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UK parliament approves SAF mandate from 2025

  • Spanish Market: Biofuels, E-fuels, Electricity, Hydrogen, Oil products
  • 06/11/24

The UK parliament has approved the proposed sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) mandate that will come into effect on 1 January, 2025.

Obligated suppliers will have to deliver a 2pc share of SAF in 2025, increasing to 10pc in 2030, 15pc in 2035 and 22pc in 2040. The obligation will remain at 22pc from 2040 "until there is greater certainty regarding SAF supply".

The obligation arises at the point at which a supplier's jet fuel can be supplied only to UK aviation.

Hydrotreated esters and fatty acids (HEFA) SAF can be used to meet 100pc of SAF demand in 2025 and 2026, but will be capped at 71pc in 2030 and 35pc in 2040. An obligation for Power-to-Liquid (PtL) SAF will be introduced from 2028 at 0.2pc of total jet fuel demand, rising to 0.5pc in 2030 and 3.5pc in 2040.

Buy-out mechanisms will be set at the equivalent of £4.70/l ($6.10/l) and £5.00/l ($6.50/l) for the main and PtL obligations, respectively.

"It is projected that, between 2025 and 2040, the SAF mandate could deliver up to 25mn t of SAF, securing a saving of up to 54mn t of carbon dioxide", said transport minister John Hendy.

The UK confirmed on 17 July it will introduce the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (Revenue Support Mechanism) bill to support SAF production. The government previously said it aims to introduce the mechanism, which will be industry funded, by the end of 2026.

"Together with the SAF mandate, [the mechanism] will give the investment community confidence to invest in these novel and innovative technologies", Hendy said.

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German stakeholders doubt power plant strategy passing


German stakeholders doubt power plant strategy passing

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КМГ планирует производить SAF в Казахстане


КМГ планирует производить SAF в Казахстане

Riga, 3 December (Argus) — Госнефтехолдинг Казмунайгаз (КМГ) рассматривает возможность производства экологически чистого авиационного топлива SAF в Казахстане. Казмунайгаз — Аэро, дочерняя компания КМГ, заключила рамочное соглашение с казахстанской BioOperations о совместной реализации проекта по SAF, сообщил холдинг в ноябре. SAF в Казахстане планируется производить по технологии ATJ (Alcohol-to-Jet), учитывая наличие биоэтанола, производимого BioOperations на заводе в Северо-Казахстанской области. BioOperations экспортирует биоэтанол в европейские страны, доставляя около 3,5 тыс. т/месяц продукта по железной дороге из Казахстана в латвийский порт Лиепая. Начало выпуска SAF в Казахстане прогнозируется примерно в 2027 — 2030 гг., после того как крупные НПЗ перейдут на производство авиатоплива Jet A-1. Ежегодный объем выпуска SAF, как ожидается, превысит 50 тыс. т/год. Использование SAF возможно только при смешивании с авиатопливом Jet A-1. На сегодня все три крупных НПЗ готовы к производству авиакеросина Jet A-1. Для перехода на использование этого вида авиатоплива необходимо провести подготовку по международным стандартам всей авиационной инфраструктуры, от НПЗ до крыла самолета, включая хранение, транспортировку и процесс заправки. КМГ может в течение месяца перейти на выпуск Jet A-1 с нынешних РТ и ТС-1, — сообщил отраслевой источник. Потенциальное сотрудничество в производстве SAF в Казахстане обсуждается между лицензиарами технологий, производителями SAF и его потребителями, частным бизнесом и госкомпаниями. Ранее КМГ заключил меморандумы о сотрудничестве с LanzaJet — разработчиком технологии получения SAF из этанола и французской Axens. ________________ Больше ценовой информации и аналитических материалов о рынках нефти и нефтепродуктов стран Каспийского региона и Центральной Азии — в еженедельном отчете Argus Рынок Каспия . Вы можете присылать комментарии по адресу или запросить дополнительную информацию Copyright © 2024. Группа Argus Media . Все права защищены.

French government faces no confidence vote


French government faces no confidence vote

London, 2 December (Argus) — The French government could be set to fall within days, leaving its energy programme up in the air, after far-right party Rassemblement National (RN) declared it would launch a vote of no confidence. Prime minister Michel Barnier today announced he would use a parliamentary manoeuvre to push through a budget for the social security system without a vote. Since his nomination in September, Barnier has been attempting to achieve consensus on state budgets for 2025, while lacking a majority in the parliament. Left-wing and right-wing groups responded to today's move by promising to launch motions of no confidence. The RN had previously tacitly supported Barnier, preserving him in office as he prepares the budget, which must be finished before the end of the year. A successful vote of no confidence on 4 December at the earliest would require 289 deputies, a majority of the national assembly, to vote in favour. A previous confidence vote on 8 October garnered 197 in favour, falling short. But the 121 RN deputies supported the government on that occasion, and their switch to the opposition could provide enough votes for the measure to pass. If the government falls, no new parliamentary elections can be held until June. President Emmanuel Macron could name a new prime minister, but this appointee would not have a majority either. And left- and right-wing groups have called on him to resign and trigger new presidential elections. If the budget does not pass, the government's energy programme could be delayed or ignored. A potential way forward out of the budget deadlock could be to pass a special budget law, which would carry forward measures already in place this year, extending them for a month at a time until a permanent budget can be voted through. Changes which could not go forward in this situation could include a mooted increase to the tax on electricity — taking it up to roughly €30/MWh from 1 February 2025, from current levels of €21-21.50/MWh. Others include changes planned to subsidies for domestic energy efficiency measures and electric vehicles. By Rhys Talbot Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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