Argus Middle East fob ammonia
The Argus Middle East fob ammonia assessment is a key price across the Middle East and east Asia. Argus publishes this price on a weekly basis, inclusive of shipments loading from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE and Oman, and also considers netbacks from price movements in key cfr export markets.
Price assessment details
What are the advantages of the Argus Middle East fob ammonia price assessment?
The Middle East is one of the top three ammonia production regions in the world and recognised as a key benchmark of global sentiment. Middle East suppliers serve the largest ammonia import markets in India, South Korea, Taiwan and China, exporting over 3mn tonnes a year of spot and contract tonnage. This price is widely referenced in spot negotiations and also used by contract buyers both in formula-based agreements and as a benchmark price level for contract negotiations.
How is this assessment used?
The price is widely referenced by suppliers, traders and importers alike as it is an important indicator for the wider ammonia market east of Suez.
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