Argus Ammonia Analytics
Argus Ammonia Analyticsは業界をリードするクリーンアンモニアと在来型アンモニアのマーケットインテリジェンスを提供します。このサービスには、供給、需要、取引、価格に関する15年間の予測を含む四半期ごとのレポートとデータ、および25年間の価格予測(長期限界費用分析に基づく)を含む長期的な年間レポートが含まれます。
- ビジネスプラン策定: 中長期的な市場動向と見通しについて、業界をリードする確かで実用的なインサイト
- 事業リスクの軽減: 潜在的な規制、政策変更、市場ファンダメンタルズの課題に関する最新情報の入手
- 包括的な市場データへのアクセス: リサーチとプランニングを支援する広範な生データを探索し、データをモデルに統合
- 新たなビジネスチャンス発見: 当社独自のデータセットとエキスパートの知見により、今後の機会を特定
Key features

Price forecasts: 15-years and 25-years
Quarterly 15-year and 25-year forecasts are provided for ammonia benchmark prices, including Middle East fob, Pivdenny fob, Baltic fob, USG/Caribbean fob, Tampa cfr, Far East cfr ex. Taiwan, India cfr, North Africa cfr, NW Europe cfr Excl. duty, NW Europe cfr Incl. duty, Southeast Asia fob Incl. Australia

Supply, demand and trade forecasts: 15-years
Quarterly 15-year forecasts and in-depth analysis is provided for ammonia supply, demand and trade. This includes ammonia capacity projects trackers, crop prices analysis and trade analysis focused on key countries and regions. Short and medium-term ammonia supply/demand balance included.

Cost curves
The service includes Argus traded supply curves for the previous year, current year and 5 years ahead (fob basis) for all key ammonia plants, updated quarterly. A unique, interactive online cost curve tool to analyse and interrogate cost curve data is included.

Clean ammonia: Analysis and outlook
The service includes industry-leading analysis and outlook for the clean ammonia sector. We provide Levelised Cost of Ammonia (LCOA) and Long-run ammonia pricing to 2050, and include demand modelling and forecast to 2050 for all end-use sectors, with regional breakouts. 15-year capacity forecasts are included (blue and green ammonia), as well as in-depth project analysis and tracker. Cost analysis employing LRMC is used for key cost factors (e.g. onshore and offshore wind, renewable generators, electrolysers).

Projects: Grey, blue and green ammonia
The service includes quarterly updates of our comprehensive grey, blue and green ammonia project trackers. We also include in-depth new and refreshed project reviews including analysis of access to resources, markets and capital, financial review, 25-year cash flow forecast and analysis and policy/regulatory insight

Best-in-class methodology
Our key methodologies include our demand forecasting model based on calorie and crop forecasts to guide our view of future fertilizer consumption and our Long-Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) multi-factor model to assess the level of prices beyond the current investment cycle

Costs/inputs analysis and forecasts
The service includes quarterly analysis and forecast of European natural gas markets, crude markets and capital cost inflation

Quarterly reports
Narrative and graphical analysis of what is driving the ammonia market and how it is likely to evolve, ensuring you will be more confident in making critical decisions. Includes key insight on supply, demand, costs, trade and projects, with 15-year forecasts for supply, demand and prices

Annual long-term report
Detailed, long-form analysis of all the historical and long-term trends in both the clean ammonia and conventional ammonia space. Use the report to reveal the connections between underlying market drivers and use these insights to develop more robust strategies. Includes 25-year price forecast based on Long Run Marginal Cost (LRMC) analysis
Customers that benefit
Subscribers of the service include: New entrants to the market such as energy players/utilities and players active in the shipping and marine fuels market, fertilizer producers, industrial users of ammonia (such as ACN, caprolactam and mining-grade AN), trading companies, importers and distributors, buying agencies, financial institutions, logistics companies, co-operatives, government agencies and associations around the world. Below are examples of clients that use this service:
Producers and suppliers
Energy and utilities companies
Shipping and port authorities
Procurement teams
Industry analysts
Financial institutions including bankers and investors
Co-ops and retailers
Product specifications