretary David Turk said last week at a congressional hearing. "So we said, 'Let's take a step back, let's update our economic analysis."

Biden announced the LNG licensing pause in January, delighting climate groups that have argued that approving additional projects would amount to a "climate bomb." But the pause enraged gas industry officials that worried the pause could threaten investments in a set of projects that were nearing a final investment decision. The pause raised uncertainty on the status of LNG export projects that have yet to obtain licenses, including Venture Global's proposed 28mn t/yr CP2 project in Louisiana that last week cleared a key part of the federal permitting process.

The court's ruling does not explicitly require DOE to issue new LNG export licenses, or set an explicit deadline for the agency to take final action on pending applications. But the judge said that under the Natural Gas Act, DOE is required to act "expeditiously" once it receives an export application. Before Biden formally announced the pause, some LNG export applications were already subject to reviews that industry officials said amounted to a de facto freeze.

In the ruling, Cain said that Louisiana and other states that challenged the LNG licensing pause were likely to succeed on the merits in showing Biden's policy was arbitrary and capricious, in part because DOE failed to provide a "detailed explanation" for its halt of the approval process. Cain said that DOE had made a "complete reversal" from its position in July 2023, when it defended its licensing process in its rejection of a complaint from environmentalists.

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Reformed Australia safeguard scheme faces uncertainties

Reformed Australia safeguard scheme faces uncertainties

Canberra, 2 July (Argus) — Australia's reformed safeguard mechanism triggered more decarbonisation efforts in its first year, but key uncertainties need to be clarified to unlock bigger investments, delegates heard at a Carbon Market Institute (CMI) symposium in Canberra on 1 July. Settings are clear until 2030 but uncertainties over a few major factors beyond that year have been causing hesitation and blocking investments, market experts said. The mechanism became a 'declining baseline-and-credit' emissions trading scheme (ETS) from 1 July 2023 after a reform by the Labor government , which set a emission reduction target of 43pc by 2030 from 2005 levels after taking office in mid-2022. Figures from the first year under the reformed scheme, between 1 July 2023-30 June 2024, will only be known after facilities surrender their units ahead of the 1 April 2025 compliance deadline . The Australian government still needs to define the design of the cost containment reserve , under which safeguard facilities may access Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) held by the Clean Energy Regulator (CER) at a fixed price that started at A$75 ($50) in the 2023-24 fiscal year to 30 June and will be increased with inflation plus 2pc/yr. "On a fundamental basis, [the reserve] shouldn't be required to be triggered before 2027-28, but we do need price signals to unlock a new wave of investments and capitalise a whole new suite of projects that are not already banked," climate solutions and brokerage firm Core Markets' chief executive Chris Halliwell told delegates on 1 July. Uncertainty over baseline decline rate Under the reformed mechanism, facilities that emit more than 100,000t of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) in a fiscal year face declining baselines and need to surrender ACCUs or upcoming safeguard mechanism credits if their onsite abatement activities were not enough to keep their emissions below thresholds. The rate of decline was set at 4.9pc/yr from 2021-22 to 2029-30 and will be set in five-year blocks from 2030-31 onwards, in line with future updates to Australia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement, with later rates to be defined by 1 July 2027. The government disclosed an indicative decline rate of 3.285pc/yr in the safeguard rules from 2030-31 to 2049-50, said Australian carbon advisory company RepuTex's head of research Bret Harper. But that would mean "a less ambitious" rate than the existing one, even as Australia might set a much more ambitious emissions reduction target by 2035, Harper added. Uncertainty for trade-exposed facilities There is significant uncertainty and risk for so-called trade-exposed baseline adjusted facilities, which are typically smaller industrial participants that face a high risk of carbon leakage. Such facilities can apply for a discounted decline rate as low as 1pc/yr, but several of them do not know whether they will qualify, climate risk and energy transition consultancy Energetics' head of emissions quant David Kazmirowicz told delegates. He mentioned the example of one client, Victoria-based glass manufacturer Oceania Glass, which is the sole producer of float glass products in Australia. "All their competition comes from overseas and they are, putting it mildly, up in arms that there was a domestic policy mechanism triggered without an equivalent for overseas imports," he said. "This facility is looking at existential impacts where, I think, big players in the resource industry are potentially not." Australia has been looking at the possibility of introducing a carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), with a second consultation paper to be published in the "near future", said Australian National University professor Frank Jotzo, who has been leading the carbon leakage review. The first round of consultation showed strong "support for the principle of a CBAM", he added. By Juan Weik Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Australia’s safeguard credit selling interest unclear


Australia’s safeguard credit selling interest unclear

Canberra, 2 July (Argus) — There is buying interest in Australia's upcoming safeguard mechanism credits (SMCs), but selling interest has been scant so far, delegates heard at a Carbon Market Institute (CMI) symposium in Canberra on 1 July. The Clean Energy Regulator (CER) will start to issue SMCs from 2025 onwards to safeguard facilities that report scope 1 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions below their annual baselines, effectively introducing emissions allowances into the Australian carbon market. Each SMC will represent 1t of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) below the baseline of a facility, which will have the option to either hold it for future use or sell it to facilities that exceeded their thresholds. Facilities that overstep their baselines are required to buy and surrender one Australian Carbon Credit Unit (ACCU) or SMC for each excess 1t of CO2e, and will be penalised if they fail to do so. This means companies in need of units will have interest in buying SMCs, but there are doubts about selling interest, market experts said. "We hear lots of our clients aiming to go out there and buy SMCs, but very few who are going to generate them are willing to sell because they see them as a mechanism for hedging future risk," said sustainability advisory firm Anthesis' climate resilience and decarbonisation lead, Thomas Hodgson. Facilities will be allowed to hold an unlimited number of SMCs until 2030. They will be able to use the credits for safeguard compliance at any point up to that year — irrespective of when the SMCs are issued — but the Australian government has pledged to review post-2030 banking arrangements in the scheduled review of the safeguard mechanism in 2026-27, according to CMI. Climate risk and energy transition consultancy Energetics has been working with 10 clients that account for a combined 15mn t/yr of CO2e in Australia. But most of them were not currently looking at the opportunity of receiving SMCs in the near future, Energetics' head of emissions quant David Kazmirowicz said, highlighting a potentially limited credit issuance. Actual SMC transactions are only expected to pick up once the CER issues the first units in early 2025, when there will be more visibility on issuance volumes as well as selling and buying appetite. These below-baseline credits will be "a certificate to watch", said the regulator's principal economist Georgina Prasad. There will be advantages in banking SMCs for future liability, but several facilities likely to receive the credits are not expected to have any liability in the next several years, according to Australian carbon advisory company RepuTex's head of research Bret Harper. "So this is probably a prime opportunity for them to test the market and see if they can monetise those credits," he pointed out. SMCs are expected to trade at a discount to ACCUs as their use will be restricted to safeguard facilities, excluding them from voluntary and non-federal compliance demand, according to market participants. Safeguard volumes accounted for 75pc of all the nearly 1.2mn ACCU cancellations in the first quarter of 2024, according to latest CER data. Generic ACCU prices have ranged between A$33.75-34.60 ($22.50-23.05) in recent weeks. By Juan Weik Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Shale to emerge leaner from M&A boom


Shale to emerge leaner from M&A boom

New York, 1 July (Argus) — The recent flurry of deals in the US shale patch is poised to deliver significant productivity gains, potentially offsetting a drilling slowdown and suggesting that it might well be a mistake to bet against the sector any time soon. Ownership of top shale basins, such as the Permian in west Texas and New Mexico, is increasingly falling into the hands of fewer but larger operators, with the necessary resources to chase technology breakthroughs and drive economies of scale that could support further output growth. The flood of deal-making comes as shale growth is likely to slow after defying all expectations last year. Even as acquirers look to fine-tune their combined portfolios and slow activity in favour of shareholder returns, they will still be targeting ever longer lateral wells that reduce the need for more rigs and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) crews. Fracking multiple wells at the same time and shifting to electric fleets will also help them become more efficient. All in all, shale could continue to be a thorn in Opec's side for years to come. Underestimate US shale at your peril was the title of a recent report from analysts at bank HSBC. "We expect the mergers and acquisitions to result in substantial capital efficiencies," they wrote. Concentrated operations have reduced inefficiencies in the supply chain, and the elimination of downtime has also helped producers become leaner, according to consultancy Wood Mackenzie. But costs remain 15-30pc higher than 2020-21 levels, suggesting scope for further improvements. And while efficiency gains will inevitably become exhausted at some point, opportunities to tackle unproductive processes might still crop up. "The will and the technology are there for some operators, who should be able to keep cutting capex while modestly growing and maintaining shareholder distributions for a while to come," Wood Mackenzie research director for the Lower 48 Maria Peacock says. ExxonMobil flagged $2bn in annual savings from its $64.5bn takeover of shale giant Pioneer, with two-thirds to come from improved resource recovery and the rest from efficiencies. Leading US independent ConocoPhillips says improved technology will help it extend its inventory of top-quality drilling locations in both the Eagle Ford and Bakken basins after its $22.5bn tie-up with Marathon Oil. Return to spender Productivity gains are hardly the preserve of firms that have been active participants in the $200bn of shale deals seen over the past year. For example, US independent EOG, which has sat out the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) boom so far, plans to deliver the same level of growth for this year as seen in 2023 with four fewer rigs and two fewer fracking fleets. "Technology has evolved so much that you can go and drill horizontal wells in these and exploit that technology and you can get just absolutely outstanding returns," chief operating officer Jeff Leitzell says. Still, almost half of oil and gas executives recently polled by the Dallas Federal Reserve think that US oil output will be "slightly lower" if consolidation continues over the next five years. But the answer differed by company size. All executives from E&P firms that produce 100,000 b/d or more envisaged "no impact". Service company executives are more concerned: "Consolidation by E&P firms has curtailed investment in exploration," one said. "Our hope is that it's a temporary situation that will work itself out as the integration is completed." And even though the prolific Permian basin is due to peak before the end of the decade, analysts forecast robust growth in the intervening years. Relatively high oil prices that remain above breakeven costs and efficiency gains — which will shift the mix of wells to newer and more productive ones — will be the main drivers, according to bank Goldman Sachs. By Stephen Cunningham US tight oil production Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Japan mulls seeking more gas-fired capacity in auction


Japan mulls seeking more gas-fired capacity in auction

Osaka, 1 July (Argus) — Japan is considering further adding to gas-fired power generation capacity through its long-term zero emissions power capacity auction, given forecasts of rising electricity demand with the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence. A working group under the trade and industry ministry Meti has proposed to look for an additional 4GW of gas-fired capacity over two fiscal years from April 2024-March 2026 via a clean power auction. This came after awarded gas-fired capacity reached 5.76GW in the first auction held in January , with the auction seeking about 6GW over three years. The second auction — which Tokyo plans to hold in January 2025 — could seek 2.24GW, including the remaining 0.24GW in the first auction, for 2024-25 and another 2GW for 2025-26 in a third auction, the working group suggested. It has also proposed to extend the period within which awarded gas-fired projects have to start operations to eight years from the previous six years, given current resource shortages at plant manufacturers. Japan has launched the auction system to spur investment in clean power sources by securing funding in advance to drive the country's decarbonisation towards 2050. This generally targets clean power sources — such as renewables, nuclear, storage battery, biomass, hydrogen and ammonia. But the scheme also applies to new power plants burning regasified LNG as an immediate measure to ensure stable power supplies, subject to a gradual switch from gas to cleaner energy sources. These measures will not necessarily lead to increased demand for LNG, as Japanese import demand for the fuel would further come under pressure from expanded use of renewables and nuclear power. But the power sector will have to secure enough capacity to meet peak demand, especially with power consumption by data centres and semiconductor producers expected to continue to increase. Japan's peak power demand in 2033-34 is forecast at 161GW, up from an estimated 159GW in 2024-25, as the country's digital push will more than offset the impact of falling population and further energy saving efforts, according to the nationwide transmission system operator Organisation for Cross-regional Co-ordination of Transmission Operator. By Motoko Hasegawa Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

Denmark to launch carbon tax on agriculture from 2030


Denmark to launch carbon tax on agriculture from 2030

Dalby, 1 July (Argus) — The Denmark coalition government has introduced the world's first carbon emissions tax on agriculture, which will take effect from 2030. The agreement was reached on 24 June after five months of negotiations between the Government of Denmark, the Danish Agriculture and Food Council, the Danish Society for Nature Conservation, the Confederation of Danish Industry, Danish trade union NNF that organises workers within the domestic slaughterhouse and meat industry, and association Local Government Danish. Farmers will have to pay 120 Danish kroner/t ($17.30/t) of emitted CO2 equivalent from livestock from 2030, rising to DKr300 from 2035 onwards. Revenues from the tax will be channelled back to the sector and reinvested into green initiatives, climate technology, and production transformation, targeting agricultural sectors facing the most difficulty transitioning, according to the British Agriculture Bureau (BAB). Copenhagen is a significant exporter of pork and dairy, and agriculture is currently expected to account for 46pc of emissions by 2030. Experts believe the carbon tax will cut these emissions by 1.8mn t in 2030, its first year of operations, enabling Denmark to meet its target of cutting 70pc of its total emissions by that year, according to BAB. Resistant farmers have brought traffic to a standstill in European capitals several times this year, in protests for EU leaders to remove rules designed to clean up the agriculture sector. New Zealand in late 2023 delayed the introduction of a proposed tax on cow emissions which was set to start at the end of 2025, but the newly elected New Zealand government in June cancelled the plan to tax livestock producers on methane production. The then New Zealand government had forecast the levy would have reduced the amount of methane released by livestock into the atmosphere by as much as 47pc by 2050, without disclosing the baseline year. By Jessica Clarke Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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