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Iraq to revive national oil company by 1Q22

  • : Crude oil
  • 20/10/20

Iraq's reconstituted national oil company Inoc will be operational by early 2022, more than 30 years after it was broken up under Saddam Hussein's regime, according to oil minister Ihsan Ismael.

"By the third quarter of 2021 or first quarter of 2022, we will see Inoc leading the upstream industry in Iraq," Ismael told the Iraq Petroleum virtual conference today. Inoc's revival will be "positive" for the sector as a whole, including international oil firms operating in the country, as it will help speed up and facilitate processes, Ismael said.

Iraq's parliament has yet to approve an amended law to re-establish the firm, but Ismael has taken on the role of heading Inoc in addition to his existing duties as oil minister. Inoc was broken up into a number of regional companies by Saddam Hussein's regime in 1987 as a way of increasing direct government control over the oil industry. These regional firms have since operated under the umbrella of the oil ministry.

Parliament voted in March 2018 to re-establish Inoc amid tensions between Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) over the federal budget. But Iraq's federal supreme court ruled in January last year that a number of articles of the law to revive the national oil company were unconstitutional. These related to revenues, profits, distribution and provincial rights.

The oil ministry is in discussions with a consultancy about the scope of Inoc's authority, and there is a change in the law to make it workable, Ismael said. Inoc will function as a single entity separate from the oil ministry and will oversee all of Iraq's oil-producing regions, including the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region in the north of the country. Its advocates say it will smooth the relationship between federal and local governments by separating the oil sector from political influence and by ensuring the fair distribution of wealth among Iraqi constituencies, which have competing demands.

Tension between Baghdad and Erbil has deteriorated recently over Opec+ crude production cuts and budget allocations. The division of Iraq's cuts under the latest Opec+ agreement was "not done properly", Ismael said. Baghdad has cut around 1mn b/d of crude output from southern regions including Basrah and Nasiriya, and around 100,000 b/d from Kirkuk in northern Iraq, but there has been "no real cut" from the Kurdistan region, Ismael said.

Under the Opec+ agreement, Iraq pledged to reduce its crude production by 1.06mn b/d in May-July and by 849,000 b/d in August-December from an October 2018 baseline of 4.65mn b/d.

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Mideast crisis puts Iran’s energy facilities at risk


Mideast crisis puts Iran’s energy facilities at risk

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But if they decide to take Kharg offline, we're talking about a hit of around 1.5mn b/d to its export capacity." Knock-on effects When Iran was struggling to sell its oil because of sanctions the US imposed in 2018, it had upwards of 60mn-70mn bl in floating storage. But these have fallen to just shy of 40mn bl, which would only sustain exports of about 1.3mn b/d for a month, Azizian noted. Iran has onshore storage, but many of the biggest tanks are at Kharg, which could be at risk of damage should the terminal be targeted. An attack on Kharg Island would strike at the heart of the Iranian economy, given how big a chunk of Iran's foreign exchange revenues come from the sale of its oil. Nearly all Iran's exports are absorbed by refiners in China's Shandong province. But the effect of potentially removing 1.5mn b/d from global supply would be felt far beyond Iran and China, as global markets would be forced to adapt. 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The US would be hard pressed to again guarantee the security of key oil infrastructure facilities across the region. The tepid initial US response to a 2019 attack on Saudi state-controlled Aramco's Abqaiq complex and to a 2022 attack on UAE energy facilities prompted regional producers to consider Washington's military security guarantee as falling short. Kpler senior oil analyst Homayoun Falakshahi sees the the probability of an attack on Kharg Island as low, given China's relations with Israel and Iran. "I imagine China will put as much pressure on Israel not to target Iran's exports," Falakshahi said. Refining plans Alternatively, Israel could opt to target one or more of Iran's 10 oil refineries or condensate splitters that are largely concentrated in the west of the country. Discussion at an industry conference in Fujairah this week about a possible Israeli retaliation centred on Iran's largest refinery, the recently expanded 630,000 b/d capacity Abadan in Khuzestan province. Targeting Abadan was seen as a less provocative move, while still providing a warning to Tehran that energy installations are ‘in play' and hitting Iran's domestic products supply. A hit to Abadan would be significant, but not impossible to navigate for Iran, according to Falakshahi, who notes it produces mostly fuel oil, a product primarily consumed domestically with some exported to Fujairah in the UAE, China and Singapore, among other destinations. Abadan produces other products such as gasoline, which Iran has recently had to begin importing again to meet demand, but output is only enough to meet around 12-13pc of consumption. "It will primarily impact the local market, but little else," Falakshahi said. "But not to the same extent as if, say, the 360,000 b/d Persian Gulf Star condensate splitter was targeted, as that alone delivers enough to meet around 20-25pc of local gasoline demand." Gasoline is a politically-sensitive issue in Iran, with even minor changes in the price of the road fuel sometimes sparking charged demonstrations and riots. More than 200 people were killed in riots in November 2019 triggered by a sudden cut to subsidies that resulted in a sharp increase in gasoline prices. Israel has so far not given any public hints as to when it plans to retaliate or how. But with tensions in the region already at the highest they have been for some years, Iran will be on high alert, and upping security where it can. A trading source told Argus that Iran's state-owned NIOC has in recent days moved many of its empty tankers away from Kharg Island. By Nader Itayim Iran’s oil refineries and terminals Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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Экспортная пошлина на нефть в Казахстане в октябре снизилась

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Dockworkers end US port strike


Dockworkers end US port strike

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US light vehicle sales surged in September


US light vehicle sales surged in September

Houston, 3 October (Argus) — Domestic sales of light vehicles rebounded in September, increasing to a seasonally adjusted rate of 15.8mn on the strength of greater truck purchases. Sales of light vehicles — trucks and cars — rose from a seasonally adjusted annual of rate 15.3mn in August, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported today. Sales have whipsawed the previous four months, but September's rate largely was in line with the 15.7mn unit rate in September 2023. The US Federal Reserve last month cut its target rate for the first time since 2020, bringing it down by 50 basis points from its 23-year highs as inflation has been easing. Lower inflation and Fed easing, which ripples across credit markets, make it more affordable for people to purchase new vehicles. Fed policymakers have penciled in another 150 basis points worth of cuts through 2025, as they hope to head off any weakening in the labor market that could scuttle the wider economy. Higher overall sentiment about the US economy, fueled by a robust 3pc growth in gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter, healthy labor conditions and consumer spending also have encouraged consumers to spend. Sequentially, light truck sales increased by 3.1pc to a 12.8mn unit rate in September, while sales of cars rose by 4.4pc to a 3mn unit rate in the same time period. By Alex Nicoll Send comments and request more information at Copyright © 2024. Argus Media group . All rights reserved.

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